LLAW’s ‘All Things Nuclear’ #466 (11/30/2023)

”End Nuclear Insanity Before Nuclear Insanity Ends Humanity


NOV 30, 2023



Google failed to email my personal “All Things Nuclear” news daily recap today. I have not been able to find out what caused it to fail. This is the second time in 466 days that my customized nuclear directed news has failed. The last time I was forced to reinput my data requirements to specify by category in the order and format that I wanted to receive on a daily basis. To put my feelings bluntly, I am thoroughly disgusted that such failures occur, no matter the reason or excuse.

So this will be a much abbreviated Post. I am adding today’s issue of “The Bulletin” newsletter, which contains some interesting stories that are important to today’s “All Things Nuclear” world. Hopefully, my full-fledged “All Things Nuclear” Posts will return tomorrow. ~llaw

To fill a little space, I am adding a couple pages of the quite long Preface to a novel I have been working on from time to time in “my spare time”. It is an introduction to what might happen, especially to knowledgeable nuclear scientists and their families, although I am only presenting a preview of the material that may give you some idea of the beginning efforts from the California, British Coast, and Alaska in order to begin whatever is left to salvage across the United States, Canada, and parts of Mexico. (There is also an interesting edition of “The Bulleting of Atomic Scientists” concerning nuclear risk, climate change, substituting for the normal current categorized news. and disruptive technologies like AI. ~llaw

The snippet from the Preface to my in progress novel “

El Nuclear Diablo

“Let the Bastards Freeze to Death in the Dark”

 ~Nuclear Industry Quote after the 3-Mile Island nuclear accident in 1979, directed at concerned Scientists, worried citizens, and public protesters

By Lloyd Albert Williams-Pendergraft


Juneau, Alaska

Spring, 2026

Does it really matter who, exactly, is to blame, or why humankind is savagely devouring the native resources of planet Earth until there soon will be nothing left but lichenless barren rocks, the salty seas, countless grains of sand, and a poisonous atmosphere? It ought to be not enough to just know it is a critical unvarnished ugly truth. The question should be more like, “When will it happen and is there no way out of it?” Should it not?

I can only wonder if highly intelligent, but virulent, forms of our human species have, for countless eons, long traveled through the universal cosmos continually seeking, finding, and lavishly consuming, ultimately ravaging the natural resources, the flora and the fauna, devasting the environments of this and other living rich blue-green planets also once full of fossil fuels and innocent living resources similar to Earth’s in order to ensure and serve their own survival at the expense of all else in their way. Obviously, we are the only species on this planet who rape and ravage the earth with such savagely uncontrolled vigor on such a large scale. We are the ultimate u ultimate fungus, the ultimate lethal mushrooms. And I have to also wonder if there are not multiple, or at least two species of us.

Not to ridicule Darwin at all, but does his theory of evolution, based on studies of inbreeding pigeons and chickens, really make much sense to you in this context? Does it not seem to you that we humans may be collectively aggressively demanding, ruthless, impolite, unwelcome extra-terrestrial galaxy-trotting invaders doing our parasitic thing here on Earth rather than a native natural-born integral integrated key part of our indigenous homo-sapiens and the native animal population—as Darwin would have us believe? What about the Octopus, sir?

Could it be possible we or they are simply biologically genetically patterned to look and act like homo sapiens? Or perhaps vice versa? At least some of us? Maybe even a whole lot of us? How do we know the difference between the real human beings and genetically altered or cloned ones? Which one am I? Which one are you? Do any of us know? I use the terms “we”, “us” or “our” and “they”, or “them”, or “their“ interchangeably here because in this context I don’t know who or what I am—an “us” or a “them”.

I just know that I am extremely uncomfortable with our or their willfully passionate desire to destroy everything on the planet for personal power, wealth, and a life of comfort at the expense of the rest of us or them. I don’t know about you, but it sure seems to be that way to me, so that’s why I consider myself to be an us.

At the very least we need to consider the possibility of at least one species of them and one of us. The only way we will ever know who we really are is through our unfettered natural mindful emotions—our feelings of love, care, and respect for Planet Earth, ourselves, and all her fauna and flora—or, conversely, our unnatural lack of those emotions or feelings. Yet we often disguise these characteristics, presenting the opposite of ourselves as themselves, or the other way around. But despite the hidden complexity, our future may depend on solving this psychological dilemma .

If our demise (at least partially) has happened before, it will likely happen again. And there is, in today’s worlds, a very quick, relatively easy long-lasting, if not eternally, way to create such a scenario as an extinction level event, not from an act of nature or a god, but from our own actions. ~llaw (Winter, 2024)

TODAY’S NUCLEAR WORLD’S NEWS: ( replacing my perconally unavailable nuclear news courtesy of the “Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists”)

This is a sharable version of the newsletter, and you may subscribe to the “Bulletin” from this Post. As stated in one of the articles this organization was inaugurated in the 1940s by Albert Einstein and his chief deputy, Robert Oppenheimer.

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November 30, 2023

Illustration credit: Pinkeyes/Adobe Stock.

AI and the future of warfare: The troubling evidence from the US military

US military officers can approve the use of AI-enhanced military technologies that they don’t trust. And that’s a serious problem. Read more.

Why the India-Pakistan Kargil War is not a case of nuclear deterrence

In the 1999 Kargil War, India defended its territory from a Pakistani incursion but chose not to expand the war with counter-attacks on Pakistan. But in a future conflict India may take especially risky and escalatory actions, posing a test for nuclear deterrence. Read more.

How wealthy countries evade responsibility for their fossil fuel exports

Oil, gas, and coal exports are not counted when countries tally their greenhouse gas emissions under the Paris Agreement. This allows wealthy nations to report progress on emissions reduction, while shipping their fossil fuels—and the pollution they produce—overseas. Read more.

Help keep Einstein and Oppenheimer’s vision for the Bulletin alive

The Bulletin’s Board of Sponsors was established in 1948 by Albert Einstein, with J. Robert Oppenheimer as its first chair.

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The Bulletin is seeking one new Editorial Fellow in each of three subject areas: nuclear risk; biosafety and biosecurity; and artificial intelligence. Apply now.

“Thus, the real danger isn’t that leaders will turn over the decision to use nuclear weapons to AI, but that they will come to rely on AI for what might be called ‘decision support’–using AI to guide their decision-making about a crisis in the same way we rely on navigation applications to provide directions while we drive.”

— Jeffrey Lewis, professor at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies, “The militarized AI risk that’s bigger than ‘killer robots’,” Vox

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LLAW’s “ALL THINGS NUCLEAR” #465 (11/29/2023)

“End nuclear insanity before nuclear insanity ends humanity”


NOV 29, 2023



LLAW’s COMMENTARY (11/29/2023) :

In a nutshell only tonight, this meme may plainly explain quite clearly what it is I am trying to get across to humanity about nuclear war and all other things nuclear, and why some nations’ leaders are power crazy enough to intentionally destroy the world(s) simply out of some self-aggrandizing belief that he is a one-man hubristic superpower beyond an unknown god of some kind. We ought to be wondering how it is that we of common life and common sense allow such men to find a way to have power over the millions and billions of the rest of us. And then we should put a stop to it before it’s too late. Every lost day increases the odds that nuclear war will happen, so time is of the essence to put a stop to this kind of leadership.

At the highest level of nuclear mistakes, this is precisely what I’ve been railing about for a year and a half in my nightly Posts . . . and this meme also means the evil man will try to burn all other nations down before his own so that no one can rule over him nor his ashes. ~llaw

Thanks for reading All Things Nuclear! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.


May be an image of fire and text that says '"An evil man will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes." -Sun Tzu'


Whenever there is an underlined link to a Category media news story, if you press or click on the link provided, you no longer have to cut and paste to your web browser, since this Post’s link will take you directly to the article in your browser.

A current Digest of major nuclear media headlines with automated links is listed below by nuclear Category. There are three Yellowstone Caldera bonus stories available in this Post. If a category heading does not appear, it means there was no news reported from this category today.

(Just a reminder: When linked, the access to the media story will be underlined. If there is no link to a media story of interest you can still copy and paste the headline and lead line into your browser to find the article you are seeking. Hopefully this will never happen.)


All Things Nuclear


Eight-year delay in Pilgrim decommissioning could change disposal of radioactive water


Members of the Nuclear Decommissioning Citizens Advisory Panel discuss the future of the Pilgrim Nuclear Power … All Things Considered · Refresher …

U.S. military Osprey aircraft crashes off coast of southwestern Japan – WVTF


All Things Considered · BBC World Service · Fresh Air · Full Disclosure · Here … nuclear crisis and the Fukushima earthquake and nuclear disaster. See …

Nuclear to ‘shine’ at COP28, says Bilbao y León

World Nuclear News

“Not only did we challenge the preconceptions that many people have about nuclear … “Today we have 60 gigawatts of new nuclear under construction all …

Nuclear Power


EDF aims to build one nuclear reactor a year in 2030s – Reuters


French nuclear operator EDF aims to build at least one large reactor a year during the 2030s, CEO Luc Remont said at the World Nuclear Exhibition …

IEA says financing challenges remain for nuclear projects – Reuters


The sector should take advantage of the global energy crisis as well as the climate crisis to launch a “second wave” of power plant construction like …

How To Bring Back Nuclear — A New Paradigm Changing Role Of Government – Forbes


Plant Vogtle: The last gasp for big U.S. nuclear? NRC. The nation’s electric supply is on the edge of a disaster. This year it was a wing-and-a …

Nuclear War


U.S. Gets Another Nuclear Bomb Added to Its Stockpile – Newsweek


End of dialog window. Nuclear War ‘Doomsday’ Clock Has Changed, Russian Physicist Says. By Nick Mordowanec. Staff Writer. FOLLOW. Share. A new nuclear …

US official’s visit to RAF Lakenheath “further proof” of nuclear mission in Britain –

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

The presence of nuclear weapons will make the base – and the UK – a target in the event of nuclear war; it will also run the risk of an accident at …

Nuclear Attack by Design – or by Accident – Must Never Happen – DailyNews

Daily News

Hirotsugu Terasaki, Director General of Peace and Global Issues, Soka Gakkai International (SGI). 130. As two of the world’s nuclear powers—Russia and …

Yellowstone Caldera


What ‘geological hazards’ lurk below Yellowstone National Park? – KRTV


The column, called Yellowstone Caldera Chronicles, is written by scientists and collaborators at the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory. This same …

“Geological hazards” lurking below Yellowstone National Park, data show – CBS News

CBS News

The column, called Yellowstone Caldera Chronicles, is written by scientists and collaborators at the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory. emigrant …

Data shows ‘geological hazards’ lurk beneath Yellowstone National Park

La Ronge Northerner

The column, called Yellowstone Caldera Records, was written by scientists and collaborators at the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory. Shaded maps …

LLAW’s “ALL THINGS NUCLEAR” #464 (11/28/2023)

“End nuclear insanity before nuclear insanity ends humanity”


NOV 28, 2023



LLAW’s COMMENTARY: (About Chicken Little)

Some would say, and rightly so, that this Post is like the stories of “Henny Penny”, who, when an acorn falls from a tree and hits her on the head, believes the sky is falling, and rushes off in fear to warn the world that “The Sky is Falling”. But, depending on the version, the moral of the drama varies according to experience and reality. Where there is a “happy ending,” the moral of the story is to have courage rather than be a “chicken”. The tale is also sometimes regarded as a warning not to believe everything one is told in some versions, like when the chickens end up being eaten by the foxes, implying that Henny Penny’s tale of danger is a fact, but others don’t believe her preposterous story and dismiss it out of hand, paying no heed to her warnings only to be end up eaten. The real moral of the story, in any case, is that anyone who believes that their warnings are legitimate based on their own judgement and experience should not be ridiculed and laughed at, unceremoniously dismissed by those who are too disinterested or mentally lazy to check the warnings for themselves are courageous? “Courage” and “Ignorance” are not synonyms by any definition.

So it seems the two-sided story of “Chicken Little” is the same story as “All Things Nuclear”, including the threats of nuclear war and the dangers of nuclear power plants, where nuclear deterrence is a made-up agreement where the fox won’t eat the chicken for a political and/or commercial agreement kind of morality, while nuclear threats are, in fact, false warnings from those that we are told not to believe because they are extensions of the magical word deterrence in the form of intended fear of retaliation and that nuclear war can go no further than threats because the war can go no further than the deterrence ‘agreements’ allows (that are already being ripped to shreds by the way) . . . and therefor there is nothing to see here? The same insanity applies to nuclear generated power — perhaps moreso — because we are not smart enough to understand that all things nuclear are of the same ilk, no matter what it is used for.

Also, accepting the nuclear deterrence/ignorance insanity is “Courageous”? But not believing or accepting the political or commercial propaganda of greedy self-aggrandized men whose profession is lying to the rest of us, is being “Chicken”? llolloll! ~llaw

Thanks for reading All Things Nuclear! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.


Whenever there is an underlined link to a Category media news story, if you press or click on the link provided, you no longer have to cut and paste to your web browser, since this Post’s link will take you directly to the article in your browser.

A current Digest of major nuclear media headlines with automated links is listed below by nuclear Category. There is one Yellowstone Caldera bonus story available in this Post. If a category heading does not appear, it means there was no news reported from this category today.

(Just a reminder: When linked, the access to the media story will be underlined. If there is no link to a media story of interest you can still copy and paste the headline and lead line into your browser to find the article you are seeking. Hopefully this will never happen.)


All Things Nuclear


The militarized AI risk that’s bigger than “killer robots” – Vox


This goes for everything from drones to nuclear-armed missiles, bombers, and submarines. Of course, it’s nuclear-armed missiles, bombers, and …

As the US faces down new nuclear threats, will Cold War solutions work once again?

Atlantic Council

What needs to change about US nuclear weapons strategy? New Atlanticist … All rights reserved. Privacy Policy · Cookie Policy · Terms and conditions …

Portland nuclear power startup NuScale hit with investor lawsuit – KLCC


… about a major project promised to usher in a new age of nuclear power … Next Up: 5:00 PM All Things Considered. 0:00. 0:00. Eye 5. KLCC. 0:00 0:00.

Nuclear Power


For the First Time Since ’65, the U.S. Military Will Blast a Nuclear Reactor Into Space

Popular Mechanics

The U.S. military is giving Lockheed Martin $33.7 million to make a nuclearpowered spacecraft. Here are the details.

IAEA says a dozen countries to be equipped with nuclear power – Reuters


… nuclear power plant. Rafael Mariano Grossi, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, speaks at a news briefing in Okuma …

Advanced Nuclear Energy Is In Trouble | The Breakthrough Institute

The Breakthrough Institute

Meanwhile, forthcoming new cost estimates from TerraPower and XEnergy as part of the Department of Energy’s Advanced Reactor Deployment Program are …

Nuclear War


As the US faces down new nuclear threats, will Cold War solutions work once again?

Atlantic Council

During the Cold War, the United States had to determine how to deter nuclear attacks on its territory, how to extend deterrence to cover allies, and …

Nuclear Attack by Design — or by Accident — Must Never Happen – IDN-InDepthNews


Q: Will the new Cold War also have a negative impact, sooner or later, on the UN’ s primary role in its longstanding campaign for nuclear disarmament?

The militarized AI risk that’s bigger than “killer robots” – Vox


This is what the Soviet Union was doing in 1983 — relying on a massive computer that used thousands of variables to warn leaders if a nuclear attack …

Nuclear Power Emergencies


NRC Provides Emergency Preparedness Flexibility for SMRs and Advanced Reactors

Morgan Lewis

… emergency planning that accounts for the lower-risk … energy sector, including nuclear reactor licensing, regulatory compliance, and nuclear exports.

Zaporizhia NPP loses power connection during increased military activity

Nuclear Engineering International

… nuclear safety and security in an armed conflict. It is vital that the Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant tests its emergency response arrangements.

Nuclear War Threats


As the US faces down new nuclear threats, will Cold War solutions work once again?

Atlantic Council

During the Cold War, the United States executed its deterrence strategy to make credible threats that it would use nuclear weapons if its conventional …

IAEA chief Rafael Grossi speaks to FRANCE 24 about global nuclear threats

France 24

IAEA chief Rafael Grossi speaks to FRANCE 24 about global nuclear threats … North Korea. Happening now. Features · Israel-Hamas war · Gaza Strip …

IAEA chief Rafael Grossi speaks to FRANCE 24 about global nuclear threats – YouTube


… nuclear threats in Ukraine and North Korea. Subscribe to France 24 now: https://f24.my/YTen LIVE – Watch FRANCE 24 English 24/7 here: https …

Yellowstone Caldera


Iwo-jima Volcano (Volcano Islands, Japan): Ongoing Eruptive Activity Forms V-shaped Island

Volcano Discovery

Earthquakes often precede volcanic eruptions. Find out where the latest earthquakes in the vicinity of volcanoes have occurred. Yellowstone quakes.

LLAW’s “ALL THINGS NUCLEAR” #463 (11/27/2023)

End nuclear insanity before nuclear insanity ends humanity”


NOV 27, 2023




As a species we are allowing ourselves to be attacked by ourselves from virtually every possible irresponsible angle the human mind can divine or devise, and none of it is genuinely helpful to any kind of life on planet Earth, but we simply don’t seem to understand or care that we all may be dead tomorrow — or a week, a month, a year, over even a decade from today — dragging all other life on Earth over the proverbial cliff right along with us. The following article from today’s “Bulletin”, published by the Union of Atomic Scientists incorporates other related human activities that exponentially add to the nuclear and atmospheric danger we are facing today that can only end up destroying life on planet Earth. It is like a tangled web purposely weaved to create the 6th Extinction!

And for what? I cannot help but ask! (I do know the answer to the question. Do you?) There is a whole world of sensible people out there trying to tell you, including me. I have offered a brief summary of my thoughts and opinions following the article. ~llaw

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“A new “all-hazards” approach for reducing multiple catastrophic threats”

By Rumtin Sepasspour | November 24, 2023

D. Dibenski, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons


Each of the various pathways to global catastrophe presents its own winding course of possibilities. Nuclear weapons, climate change, pandemics, advanced technologies, and space weather might appear as fundamentally different threats. However, they are not disconnected. They branch out from common drivers like geopolitical competition, economic growth, and technological advancement. The terrains for tackling the various threats are also similar, presenting shared challenges and features.

These routes don’t end in vastly different destinations either. Global catastrophes ultimately harm the same societal functions, among them critical infrastructure, health systems, food supply, and governance continuity.

An effective and efficient method for reducing catastrophic risk would use an “all-hazards” approach, tackling the risk holistically by capitalizing on characteristics or conditions shared among the threats. This can be achieved by managing threats as a whole and finding common themes between them. A two-pronged approach, the tactic will save energy and resources by fighting multiple threats at once, giving humanity a better chance at reducing overall global catastrophic risk.

Catastrophic risk in its entirety. Not uncommon in emergency management, an all-hazards approach recognizes that various sources of risk are not siloed. But as a research topic or policy matter, global catastrophic risk is typically seen through a threat-specific lens.

The main, and most obvious, benefit of an all-hazards approach is that it can treat multiple catastrophic scenarios at the same time. For example, alleviating tensions and competition between countries could reduce risk from nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons, as well as from artificial intelligence and other dual-use technologies.

A more subtle but equally important benefit of an all-hazard approach: It provides a failsafe for unknown or underestimated risk. Nuclear weapons, pandemics, and artificial intelligence risk receive a lion’s share of effort from global catastrophic risk research and advocates. These existential threats are assessed as more likely or impactful than others. But what if the assessment–including potential pathways or time frames–is wrong? And what if humans haven’t yet created or discovered the threat that wipes them out? Preventing and preparing for all catastrophes collectively circumvents human misjudgments and uncertainties.

Overarching policy manages risk as a whole. In practice, an all-hazard approach to global catastrophic risk policy can be achieved via two angles. The first takes a risk-management point of view. This approach involves several steps: governance, understanding, prevention, preparedness, response, communication, and collaboration. Each of these steps overarches not just one but a whole range of threats.


Nuclear power: Why the divide in expert views?

Let’s take risk governance, for instance. These structures, decision-making processes, and policy guidance would direct and coordinate government action on global catastrophic risk. For example, risk experts and the House of Lords of the United Kingdom have proposed a national “chief risk officer” to oversee government efforts for extreme risk.

National risk assessments in many countries already receive the all-hazards treatment. And the United States is delivering a holistic assessment of existential and global catastrophic risk under the Global Catastrophic Risk Management Act of 2022. Further government action could look to study, analyze, assess, monitor, and warn about this level of risk.

Preparing for global catastrophe can capitalize on an all-hazards approach. Here, policymakers can focus on the systems that make humans weak or vulnerable. Food security in a catastrophe has received significant attention from some researchers. However, building resilience in political, societal, infrastructure, and health systems will also be critical to survival across multiple catastrophic scenarios.

Governments will also need to consider how they collaborate and communicate with stakeholders. Engaging with citizens, the private sector, civil society, and other countries is critical to reducing collective risk. For example, proactive yet careful communications—like the Swedish Government’s If Crisis or War Comes pamphlet—can alert citizens to extreme risk and spur action.

Finding common themes. The second angle for an all-hazards approach is thematic. These themes, or policy areas, are those that cut across multiple threats and hazards. Addressing how these policy areas intersect with global catastrophic risk would be a powerful strategy.

There are nine primary cross-cutting areas: international relations and foreign policy; politics and governance; security and defense; economics and finance; natural resources and the environment; infrastructure and the built environment; health and healthcare; knowledge and information; technology and innovation; and society and culture.

Risk is driven by these different areas. For example, security or economic factors can lead to the risk that emerges from artificial intelligence, climate change, and weapons of mass destruction. The push for advances in knowledge, technology, and innovation drive risk from dual-use technologies, while stoking the vulnerabilities of societies and governance.


Where climate journalism is now: Interview with Emily Atkin, the fire behind the Heated climate newsletter

Reducing how these factors drive or exacerbate risk could be critical to preventing a threat from arising in the first place.

The intersections just described also work in the other direction: These policy areas are affected by global catastrophic risk. National security and economic development are severely hampered by global crises. Critical infrastructure, such as energy grids and telecommunications networks, could face catastrophic collapse. And the normal operations of government would be disrupted.

In this case, building preparedness and resilience would reduce the impact of a global catastrophe. The challenge, and opportunity, with cross-cutting policy is how one area weaves its way through the risk.

Food, for example, is relevant across many threats. As a risk driver, food contributes to climate change via greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity loss through land clearing, and naturally occurring pandemics via zoonosis. Food systems are also vulnerable to global catastrophes. Extreme climate change and abrupt sun-blocking scenarios, such as nuclear winter and impacts from near-Earth objects and volcanic super-eruptions, could greatly and suddenly reduce global food supplies.

Taking the fight on, together. There’s plenty of work needed to make an all-hazards policy a global reality. The first steps involve identifying the common drivers behind multiple threats and agreeing to the critical systems that are vulnerable to catastrophic risk.

To bring experts from each of the threats together so they map the shared landscape of risk will require resources, forums appropriate to such efforts, and mechanisms for creating concrete plans. And advocacy groups must translate this holistic understanding of global risks into practical options for governments to consider.

Tackling each of the threats on their own can feel daunting, so considering all of them together might seem an insurmountable challenge. However, the power of an all-hazards approach is that it re-conceptualizes a variety of daunting problems into a shared—and vincible—opponent. It would not be fighting different battles but fighting the same battle on multiple lines.

By embracing an all-hazards approach, researchers, advocates, and policymakers from each of the threat domains can discover what binds them together and tackle their shared challenges. Instead of lone warriors facing their respective Goliaths, they can join forces and beat all their foes with a single stone. (End of Story)

My thoughts about this article are, of course, that “risk management” is a buzz-phrase, and the only way out of our extinction dilemma is ‘risk elimination” because risk management still assumes ‘risk’; therefore it can’t possibly work even though the unification of the intertwined ‘risk issues’ as a tool may help unwind the tangled web that is leading us to our collective graves, but is important and helpful only if we have a common leadership politically, militarily, and a mindfully common agreement of necessity in a united world that chooses peace over war and love over hate. We must have a world where we all can live as one.

Those collective human issues must be resolved first. Otherwise the ‘management’ issue, which I am presently working on in a proposal to the U.S. government concerning destroying ‘all things nuclear’ that I call the “Blue Print” that leads to a world(s)-wide cooperative (think of the old co-ops where we were all involved in managing and pricing the same markets) concept that makes us all part of the ‘management’ rather than special interest groups with opposing agendas like countries, nations, corporations, banks, religions, racial and language conflicts or discrimination (like using the word “between” when meaning the word “among” in the above article), and all other human contradictory attitudes, beliefs, concepts, ideas, and intentions. Otherwise, it is all just more of the same with different artwork painted over the same canvas scene used over and over and over unto life’s extinction. ~llaw


Whenever there is an underlined link to a Category media news story, if you press or click on the link provided, you no longer have to cut and paste to your web browser, since this Post’s link will take you directly to the article in your browser.

A current Digest of major nuclear media headlines with automated links is listed below by nuclear Category. There are two Yellowstone Caldera bonus stories available in this Post. If a category heading does not appear, it means there was no news reported from this category today.

(Just a reminder: When linked, the access to the media story will be underlined. If there is no link to a media story of interest you can still copy and paste the headline and lead line into your browser to find the article you are seeking. Hopefully this will never happen.)


All Things Nuclear


Forty years after ‘The Day After,’ rethinking war and nuclear weapons through film – WGBH


Forty years ago this week, ABC Television aired a film that harnessed Americans’ very real fear about a possible nuclear attack amid the Cold War.

Ansys Enables NuScale Power to Develop Advanced Nuclear Technology – PR Newswire

PR Newswire

Cloud Computing/Internet of Things · Computer Electronics · Computer Hardware … All rights reserved. The works owned by NuScale Power, LLC may not be …

French Nuclear Startup Seeks €150 Million for Reactor Prototype – Bloomberg.com


Examining all things climate, ranging from the biggest environmental … Naarea, which stands for Nuclear Abundant Affordable Resourceful Energy for All …

Nuclear Power


Nuclear’s uncertain role in the shift away from fossil fuels is seen as critical and very contentious


Co-hosted by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the COP28 presidency, the event will “announce the IAEA Statement on Nuclear Power,” according …

Redeveloping retired coal sites into nuclear plants could benefit the planet and economy

Utility Dive

According to new research, repurposing the infrastructure of a retired coal plant for new nuclear generation could both assist in meeting clean energy …t

Second large Polish nuclear plant gets approval

World Nuclear News

Poland’s Ministry of Climate and Environment has issued a decision-in-principle for the country’s second large nuclear power plant.

Nuclear War


Forty years after ‘The Day After,’ rethinking war and nuclear weapons through film – WGBH


Forty years ago this week, ABC Television aired a film that harnessed Americans’ very real fear about a possible nuclear attack amid the Cold War.

China-US battle over Taiwan would be ‘a war too many’ for world right now: Expert

Anadolu Ajansı

… War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones,” highlighting the most powerful deterrent of warsnuclear weapons.

Main power line to Europe’s largest nuclear plant cut amid ongoing combat in Ukraine


It is the latest in a string of power disruptions to Europe’s largest nuclear power plant, which sits directly on the frontlines of Russia’s war in …

Nuclear Power Emergencies


Main power line to Europe’s largest nuclear plant cut amid ongoing combat in Ukraine


Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant lost its main power … An emergency diesel generator also started operating to supply reactor …

Nuclear War Threats


West’s concerns over expansion of war in case of pressure against Iran’s nuclear program

Tehran Times

The most obvious example is the Agency’s indifference to the nuclear threat to Gaza during the recent crisis in the occupied territories. When the …

Nuclear Arms Control architecture is collapsing – DailyNews

Daily News

non-nuclear Ukraine and Israel vs non-nuclear Hamas, along with the growing nuclear threats from North Korea. … The destruction by thermonuclear war …

The secret nuclear bunker built to protect 450 VIPs if UK were to be bombed – Daily Express

Daily Express

Renewed interest in one of the most ‘secret’ sites skyrocketed after Vladimir Putin’s threats about nuclear warfare. … nuclear war. So we’ve had lots …

Yellowstone Caldera


Lidar data shed new light on “hidden” geological hazards near the northern entrance … – USGS.gov


These high-resolution topographic data are revealing new details of the landscape never seen before for this area. Yellowstone Caldera Chronicles is a …

Krakatau Volcano (Sunda Strait, Indonesia): Renewed Eruptive Activity, Sudden Powerful …

Volcano Discovery

Krakatau volcano. Caldera 813 m (2,667 ft.) / Anak Krakatau: 189 … List and interactive map of current and past earthquakes near Yellowstone volcano.

LLAW’s “ALL THINGS NUCLEAR” #462 (11/26/2023)

“End nuclear insanity before nuclear insanity ends humanity


NOV 26, 2023



Tonight’s “All Things Nuclear” Commentary (not the news) is from the 1st Anniversary of my daily Posts that explains, perhaps more plainly than elsewhere, why I continue to attempt to convince the modern World(s) that humanity and other life is seriously facing our own extinction because we misunderstand the Earth blanketing power of an all out nuclear war (or WWIII) and the accompanying danger of nuclear power plants whether they are used or not as weapons of mass destruction, simply because they are weapons of mass destruction – one way or another. I am into the 93rd day of year two, and every so often I like to reach back and provide a Post that came before I began adding them to Substack as well as to my personal website, which is an alternative place along with Facebook and “X” (formerly Twitter) where you can find my Posts. And there will soon be more media sites as well. Always stay tuned for the best in daily World(s)-Wide Nuclear News. ~llaw

LLAW’s “ALL THINGS NUCLEAR” #365 (08/21/2023)

“End nuclear insanity before nuclear insanity ends humanity”

Thanks for reading All Things Nuclear! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.




Today marks the 1st Anniversary of my essentially ‘one-man-band’ of singing a sad song of possible ‘armageddon’ every night. I call the song “LLAW’S ALL THINGS NUCLEAR”, a Daily Commentary and global Nuclear News Digest, including major media stories – but also including nature’s possible contribution to the massive destruction of mankind by keeping an eye on the Yellowstone Caldera in my old home State of Wyoming (with small parts of the caldera leaking north into Montana and west into Idaho because, like nuclear holocaust, volcanoes don’t give a damn about boundaries). But there is also a caveat that one day we may realize that sunken volcanoes, or calderas, may be the answer to our world(s)’ clean energy problems that, if we don’t change our ways, will one day be the death of us all.

The “LLAW’s All Things Nuclear” digest of media news (not counting the Yellowstone Caldera) is divided into five Categories: All Things Nuclear News; Nuclear Power News; Nuclear War News; Nuclear Power Emergencies News; and Nuclear War Threats News for this Post from a daily late morning automated personally modeled Google search for the best and most important information, a daily compilation I created for this late evening report that most folks read the following morning.

The news roundup is proprietary to this Post and this particular compilation is available nowhere else and is meant to provide quick access with links to the major daily issues in the nuclear worlds of energy and war to enable the public to easily stay abreast of what’s going on in these incredibly important and dangerous corners of planet Earth’s many man-made world(s). The Posts’ mission is to apprise the general public around these world(s) of all the urgent nuclear issues and, more importantly, to convince the human world(s) that all things nuclear must be eliminated from the realms of human functions and existence if mankind and Mother Nature’s fauna and flora are to avoid future extinction.

I have a long professional background in the uranium and nuclear energy business and the years of experience (parts of three decades) together with knowledge and awareness of governmental and corporate incompetence along with lack of knowledge and care, creating misunderstandings in a vain attempt to control ‘all things nuclear’ together with the inevitable threat and eventual event of catastrophe grows nearer every day. Also for our awareness ‘The Bulletin of Atomic Scientist illustrates for us with the settings of its ‘Doomsday Clock’, which sits now at 90 seconds to Midnight – midnight meaning ‘Doomsday’ – based on world-wide nuclear and other destructive situations around the globe. This the closest it has ever been set to an immanent ‘Doomsday’ in the Bulletin’s long history dating back to the 1940s.

So it is, that this being my publication’s 1st anniversary, I am not going to dig up any earth-shattering tales of woe, hell, fire, and damnation tonight – but my normal beseeches will return on schedule tomorrow. For those of you who are already inclined to follow this project as I grow it into a larger and more wide-spread journal of worldly importance, I hope each of you will pass the word of this Post along to your family, friends, and acquaintances who are familiar with or use Facebook, although during the course of our 2nd year I will be adding other outlets – but as I’ve said several times over this past year, Facebook (the largest individually used app’s world(s)-wide popularity, reaching about a third of the entire human population) is the place that I see as having the best chance to bring the necessary community of humanity together to stop ‘all things nuclear’ by public demand, forcing removal of the entire mess of nuclear facilities, missile warheads, fuel, waste and other highly destructive radioactive poisons that we have created on and around planet Earth in less than 100 years of irrational thought, creation and use of weapons of mass destruction and nuclear energy (also, a potential WMD itself due to the Russia/Ukraine war) that will no doubt sooner, rather than later, lead to the extermination of our species as well as most all other life forms – probably with the immanent help of our also insane pollution of the Earth with CO2 gas, creating global warming and climate change.

We don’t have to exterminate ourselves this way, but there seems to be no serious consideration for doing away with all things nuclear, which to me at least, means that humanity will not cease and desist until its too late to save ourselves unless somehow our universal protests or intervention of some kind develops soon. In fact, some scientists believe that salvation is already too late, but I am, at heart, an optimist and I just know that if we devote our entire existential senses and purposes of being toward saving ourselves, we can get ‘er done, but it won’t be easy and it won’t be pleasant. ~llaw (and now back to the future:)


Whenever there is an underlined link to a Category media news story, if you press or click on the link provided, you no longer have to cut and paste to your web browser, since this Post’s link will take you directly to the article in your browser.

A current Digest of major nuclear media headlines with automated links is listed below by nuclear Category. There is one Yellowstone Caldera bonus story available in this Post. If a category heading does not appear, it means there was no news reported from this category today.

(Just a reminder: When linked, the access to the media story will be underlined. If there is no link to a media story of interest you can still copy and paste the headline and lead line into your browser to find the article you are seeking. Hopefully this will never happen.)


All Things Nuclear


REVEALED: Biden’s ‘nuclear football’ contain BOOK that tells president how to launch attack …

Daily Mail

‘There’s always a plane in the air. It’s called the “Looking Glass,”‘ said Cerf. The command then goes to a military bunker that is ‘spherical, …

Beyond Current Chaos: The Escalating Risks of Nuclear War – Modern Diplomacy

Modern Diplomacy

As this former and now re-aspiring president reads nothing about such weighty matters – literally nothing at all – there remains good reason for task- …

A Photographer Goes Inside the Ruins of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant | PetaPixel


Unfortunately, just when everything seemed to have been sorted out, the pandemic hit and prevented me from going to Japan. It was only recently that …

Nuclear Power


Why Nuclear Power Expansion Predictions Failed | Markets Insider

Markets Insider – Business Insider

A University of Reading team of researchers looked back at a model that predicted nuclear power would expand dramatically in order to assess the e …

Update 197 – IAEA Director General Statement on Situation in Ukraine

International Atomic Energy Agency

Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) lost the connection to its main off-site power line today, forcing it to rely on back-up …

A Photographer Goes Inside the Ruins of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant | PetaPixel


For more than a dozen years, I have been documenting the aftermath of the disasters at the Chornobyl and Fukushima nuclear power plants, …

Nuclear War


Why is the US ramping up production of plutonium ‘pits’ for nuclear weapons?

The Guardian

Last week, Green party presidential hopeful Jill Stein warned that US leaders are “absolutely” risking the possibility of nuclear war in its support …

Beyond Current Chaos: The Escalating Risks of Nuclear War – Modern Diplomacy

Modern Diplomacy

Though generally acclaimed, the recent film Oppenheimer did little to highlight any long-term implications of nuclear weapons and nuclear warfare.

America needs to bomb Iran – opinion – The Jerusalem Post

The Jerusalem Post

This would make it virtually impossible for Israel to go to war against Iran in light of its nuclear program. What are Israel’s options? The only …

Nuclear Power Emergencies


Ukrainian NPP staff work out drill to tackle consequences of potential missile attack


An emergency drill was held at one of the Ukrainian nuclear power plants to test personnel’s readiness for a possible blackout as a result of a …

Nuclear War Threats


International organizations display double standards regarding Israel, says Iran’s nuclear chief

Tehran Times

… war crimes has revealed their double standards to the world … He further underscored the history of threats to use nuclear bombs by …

Nuclear tinderbox’: Kim’s threats put North Korea on wrong side of history – WN.com


… nuclear attack readiness against U.S, South Korea | English News. Published 20 Mar 2023. 1:04. Kim Jong-un makes New Year nuclear threat. Published 01 …

Yellowstone Caldera


Uttarkashi Tunnel Collapse: Tunnel expert reveals challenges in the rescue of 41 trapped workers


Horrible today: Seconds Of Collapse Crater Giant’ Under Yellowstone Caldera has scientis terrified … Nov 25 2023: (night) Semeru volcano – many …

Thanks for reading All Things Nuclear! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.

LLAW’s ‘All Things Nuclear’ #461 (11/25/2023)

“End Nuclear Insanity Before Nuclear Insanity Ends Humanity”


NOV 25, 2023




My comments tonight and every night are based on reflections I’ve had about nuclear energy since I first signed up in the business as a 20-something looking for a well paying job for my young family and me, as an accountant for a mining company in central Wyoming known as Lucky Mc Mine, and owned by a well-known growing corporation named Utah Construction and Mining Company, based in San Francisco, that had been the managing company in the construction of the Hoover Dam and other major projects around the country. The uranium mine was their first venture into the nuclear business, although they had large coal mining operations in Utah and New Mexico. I learned the basics of the entire business there and in a couple of years had been promoted to administrative manager.

I soon began to commute between Riverton, Wyoming, and San Francisco where I was able to get a strong feel for how the company and the general nuclear industry worked at all levels up to and including pricing of our mined and milled prior to further refined uranium fuel product, known as U308 or Yellow Cake, all over the world including selling our product to Germany, France, and other foreign countries and dozens of nuclear power plants here in the United States after the TVA and the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission allowed independent sales directly to commercial power plant facilities, directly from the corporations’ mines. By the late 1960s we had expanded to two uranium mining operations in Wyoming during those early years enjoying the hay-days of the uranium industry.

I loved the job, the association and camaraderie with the people I worked for and with, and was definitely “sold” on the future of nuclear energy and the insane idea of fueling the world with our very rare enriched uranium product (U235) for nuclear power plants instead of coal, oil, and gas. There was a bit of an environmental pride involved in what we were doing, and we thought of our product as a much more efficient and cleaner product than the other fossil fuels, and just those two advantages made me feel like uranium was the epitome of providing fuel for energy-producing power forever.

And then, in the spring of 1979, the nuclear accident at Three Mile Island, causing a cooling malfunction that began to melt the core in one of the two nuclear reactors. The plant had been constructed to shut itself down in such a situation, and luckily, the accident was minimal compared to what could have happened, but large amounts of radioactive fuel were released to the open atmosphere and the situation that a meltdown remained a possibility that was eventually avoided. Many scientists, nuclear operations managers, environmental experts, politicians, and nuclear protestors, and others exploited the ‘what if’ element of the accident and the industry’s never-ending and constant vulnerability, but the entire corporate commercial side of the industry looked the other way, debunking the idea (or fact) that nuclear accidents were an issue, then, or in the future. The corporate presidents, to a man, took an extremely negative position about the concerns of a huge group of knowledgeable scientists and a nervous, even frightened, public opposition. The entire industry rallied around the dark rallying phrase, which I heard personally at an early meeting, involving corporate management and strategies to contradict the growing outrage against nuclear power and the nuclear industry.

The first speaker at the assembly, whom I will not name, stood before dozens of us in the audience, and his opening words were, “Let the bastards freeze to death in the dark.” I was instantly revolted at the words and what they meant — it was like a declaration of war, completely the opposite of how I thought our industry would have handled the dangerous situation that an accident at any nuclear power plant could be responsible for killing thousands upon thousands of people, and I knew from general industry knowledge that ‘accidents’ were an issue at many start-up and/or the few actually operating nuclear power plants in those days. Because of those nine words, representing the entire nuclear industry, I decided, with a sad heart, to get out of the nuclear business entirely.

Had the message been something like, say, “Folks, we have a problem!”, I might have been of a mind to remain in the industry in order to help ensure the future safety of ‘all things nuclear’. So I transferred out of that part of the corporation that had grown over the years to have mines and production facilities all over the country and the globe, as a subsidiary of GE, which began to build nuclear reactors for commercial use in the mid 1950s. I moved on to their more docile and reliable tungsten mining and production operations, or the ‘light bulb’ industry if you will. But in the spring of 1980, I resigned from the company and created my own start-up gold exploration company.

Since those days I have been against the idea of ‘all things nuclear’, but kept my thoughts mostly to myself, even quietly enduring the tragic (that still remains so) of Chernobyl and Fukushima in silent disapproval, but with the beginning of the Russia/Ukraine war and the Russian attacks on Europe’s largest nuclear power plant, which I, and many others, view as an act of nuclear war, if only in its infancy, that it is incumbent on me to tell the world that if we are to survive as a human race, we must do away forever with ‘all things nuclear’. I would know how to do that, but humanity must do an instant‘ about face’ to allow it to happen. Ant I do believe ‘time’ is of the essence.

Tonight is my written public protest number 461, all in succession, without an evening’s break, to explain to the world that we are, as supposedly humanitarian human beings, rapidly creating a probable death march to the 6th Extinction of all life on our beautiful blue/green/tan planet Earth that has only endured five extinctions in its 4.5+ billion years of existence, and the first one that we humans, whose sole fault it is, are involved in because we did not exist back then. What a totally unnecessary and pathetic shame! Our planet Earth, and our Mother Nature, deserve better. ~llaw


Whenever there is an underlined link to a Category media news story, if you press or click on the link provided, you no longer have to cut and paste to your web browser, since this Post’s link will take you directly to the article in your browser.

A current Digest of major nuclear media headlines with automated links is listed below by nuclear Category. There is one Yellowstone Caldera bonus story available in this Post. If a category heading does not appear, it means there was no news reported from this category today.

(Just a reminder: When linked, the access to the media story will be underlined. If there is no link to a media story of interest you can still copy and paste the headline and lead line into your browser to find the article you are seeking. Hopefully this will never happen.)


All Things Nuclear


North Korea’s successful satellite launch and what it means | Colin Zwirko, Shreyas Reddy


… all things DPRK — from news to extended interviews with leading experts … Largest nuclear weapon ever deployed on display in Arizona. AZFamily …

Nuclear tinderbox’: Kim’s threats put North Korea on wrong side of history | Simon Tisdall

The Guardian

What all these regimes have in common is denial of the basic human … And like Japan and South Korea, it worries about nuclear security and stability.elevant

EPA proposes further restrictions on flame retardant chemical used in wiring – Michigan Radio

Michigan Radio

All Things Considered. Next Up: 6:30 PM Marketplace. 0:00. 0:00. All Things … Cables and wiring used in nuclear power plants, aerospace, and …

Nuclear Power


Other View: Bill lifting moratorium puts nuclear power in the conversation and prioritizes safety

Effingham Daily News

Anyone nervous about the legislature’s overwhelming nod toward nuclear power in the fall veto session can take heart in at least one reality.

The Looming Threat of Israel’s Nuclear Option | The Nation

The Nation

JFK even dispatched two Atomic Energy Commission scientists to inspect the Dimona site. Though he came to believe much of the Israeli hype, the …

Big costs sink flagship nuclear project and will sink future small modular reactor projects, too

The Hill Times

Are government officials hearing the alarm bells? Canada’s support is puzzling when considering other official statements about nuclear energy. In …

Nuclear War


The Looming Threat of Israel’s Nuclear Option | The Nation

The Nation

A cornered, nuclear-armed Benjamin Netanyahu would be the definition of a perilous situation in a war where nothing—not journalists, schools, …

Gaza war leaves West hesitant on Iran nuclear crackdown – The New Arab

The New Arab

The 2015 deal curbing Iran’s nuclear programme in exchange for sanctions relief started to unravel in 2018 when then US president Donald Trump …

North Korea’s Kim inspects new spy satellite photos of ‘target regions’ -KCNA | Reuters


… nuclear war. Advertisement · Scroll to continue. “The United States had better ponder over the catastrophic consequences entailed by the arms offer …

Nuclear Power Emergencies


NPP preparing for possible de-energization of south of Ukraine | Ukrainian news


… power plants came out of emergency repairs … power plants nuclear power plant Ukrainian NPPs NPPs of Ukraine South Ukraine Nuclear Power Plant.

Nuclear War Threats


Nuclear tinderbox’: Kim’s threats put North Korea on wrong side of history | Simon Tisdall

The Guardian

One worry is that wars in Ukraine and Palestine, and high-profile US-China sparring over Taiwan, are obscuring greater, existential dangers posed by …

The Nuclear Arms Control Architecture is Collapsing – IDN-InDepthNews


… nuclear Hamas, along with the growing nuclear threats from North Korea. … The destruction by thermonuclear war and resulting humanitarian and …

Bunkers become a boom industry amid fallout from world’s conflicts – Yahoo Sport

Yahoo Sport

… nuclear threats – Panic Room Company. How to protect your family in the … nuclear war. Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 …

Yellowstone Caldera


Bagana Volcano Volcanic Ash Advisory: CONTINUOUS VA TO FL100 MOV SW OBS 24 …

Volcano Discovery

List and interactive map of current and past earthquakes near Yellowstone volcano. … Santorini is one of the most beautiful islands in the world, …

LLAW’s ‘All Things Nuclear’ #460 (11/24/2023)

“End Nuclear Insanity Before Nuclear Insanity Ends Humanity”


Okay, I just finished watching Rachel Maddow’s (with Chris Hayes) two hour “Podcast” on MSNBC. The last thing she said, after telling us for two hours with reference to her new #1 Best Seller “Prequel“, how poorly America has avoided defending our Democratic freedom internally and how externally we often were not defending ‘freedom’ at all in many of our wars, but rather invading and conquering other countries comparable to how we conquered the Indigenous people who were here long before we were. I so absolutely relate to that, having lived in the western Rocky Mountain States for so much of my life educating me automatically about how we treat non-white people. And you who have lived in the south know even better.

Oh yeah, back to the last thing Rachel said — she said next year was going to be a tough year for America and that meant the next few years would also be bad years. It does not take a political genius to understand what she meant by that . . . and she was only talking about what the political world would do to us, not about what non-political tools might be used to help cause our grief. She makes a point, repeatedly, how fascism and autocratic government has always been a gleam in the USA’s political eyes and points out that some Presidents, such as “Old Hickory”, FDR, and others were utter racists, and that next year’s elections may make it become a reality the following year when a new President in sworn in. If she is right, we have only 2024 to deal with the concept of saving our living souls from the tools of oppression and war that are already constantly threatening us with probable self-extinction.

So how does this relate to “All Things Nuclear”? The connections are too numerous to describe in one evening, but as a broad blanket I will just use the word, “everything” — meaning nothing has changed, but the rules and methods will change from treacherous lies called threats to treacherous reality called WWIII because the ‘lies’ right now (called pretentious deterrence) are the only thing keeping us alive right now. We are staring in the face of a one-man rules world, and there is not an autocratic leader alive who does not believe he is the man for the job, and if the concept of Democracy no longer exists, even though it is also a prevarication, there is nothing left to deter — instead it’s the world against the world(s) with no exceptions. Words like peace, freedom, tranquility, felicity, community, and even love will have lost their meaning.

The two major wars we have going in the the Ukraine and the Middle East, as pathetic as they are, clearly point that out, and with Iran about to have a nuclear bomb, and the USA and other already nuclear-armed endowed countries building more powerful bombs and more of them, coupled with the USA selling nuclear fuel to non-nuclear armed countries, plus the easy conversion of nuclear power plants to nuclear weapons of mass destruction, it is easy to see the writing on the wall. If one-man rule can’t exist, then the second rule is no-one rules.

Rachel Maddow knows far more than she says (I urge you to read all of her books), and I would say that when she offers a political warning about the USA insanely losing its lonely Democracy to an international world of power-crazy Hitler-style racist fascists, the 6th Extinction cannot help but end humanity and most all life on this beautiful blue-green planet Earth. ~llaw


Whenever there is an underlined link to a Category media news story, if you press or click on the link provided, you no longer have to cut and paste to your web browser, since this Post’s link will take you directly to the article in your browser.

A current Digest of major nuclear media headlines with automated links is listed below by nuclear Category. There are no Yellowstone Caldera bonus stories available in this Post. If a category heading does not appear, it means there was no news reported from this category today.

(Just a reminder: When linked, the access to the media story will be underlined. If there is no link to a media story of interest you can still copy and paste the headline and lead line into your browser to find the article you are seeking. Hopefully this will never happen.)


Nuclear Power


Can China Achieve its Nuclear Energy Ambitions? – VOA News

VOA News

FILE – Construction equipment is parked near the Taishan Nuclear Power Plant in Taishan in southern China’s Guangdong Province, June 17, 2021.

First refuelling at floating nuclear power plant : Uranium & Fuel – World Nuclear News

World Nuclear News

Fresh nuclear fuel has been loaded into the starboard side reactor on the Akademik Lomonosov in the first operation of its kind, with the process …

IAEA Sees Operational Safety Commitment at Beloyarsk Nuclear Power Plant in Russia …

International Atomic Energy Agency

An International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) team of experts said that the operator of the Beloyarsk Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in the Russian …

All Things Nuclear


Russia’s ‘Cold Shutdown’ at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Plant Fuels Safety Fears – Newsweek


“Because the reactors have been off for so long, over a year, everything becomes easier for the plant staff. In an operating reactor, things can …

End the Insanity: For Nuclear Disarmament and Global Demilitarization – CounterPunch.org


… all living things. Earth’s climate and biodiversity systems are shattering … Regarding nuclear war, if we think about it at all, we are prone to …

Things in the World to Be Thankful for on Thanksgiving 2023 – Foreign Policy

Foreign Policy

Apart from the ominous risks of a nuclear exchange, a direct clash of arms … All rights reserved. Foreign Policy, 655 15th St NW, Suite 300 …

Nuclear War


Fear of Israel-Hamas war spreading restrains West from major Iran nuclear crackdown

The Times of Israel

Concern over potential regional war stops IAEA Board of Governors from passing binding resolution on Tehran’s defiance of nuclear watchdog, …

Russia’s war on Ukraine only the beginning, nuclear use not off the table – Ukrainian intel

Yahoo News

Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, now in its 21st month, has entered a critical phase, Ukraine’s Foreign Intelligence Service head, …

What do we know about Israel’s nuclear weapons? – The New Arab

The New Arab

He was suspended soon afterwards. RELATED · Israel minister says nuclear attack on Gaza is ‘an option’.

Nuclear Power Emergencies


Update 196 – IAEA Director General Statement on Situation in Ukraine

International Atomic Energy Agency

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) experts observed an emergency exercise conducted at Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) …

The Fulcrum

… nuclear attack. Having witnessed the destructive power of nuclear weapons and lived through Soviet attempts to place such weapons in our backyard …

Nuclear War Threats


A new “all-hazards” approach for reducing multiple catastrophic threats

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Each of these steps overarches not just one but a whole range of threats. RELATED: Another warning from industry leaders on dangers posed by AI. Let’s …

End the Insanity: For Nuclear Disarmament and Global Demilitarization – CounterPunch.org


Is the collapse of planetary health less ominous than the unfurling of AI – or just less glamorous? The threat of nuclear war … threats. Present …

Russia’s ‘Cold Shutdown’ at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Plant Fuels Safety Fears – Newsweek


New kind of nuclear threat in Putin’s war on Ukraine explained · Russian … Russia ramps up nuclear threats amid Ukraine’s counteroffensive advances.

LLAW’s ‘All Things Nuclear’ #459 (11/23/2023)

“End Nuclear Insanity Before Nuclear Insanity Ends Humanity”



About 1983’s movie “The Day After” and how a nuclear war would affect the average public citizen from their normal lives before, some about their lives during, and a little about their lives after. As the filmmakers said at the end of the movie, they felt their depiction of nuclear war was likely less harrowing, less difficult, less problematic, less destructive, and less painful in all-life threatening ways than portrayed in the film — indicating that the real thing would be even more horrible to bear than shown. I would agree, but still it was horrendous enough to force everyday citizens to seriously consider what would happen in an actual nuclear war.

By today’s potential WWIII standards, and considering the number and power of today’s weapons of mass destruction, and instead of two countries involved as portrayed in the movie, there could be eight primary countries as well as their allied countries facing the worst of war, too.

And then there are today’s ‘sitting duck’ nuclear power plants spread around the globe that these days are also considered by major countries and their political and military leaders to be an attacked country’s gift to help destroy themselves — what I call a ‘two-fer-one’ weapon of mass destruction. The Russia/Ukraine war has shown exactly how that could happen, and since that war remains ongoing, it could still actually happen because Ukraine has four huge and powerful nuclear plants with 15 nuclear reactors, ranking that country 7th in the world in commercial nuclear power. Of course the USA is far and away the country with the most reactors and plants.

Should Russia nuke all four of the Ukraine plants (or even one) WWIII would begin immediately. This scenario clearly tells us how all nuclear power plants just like ‘all other things nuclear’, including all uranium fuel, must be removed from existence on this planet in order for humans and other life to survive . . . In an all-out nuclear war, their are no survivors, much less a winning country.

So, if you did not watch that film last night and still would like to get a watered-down version of the reality of nuclear war and what it does to human society, I have added the You Tube link you can copy for your convenience again tonight, but don’t forget today’s number one categorized world news, as always, is on down this Post for you to read and personally selected articles of interest . . . ~llaw



Whenever there is an underlined link to a Category media news story, if you press or click on the link provided, you no longer have to cut and paste to your web browser, since this Post’s link will take you directly to the article in your browser.

A current Digest of major nuclear media headlines with automated links is listed below by nuclear Category. There are no Yellowstone Caldera bonus stories available in this Post. If a category heading does not appear, it means there was no news reported from this category today.

(Just a reminder: When linked, the access to the media story will be underlined. If there is no link to a media story of interest you can still copy and paste the headline and lead line into your browser to find the article you are seeking. Hopefully this will never happen.)


All Things Nuclear


Portland nuclear power startup NuScale hit with investor lawsuit – OPB

Oregon Public Broadcasting

… about a major project promised to usher in a new age of nuclear power. … All Things Considered. Show switch stream buttons. Switch Stream: OPB …

What Would It Mean to ‘Absorb’ a Nuclear Attack? – Scientific American

Scientific American

… things, the consequences of nuclear war. Weber: Frank served as … By clicking “Accept All Cookies”, you agree to the storing of cookies on your …

IAEA head says the barring of several nuclear inspectors by Iran is a ‘serious blow’ to monitoring

Fox 59

… about the issue with Mohammad Eslami, the head of Iran’s civilian nuclear program, … How concerned are you, if at allabout former President Trump’s …t

Nuclear Power


NZ Funds says uranium bet returns over 300% profit – Reuters


Nuclear energy is responsible for 10% of the world’s power generation, EIA website statistics show. Goldman Sachs did not immediately respond to a …

Technology evaluation for Bruce expansion to begin early 2024 – World Nuclear News

World Nuclear News

Bruce Power is to launch a Request for Information to evaluate potential new nuclear technologies as part of its preliminary engagement and …

Going nuclear: How Asia is leading the zero-emission power push – Bangkok Post

Bangkok Post

BEIJING – Nuclear power is making a global comeback as governments plan for long-term energy security amid inflated fossil fuel prices and growing …

Nuclear War


Hamas-Israel war: In Israel, inadvertent confirmation of its nuclear arsenal – WION


… nuclear strike in the war against Hamas. Heritage Minister Amihay Eliyahu, a member of a far-right party in the government coalition, was …

The Specter of Nuclear Winter: Can We Ignore It? – Impakter


While climate change tops headlines, insufficient attention is paid to the fallout from nuclear war. Here is why both should be addressed.

Second depth gauge saved UK Vanguard nuclear sub diving dangerously low, defense minister says

Breaking Defense

That figure rises to over £820 million ($1 billion) when other supporting nuclear … First anniversary of the Russia – Ukraine war in Taipei · An Asia …

Nuclear Power Emergencies


Biden Declares Emergency over Lead in Water in U.S. Virgin Islands | Manufacturing.net


… nuclear power plant, damaged by a massive March 11, 2011, · Safety · 3rd Release of Treated Water from Damaged Fukushima Nuclear Plant Ends Safely.

Nuclear War Threats


The ever-present threat of a nuclear war – MSN


The ever-present threat of a nuclear war. Zeleb.es. Posted … nuclear threats followed, the world started talking about the probability of nuclear war.

Which will happen first continued: The threat of nuclear war – The Sun Nigeria

The Sun Nigeria

Which will happen first continued: The threat of nuclear war. 23rd … threats or territorial ambitions. Nuclear-capable nations are now spread …

Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, November 22, 2023 | Critical Threats

Critical Threats

… threats to the beginning of Putin’s still unannounced presidential campaign. … war. Russian milbloggers have recently begun to complain about the …

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LLAW’s ‘All Things Nuclear’ #458 (11/22/2023)

“End Nuclear Insanity Before Nuclear Insanity Ends Humanity”


NOV 22, 2023



“The Day After”? Tonight is TV movie watching night, so I’m providing a link to this nuclear-war and human reaction story from 1983 that is recently getting a lot of media time, for anyone who wants to watch it.

What would nuclear war, or a hypothetical Doomsday really be like, and how would the general public react? I don’t think anyone really knows, but I think it would be world(s) of difference than anything we’ve seen or even dreamed of before. I have not seen this movie, but I will watch it tonight. If anyone cares, I will offer my personal review of it tomorrow evening . . . ~llaw

Here is the link to watch it on You Tube:



Whenever there is an underlined link to a Category media news story, if you press or click on the link provided, you no longer have to cut and paste to your web browser, since this Post’s link will take you directly to the article in your browser.

A current Digest of major nuclear media headlines with automated links is listed below by nuclear Category. There are no Yellowstone Caldera bonus stories available in this Post. If a category heading does not appear, it means there was no news reported from this category today.

(Just a reminder: When linked, the access to the media story will be underlined. If there is no link to a media story of interest you can still copy and paste the headline and lead line into your browser to find the article you are seeking. Hopefully this will never happen.)


All Things Nuclear


Here’s What’s Going Wrong in the US Offshore Wind Industry | Odd Lots – YouTube


The effort to decarbonize the US electricity grid involves a range of technologies and power sources. Solar is part of the solution, nuclear may …

Nuclear Film Heists and Heroes Make For Apathy on the Weapons Themselves – Inkstick

Inkstick Media

As diverse as the plotlines of these nuclear films are, they all reaffirm a similar notion: exceptionalism. … about their ability to make a difference …

North Korea says it successfully launched a spy satellite. Did Russia play a role? – NHPR


Weekend All Things Considered. Next Up: 6:00 PM Live from the Word Barn … nuclear crisis and the Fukushima earthquake and nuclear disaster. See …

Nuclear Power


Termination of NuScale’s first small modular nuclear reactor plant won’t affect Virginia’s …

Cardinal News

NuScale Power Corp. earlier this month pulled the plug on its U.S. SMR project. The termination of the first small modular nuclear reactor power plant …

Wyoming nuclear plant on track despite industry setback, developer says

The Sheridan Press

Factors that led to the recent demise of a “small modular reactor” energy project in Utah do not directly apply to TerraPower’s nuclear energy …

IAEA says Zaporizhzhia unit 5 switched to cold shutdown – World Nuclear News

World Nuclear News

The International Atomic Energy Agency says the fifth unit at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is switching from hot to cold shutdown to allow …

Nuclear War


When Hollywood Put World War III on Television – The Atlantic

The Atlantic

The ABC made-for-television movie The Day After premiered on November 20, 1983. It changed the way many Americans thought about nuclear war—but …

What Would It Mean to ‘Absorb’ a Nuclear Attack? – Scientific American

Scientific American

The missiles on the Fort Berthold Reservation in North Dakota make it a potential target for a nuclear attack. And that doesn’t come close to …

The Russian nuclear industry during wartime, 2022 and early 2023 – Bellona.org


In the early days of the war, Moscow’s troops marched into Chernobyl, site of the world’s worst nuclear accident and now the host of numerous …

Nuclear Power Emergencies


Update 195 – IAEA Director General Statement on Situation in Ukraine

International Atomic Energy Agency

Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) is transitioning its reactor … “We look forward to observing the emergency response exercise at the …

Portland nuclear power startup NuScale hit with investor lawsuit – OPB

Oregon Public Broadcasting

They are touted as being safer than traditional nuclear power plants in part because emergencies are easier to contain. Small modular reactors …

IAEA says Zaporizhzhia unit 5 switched to cold shutdown – World Nuclear News

World Nuclear News

… Atomic Energy Agency says the fifth unit at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant … plant are also set to observe the plant’s planned emergency …

Nuclear War Threats


Ukraine war latest: Russia using ‘hybrid warfare tactic’ against Finland – Sky News

Sky News

Russia appears to be using a “known hybrid warfare tactic” in an attempt to create a migrant crisis on the Finnish border, it has been suggested.

Bitumen the answer to Alberta’s energy woes – Yahoo News Canada

Yahoo News Canada

The reasons time is running out: threat of nuclear weapon use from Russia, biological threats and disease outbreaks, cyber-crimes, and of course, …

Iran’s Nuclear Program, a Rising Threat to Global Security – Jerusalem Studio | TV7 Israel News

Jerusalem Studio | TV7 Israel News

… Threat to Global Security : Israel at War – Jerusalem Studio 814. The massacre perpetrated by the Iran-backed Hamas murderers on October 7 and the war …

Thanks for reading All Things Nuclear!

LLAW’s ‘All Things Nuclear’ #457 (11/21/2023)

“End Nuclear Insanity Before Nuclear Insanity Ends Humanity”


NOV 21, 2023




[Why Yellowstone is a bonus Post to this “All Things Nuclear” Nightly Production. It and others could be a way out if we act soon enough.]

To my way of thinking, the Yellowstone Caldera (and others around the planet) may be by far the best chance to foil doomsday, as the ultimately successful solution to forging ahead, forgetting about the world-wide fear of nuclear weapons and nuclear power, as well as fossil fuels and their greenhouse gas global warming effect. It is incorporated into my “Blue Print” plan for destroying all things nuclear “Management”.

As for the Yellowstone Caldera and all the rest of them having their own life-ending potential, at least their devastating capability is not created by the activity of our human selves, and there is also the caveat concerning the ability to cool and control the destructive power of calderas by harnessing and using their natural power production that would reduce their potential to ‘boil over’, making them safer in the long run than we currently believe. Their collective power could comfortably provide enough electricity for the entire planet forever. Yellowstone alone could well support electrical power plants all over both of the American continents for hundreds of years. And there are others, such as the Long Valley caldera in western California, less than 800 miles southwest of Yellowstone. There are also several large calderas in South America. And the largest one of all is located in the Philippines. There are dozens of others around the world, some more active than Yellowstone. And harnessing them for power generation is much easier than one would tend to think. Yellowstone provides an example of how power generation could work by tapping the ready-made steam of calderas that could provide the heat to create electricity all by themselves. I will provide that video in a future Post of “All Things Nuclear”. You can also track it down yourself is you’ve a mind to, which might whet your interests by making the effort to broaden your scope and knowledge of our harrowing world crises from all things nuclear to its cousins, the other fossil fuels.

What follows is a brief primer considering the potential of developing the Yellowstone caldera and other similar calderas to provide all the electrical power we could ever need, and by doing so perhaps saving us in two ways from the 6th Extinction . . .

The following article by Dr. Thomas F. Arciuolo, gives us reinforcing look that the Earth’s human world(s)might well be able to get along without any fossil fuels, including uranium (nuclear fuel). The cooling affect of volcanic activity in the calderas might also allow us to live without fear of devastation from calderas such as the Yellowstone. The question is, though, can humanity buy into such an effort rather than go to war and more wars over who controls the potential natural energy production, needing only a delivery grid system. Could we possibly come together and create a global free energy program without letting greed and greenbacks get in the way? ~llaw

Supervolcano Could Solve the Climate and Energy Crises


Ultimate Interfaces Corporation

December 10, 2022, 16:10 GMT

SHARE THIS ARTICLE: Yellowstone Caldera Supervolcano: A Solution to the Climate and Energy Crises

Scientists propose a new and revolutionary method to harness the Yellowstone’s supervolcano., and generate enough electricity to power the American continent.

With the dawn of the 3rd decade of the 21st century, humanity is embarking on a 2nd Renaissance.”

— Dr. Thomas F. Arciuolo

MILFORD, CONNECTICUT, UNITED STATES, December 10, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — The climate crisis poses a major threat to human civilization. Burning fossil fuels to generate energy is the primary cause of this crisis, due to greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere. Unfortunately, our energy requirements are expected to grow significantly in the future, as would be expected.

At the same time, we face another great crisis. Underneath Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming lies a powerful supervolcano, which has the guaranteed potential for an eruption that will be catastrophic to the entire world.

Researchers Dr Thomas Arciuolo and Dr Miad Faezipour propose a solution to these problems, by harnessing the mighty energy reserve within the Yellowstone Supervolcano to generate clean, emission-free energy.

The team’s proposed technology would generate phenomenal amounts of electricity – enough to power the entire American continent. Their plan would also cool the supervolcano’s magma chamber, preventing a super-eruption. NASA has predicted that cooling the magma by just 35% would prevent such a calamity. The project would also generate thousands of jobs and ensure energy-independence for the USA.

(Note: Concerning jobs creation, the total number of jobs lost would far outdistance the new jobs created. However, there would be thousands upon thousand of alternative jobs created by getting rid of all things nuclear as well as fossil fuel plants, mining reclamation, and ancillary supportive occupations ~llaw)

The proposed copper-based, volcanic energy harvesting technology has the potential to produce triple the USA’s predicted energy requirements for 2050. The excess power could be sold to other countries on the American continent for profit, and to fund the facility’s construction.

Arciuolo and Faezipour’s pioneering technology has been fully simulated, to prove that its methodology is both practical and efficient. The use of volcanoes to generate power has already proved successful in Iceland and Hawaii.

Harvesting energy from Yellowstone’s supervolcano would provide safer and more dependable power than any form of energy used today, including solar, wind, and nuclear. The team’s technology would not only generate huge profits, but it would also prevent a catastrophic eruption, while significantly mitigating the climate crisis and meeting the American continent’s energy needs for the years and centuries to come.

This technology could be adopted globally by other nations to provide a world-wide solution to climate change and energy production.

Dr. Thomas F. Arciuolo
Ultimate Interfaces Corporation
+1 203-640-7100


Whenever there is an underlined link to a Category media news story, if you press or click on the link provided, you no longer have to cut and paste to your web browser, since this Post’s link will take you directly to the article in your browser.

A current Digest of major nuclear media headlines with automated links is listed below by nuclear Category. There is one Yellowstone Caldera bonus story available in this Post. If a category heading does not appear, it means there was no news reported from this category today.

(Just a reminder: When linked, the access to the media story will be underlined. If there is no link to a media story of interest you can still copy and paste the headline and lead line into your browser to find the article you are seeking. Hopefully this will never happen.)


All Things Nuclear


We’re long past nuclear deterrence: Bring on mutually assured prevention | The Hill

The Hill

See all Hill.TV See all Video. Top Stories. See All · Senate · Senate … Where things stand on a potential Israel-Hamas hostage deal. by Laura Kelly 2 …

Secret Warnings About Wuhan Research Predated the Pandemic – Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair

… Nuclear Security Administration, which oversees all of the agency’s nuclear weapons work. In 2014, Lawrence Livermore scientists began raising …

Disarmament Grows More Distant as US Plans Another “Upgrade” to Nuclear Bomb


Like all U.S. nuclear weapons, the B61-13 will be assembled near … Those are things that we’re going to be paying for throughout the entirety of …

Nuclear Power


US to announce global nuclear fusion strategy at COP28 – Reuters


The U.S. will lay out the first international strategy to commercialize nuclear fusion power at the upcoming UN climate summit in Dubai, …

Floating Nuclear Power Plants: Benefits and Challenges discussed at IAEA Symposium

International Atomic Energy Agency

… nuclear power plant (FNPP). Interest is growing in installing small modular reactors (SMRs) on floating barges or platforms to provide clean …

Paradigm shift on nuclear power – Energy Central

Energy Central

After four decades, the Philippines is tapping nuclear power again as a viable alternative source of energy. Last week, Energy Secretary Raphael …

Nuclear War


Why North Korea may use nuclear weapons first, and why current US policy toward …

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Because it will face an intense “use-it-or-lose-it” dilemma, North Korea will likely employ nuclear weapons early if war erupts on the Korean …

Time for a Transnational Uprising Against a Reckless Escalation of the Arms Race?

The Nation

… nuclear arms race poster during the cold war, nuclear war tensions. Demonstrators march toward Central Park during a nuclear disarmament rally of …

Gaza Massacre could lead to Nuclear War | Common Dreams

Common Dreams

As military veterans who have experienced the deadly threat of nuclear weapons from the Cuban Missile Crisis onward, as well as being distraught …

Nuclear Power Emergencies


Entergy’s nuclear plant north of Baton Rouge was forced into temporary emergency shutdown


Entergy’s River Bend nuclear power plant near St. Francisville was forced into a temporary emergency shutdown over the weekend due to a technical …

5 TPP power units taken out for emergency repairs – Ukrenergo | Ukrainian news


Consumption limits were not introduced,” the message says. As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, the Energoatom national nuclear energy …

Paradigm shift on nuclear power – Energy Central

Energy Central

the Philippines’ initial attempt on nuclear energy, through the Bataan Nuclear Power … power plants for maintenance or emergency repair purposes. This …

Nuclear War Threats


Gaza Massacre could lead to Nuclear War | Common Dreams

Common Dreams

As military veterans who have experienced the deadly threat of nuclear weapons from the Cuban Missile Crisis onward, as well as being distraught …

Why North Korea may use nuclear weapons first, and why current US policy toward …

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Russia has probably not used nuclear weapons in Ukraine because the war is not existential. A defeat there is not an offensive threat to the Russian …

Dangers only multiply: Could Israel’s war on Gaza go nuclear? – MR Online

MR Online

Dangers only multiply: Could Israel’s war on Gaza go nuclear? … threats to launch more October 7ths until Israel is “annihilated”), this remains the …

Yellowstone Caldera


The Mystery Of Flagg Ranch, OR, The Case Of The Unknown Ignimbrite

National Parks Traveler

Editor’s note: Yellowstone Caldera Chronicles is a weekly column written by scientists and collaborators of the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory.