Where on Planet Earth, among the twenty-seven ‘Mansions of the Moon’ and their diverse parallel worlds, do you reside, and what can you do to improve your own station in life as well as others’ who exist in our Parallel Worlds?
To understand the concept of the “Parallel Worlds of the Moon”, one must understand the axiom that ‘Worlds’ are not ‘Earths’, but are, in fact, to use a writing definition, antonyms in opposition to one another. Humans create their own worlds while earths and other celestial bodies are a part of the physical universe. In other words we ‘exist’ on the Earth but we are only a ‘part’ of its Worlds. We are individual parts of the known Universe. ~llaw

LLAW’s WORLDS is dedicated to the Feminine Way, to the collective unconditional creative love and powers of the Universal Goddess pantheon, to Sophia the Goddess of Wisdom, and to my own fictional semi-fantasy ‘Moon Shadows‘ tales of today’s mythical worlds that I call “Sophy’s War: Parallel Worlds of the Moon“. The parallel worlds are a divergent and dangerous variety of sometimes connected, sometimes separated, both in time and space, yet always uniquely related modern earthly multi-worlds, eerily similar to those we inhabit in our own familiar paradigms of reality or existence. These diverse and often adverse Worlds are defended, protected, and nurtured by Sophy and her hand-picked pantheon of both transcendent and intensely earthy immanent demi-goddesses and their recruited mortal, mostly femme, friends from all around Planet Earth where Mankind is only an interstellar inbred involuntary but mandatory visitor interrelated and intertwined with Earth-Goddess Gaia and all Her naturally precious native flora and fauna.
Mankind is responsible for helping and coordinating Mother Nature create better realms of the Parallel Worlds where all living entities of every kind can prosper and enjoy a united world of Felicity filled with peace, comfort, tranquility, and collective unconditional love.
The grim reality is that Mankind is doing a deplorably dismal job for Mother Nature.
Welcome to
Sophy’s War: The Parallel Worlds of the Moon
Lloyd Albert Williams’ multi-faceted website is a dank and dark, partly cloudy, but hopeful, pre-dystopian liberalist opinion place dedicated to advocating today for a better, more environmentally and socially friendly, multi-world of global peace, freedom, and unity instead of the obvious alternative.
Page Descriptions & Menu Links

In Posts I report and editorialize on current domestic and world affairs and events that I feel have significant impacts relating to patriarchal hubris and misogyny, feminine equality, politics, foreign affairs, economics, humanitarianism (including protecting our flora and fauna), as well as a myriad of global ecological, environmental, and educational issues that seem important or critical to a better future for our country and the world, and why I think so. These concerns are the heart and soul of the entire body of my writings, all of which also live deep in the body of my own soul, heart and mind. ~llaw
LLAW’s Books

Recently added to my Books “to do” list is a non-fictional title (a first for me). You can read more about that a few paragraphs down. Next on the list is a series of eight to ten (the “Moon Shadows” novels may have to be broken into two novels each because of their length), and one novel (the last) is in progress for last minute, creative “crystal ball”, kinds of reasons) all loosely related to present-day feministic science fiction/fantasy pre-dystopian novels involving powerful transcendent goddess and their young immanent ‘demi-goddesses’ along with their disparate mortal male and female recruits who take on the Great Patriarchy in wide-ranging confrontational efforts to save the world from dictatorially authoritarian totalitarianism. The novels are collectively called “Sophy’s War: The Parallel Worlds of the Moon” with individual titles. For a synopsis of these serial novels and others in progress, click or press on the Books link provided here.
Also, I am diligently working, whenever I am healthy enough, on a new novel, draft titled “The Mormon Girl”, concerning the modern era of cultural, religious/political patriarchy and how historical male-driven theological doctrine is socially, economically, and politically unisexually self-serving and how such Draconian self-anointed beliefs dominate, diminish, and restrict one young Mormon girl’s (EveryWoman’s) sometimes heartbreaking and violent struggle to pursue a life of happiness, equality and freedom in today’s anarchic male-dominated world.
Finally, I have begun serious research on my first extensive work of journalistic non-fiction, disguised for now as fiction until it is published, about the immense dangers of nuclear energy production and those particular power plants as they relate to the reality of adversarial cyber attacks, including strategic power grids where nuclear energy is generated along with coal, oil and gas generation and distribution, especially as possible strategic warfare weapons of mass destruction and halting all power to locations that depend on a grid in times of war — especially cyber war. If nuclear power plants can be held hostage, then all grid generated power from whatever source can be held hostage. I have recently posted a blog article here concerning my fears about this vital problem with nuclear energy and its vulnerability to such lethal attacks, titled “Nuclear Power Plants and Their Relevance to Nuclear War“. The draft title of the book is fittingly called “El Nuclear Diablo” after California’s only remaining nuclear power plant at Diablo Canyon, owned by the infamous Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), built on shaky geologically-faulted ground in the late 1970s, presently scheduled for closure in 2025. Let’s hope nothing untoward happens there between now and then. By PG&E standards, 2025 is a millennia away from worrying about. In their view of reality, Nuclear energy and warfare is a race against CO2 and global warming to see where the ultimate ‘Sixth’ Extinction ultimately comes from.

Stories & Poems

In Stories & Poems I relate interesting and exciting segments from various chapters in my books or from memorable personal experiences during my life. Those excerpts from my novels will usually be inspirational or motivational tales inspired by a new breed of nubile wonder women, mostly of a wild and wily precocious and promiscuous independent nature coupled with unflinching courage, unwavering confidence and personal self-regard with a unique sense of values that, in some parallel world to our own, or maybe even in our own or one of yours, will help to make this world and its mansions of the moon a better place–a utopia of love, equality, openness and freedom where everyone can experience the felicity of life while communing in a united multi-dimensional parallel global worlds.

Amy’s Worlds!
Coming Soon!
Click or Tap on link above or on Amy’s photo below to see Preview
Amy’s Own Personal Page Debuts in January!
Hello Worlds!

And then there is Hello Worlds!, a place that is kind of like a message board or forum where I post more personal issues such as changes or additions to this site, updating subscribers on upcoming events, sending alerts on updated stories, or even to wish someone well on a special occasion or send greetings on holidays.
Image Galleries

Galleries (coming soon) are loosely themed images that are related to earthly places, people, artwork, or other interesting subjects. I will build these galleries over time, beginning with “American West” themes based on Basins & Ranges, Deserts, and its living creatures and people, including pictorial essays of its flora and fauna, Wildlife, Native Americans, and cowboys and dudes, plus the cowgirls and beach bunnies of our far-better-sex showing off their own natural beauty, creative and playful lives, and their feminine wiles and ways.
About LLAW

About LLAW is a brief self-biography of my life and background, with a bit of personal melancholy without the details and my undying hope for the future of an ongoing inhabitable Earth, her kingdoms great and small with humanity thrown in because we’re here and I’ve never stopped wondering why. I’ve done my best to portray the real me in just a few words.