Thank you for visiting llaw’s West Wind, Lloyd Albert Williams’ politically and socially liberal blogging website with a broad base of issues all dedicated to “advocating today for a better world tomorrow.”
Since the first of July until September of 2018, and again from February to May of this year, the site has been embroiled in the rigorous travails of construction, development and cosmetic polishing with a lot of downtime. The website remains a workof love, but also a challenge, and except for what I hope is a solution for the downtime, it may continue to be a challenge because we would never want it to get routine, stale and stagnant. I am happy to say that I have finally reached a second milestone in that the website is now virtually fully functional once again after a period of technical issues, now resolved by some creative workarounds–like removing a dysfunctional interactive Home Page that since late January would not stop intermittently displaying the wrong website–after some technical difficulties with my web hosting provider.
And soon, as I had planned to do several months ago, I will be looking for like-minded writers, artists, photographers, and other contributors and subscribers who may want to post their thoughts, products or creations and demonstrate their talents here, or perhaps who just enjoy the blog’s platform(s). But first I will have to write a set of guidelines and a manifesto of purpose(s)
All this means that I will be able to use the website for its original intended purposes rather than its early life as a construct in progress. Improvements and expansion will always be a part of the site, of course, but at least now I will be doing the things I like and love the most, and that includes verbally battling against all the political cronyism, conspiracies, corruption, collusion and covert crime that has put America and the world in a dangerous and desperate situation that threatens our very social fabric as civilized human beings.
And then there is Gaia’s world to advocate for because Mother Earth is our only home in the cosmos and we humans are ravaging Her once pristine habitat to the point that we, right along with our fauna and flora friends, may soon no longer be able to survive, much less thrive, on such a polluted planet. There are already huge ocean dead zones along many coastlines, particularly in America and Europe where no sea life can survive, and certainly pandemic environmental death is firmly affixed on dry land as well. We all have an obligation to protect the natural environment that was gifted to us so long ago in the latter stages of creation. Yet we, the intellectual ones, are demeaning, damaging, despoiling, and even destroying the only home we have. We call it progress, but it is really just mankind’s parasitic gluttony and greed. Extinction is not a pretty thing, and it is sad that we seem to forever fail to learn from our mistakes of the past. When we become too much for Mother Earth to be comfortable with, She will shake off this human parasitic blight suckling at her breast like water off a shaggy dog.
In 1839 Edward Bulwer-Lytton said ,”The pen is mightier than the sword.” Well, we shall see. The 4th Estate is under an overt full frontal brutal attack by the 4th Reich in America and other countries, and I, for one, am here to help fight for the cause of common human rights. The court of public opinion will be the final judge in this fascistic authoritarianism rampage of chaos and anarchy that may be the most serious issue to ever threaten the concept of democracy and freedom as well as our virulent environment.
Stay tuned, my friends. Speak freely and firmly, then write and post, imploring all the world to hear and read what you have to say in order to slay the power of those who live by the sword. ~llaw (updated May 5, 2019)