”End Nuclear Insanity Before Nuclear Insanity Ends Humanity

NOV 30, 2023
Google failed to email my personal “All Things Nuclear” news daily recap today. I have not been able to find out what caused it to fail. This is the second time in 466 days that my customized nuclear directed news has failed. The last time I was forced to reinput my data requirements to specify by category in the order and format that I wanted to receive on a daily basis. To put my feelings bluntly, I am thoroughly disgusted that such failures occur, no matter the reason or excuse.
So this will be a much abbreviated Post. I am adding today’s issue of “The Bulletin” newsletter, which contains some interesting stories that are important to today’s “All Things Nuclear” world. Hopefully, my full-fledged “All Things Nuclear” Posts will return tomorrow. ~llaw
To fill a little space, I am adding a couple pages of the quite long Preface to a novel I have been working on from time to time in “my spare time”. It is an introduction to what might happen, especially to knowledgeable nuclear scientists and their families, although I am only presenting a preview of the material that may give you some idea of the beginning efforts from the California, British Coast, and Alaska in order to begin whatever is left to salvage across the United States, Canada, and parts of Mexico. (There is also an interesting edition of “The Bulleting of Atomic Scientists” concerning nuclear risk, climate change, substituting for the normal current categorized news. and disruptive technologies like AI. ~llaw
The snippet from the Preface to my in progress novel “
El Nuclear Diablo
“Let the Bastards Freeze to Death in the Dark”
~Nuclear Industry Quote after the 3-Mile Island nuclear accident in 1979, directed at concerned Scientists, worried citizens, and public protesters
By Lloyd Albert Williams-Pendergraft
Juneau, Alaska
Spring, 2026
Does it really matter who, exactly, is to blame, or why humankind is savagely devouring the native resources of planet Earth until there soon will be nothing left but lichenless barren rocks, the salty seas, countless grains of sand, and a poisonous atmosphere? It ought to be not enough to just know it is a critical unvarnished ugly truth. The question should be more like, “When will it happen and is there no way out of it?” Should it not?
I can only wonder if highly intelligent, but virulent, forms of our human species have, for countless eons, long traveled through the universal cosmos continually seeking, finding, and lavishly consuming, ultimately ravaging the natural resources, the flora and the fauna, devasting the environments of this and other living rich blue-green planets also once full of fossil fuels and innocent living resources similar to Earth’s in order to ensure and serve their own survival at the expense of all else in their way. Obviously, we are the only species on this planet who rape and ravage the earth with such savagely uncontrolled vigor on such a large scale. We are the ultimate u ultimate fungus, the ultimate lethal mushrooms. And I have to also wonder if there are not multiple, or at least two species of us.
Not to ridicule Darwin at all, but does his theory of evolution, based on studies of inbreeding pigeons and chickens, really make much sense to you in this context? Does it not seem to you that we humans may be collectively aggressively demanding, ruthless, impolite, unwelcome extra-terrestrial galaxy-trotting invaders doing our parasitic thing here on Earth rather than a native natural-born integral integrated key part of our indigenous homo-sapiens and the native animal population—as Darwin would have us believe? What about the Octopus, sir?
Could it be possible we or they are simply biologically genetically patterned to look and act like homo sapiens? Or perhaps vice versa? At least some of us? Maybe even a whole lot of us? How do we know the difference between the real human beings and genetically altered or cloned ones? Which one am I? Which one are you? Do any of us know? I use the terms “we”, “us” or “our” and “they”, or “them”, or “their“ interchangeably here because in this context I don’t know who or what I am—an “us” or a “them”.
I just know that I am extremely uncomfortable with our or their willfully passionate desire to destroy everything on the planet for personal power, wealth, and a life of comfort at the expense of the rest of us or them. I don’t know about you, but it sure seems to be that way to me, so that’s why I consider myself to be an us.
At the very least we need to consider the possibility of at least one species of them and one of us. The only way we will ever know who we really are is through our unfettered natural mindful emotions—our feelings of love, care, and respect for Planet Earth, ourselves, and all her fauna and flora—or, conversely, our unnatural lack of those emotions or feelings. Yet we often disguise these characteristics, presenting the opposite of ourselves as themselves, or the other way around. But despite the hidden complexity, our future may depend on solving this psychological dilemma .
If our demise (at least partially) has happened before, it will likely happen again. And there is, in today’s worlds, a very quick, relatively easy long-lasting, if not eternally, way to create such a scenario as an extinction level event, not from an act of nature or a god, but from our own actions. ~llaw (Winter, 2024)
TODAY’S NUCLEAR WORLD’S NEWS: ( replacing my perconally unavailable nuclear news courtesy of the “Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists”)
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November 30, 2023
Illustration credit: Pinkeyes/Adobe Stock.
AI and the future of warfare: The troubling evidence from the US military
US military officers can approve the use of AI-enhanced military technologies that they don’t trust. And that’s a serious problem. Read more.
Why the India-Pakistan Kargil War is not a case of nuclear deterrence
In the 1999 Kargil War, India defended its territory from a Pakistani incursion but chose not to expand the war with counter-attacks on Pakistan. But in a future conflict India may take especially risky and escalatory actions, posing a test for nuclear deterrence. Read more.
How wealthy countries evade responsibility for their fossil fuel exports
Oil, gas, and coal exports are not counted when countries tally their greenhouse gas emissions under the Paris Agreement. This allows wealthy nations to report progress on emissions reduction, while shipping their fossil fuels—and the pollution they produce—overseas. Read more.
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“Thus, the real danger isn’t that leaders will turn over the decision to use nuclear weapons to AI, but that they will come to rely on AI for what might be called ‘decision support’–using AI to guide their decision-making about a crisis in the same way we rely on navigation applications to provide directions while we drive.”
— Jeffrey Lewis, professor at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies, “The militarized AI risk that’s bigger than ‘killer robots’,” Vox
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