Meme thanks to my friend and writing associate Deborah Hart Yemm. It seems quite timely to the World(s) full of invisible boundaries and borders on a planet Earth filled with ‘All Things Nuclear’ threating one another to blow themselves up forever. ~llaw

Thanks for this timely meme, Deborah! It will be a good time to Post it tonight on my “All Things Nuclear” Opinion in tune to all the best nuclear media news available in one place each and every day. It is so fitting and our long earthly human history shows us all, if we simply open our eyes and look, that it has never changed for the better, and that today we are living on the verge of annihilating ourselves. For what? Can anyone answer that question? I don’t think so.
As an example of what the meme has to say, I’ve told the following personal story more elaborately before, including on Facebook, but it bears repeating because it easier to see the cartoon aliens’ point if told on a smaller, more intimate scale.
In the early 2000’s, living in Nevada where we still do, my S.O. and I decided we wanted to go to one of my favorite places in the Wyoming wilderness to camp out for a couple of weeks where the scenery was spectacular and the trout fishing was amazing. I had long known of a short way to get there without a long drive and a 20-mile hike inching our way across a lengthy treacherous ice-covered trail across the Dinwoody Glacier, by alternatively taking a comfortable 4-wheel drive across the Wind River Indian reservation to reach the Wilderness boundary that separated the western boundary of the reservation from the designated Wilderness area, leaving only a pleasant 5-mile hike to one of the most beautifully spectacular places on the Planet. At dinner the night before in Riverton, Wyoming, I told some old friends where I was going and how I would get there.
The following morning, as I turned off the highway onto the Reservation rocky and rough dirt road, we had only gone a couple of miles when I was confronted by the Reservation Indian police telling me that I must turn around – that I could not cross the Reservation land to get to the Wilderness area. Outraged, I demanded to talk with the Reservation Indian Chief, whom I knew and had great respect for.
We sat down together in his office and he told me a long story about how the American Indians had been chased, murdered, separated from their families and tribes, and deprived of occupying the land they had always lived and roamed with the seasons like the birds and other animals did in order to survive, but that the European invaders had mysteriously claimed all land to be their own land. He told me that the Indians had never, since time began, claimed ownership of any land and that the land belonged to all living things, including all animals, as well as humankind, that the land belonged to or was owned personally by no living thing nor group of things, but was there for all life’s use. “How could anyone say it was theirs and that they ‘owned’ the land simply because they said so?”, he asked me.
Eventually, the Indigenous people had not only lost the use of the land they used for survival, but were forcefully taken to designated places called “Reservations” such as this one, often in the most sterile and useless land the U.S. government could find. Though this one was large and beautiful and plentiful, they were confined here and there on these Reservations, unable to roam off the Reservation lands simply because they were Indians – or “savages” as former President Andrew Jackson had called them in public speeches and writings.
So, he told me, they were eventually forced to call the Wind River Indian Reservation ‘their’ land, abiding by the U.S. government’s laws that made almost all land private land if anyone so desired it to be theirs and could pay the asking price. He told me that he knew that I, and a few of my white friends, had often been allowed to cross the Reservation land without interference, but since I had spoken of the short way to get to the Wilderness in a public place the night before where many could overhear, we would not be allowed to cross the Reservation land by rule, not by law.
I was overwhelmed with gratitude as he awakened me because I’d never before thought about the principle of land being only for all life’s use, not for ownership, and I instantly thought of the word ‘boundaries’, borders that had existed for centuries all around man’s self-made ‘world(s)’ that were and are the results of animosity among all humankind regarding the ethnicities of racism, religion, kinship, wealth, hatred, and on and on and on.
I thanked the old Chief for his time and the education, and for his wise words, and their meaning has stuck with me in the forefront of my mind for more than two decades now. And I have only seen the odd and old European concept of ‘borders’ grow stronger and more warlike against others that, until, in my own lifetime, we have developed, and used in war by the U.S. against Japan, nuclear weapons that we openly and proudly call “Weapons of Mass Destruction” (or WMDs that, oddly, everyone seems to know what the letters stand for). And now the U.S. and other countries are in the process of building a new generation of even greater, more powerful, nuclear bombs in a world that believes nuclear power, including nuclear use of generating electricity, is the way to salvation of humanity, which in reality, along with, or even without nuclear war, ‘all things nuclear is our death knell.
I am thankful for this meme and its relationship to my mission. What it points out is part of the engine that inspires my motivation to expand my long considered mission sooner rather than later – and I well know we have very little time – to overcome this odd way of committing mass suicide, and that the possibilities of saving ourselves are few and far between. I see only two ways of making it happen, and both of them seem impossible, but we have no choice but to have hope. I will be using the meme’s message at times to add to my ongoing mission’s future of nightly posts that are related to the meme and the multiple meanings embedded in it.
In the meme, both the aliens and their spaceship along with their story about humans is important – especially in one of the two ways I see of saving ourselves – or is it, in reality, being saved by others of far more intelligence and common sense than we have? Many Indigenous people (who are honored during this month every year) in America would understand my meaning and so would people like the Japanese, many Eastern European countries, South Americans, African tribes, and others, including Canada, concerning the ridiculous idea of invisible borders around the world(s) we humans have ignorantly built for ourselves in order to believe we are protecting ourselves. But rather than that, we are on the cutting edge of knowing that we have made a huge, likely fatal, mistake . . . ~llaw
Whenever there is an underlined link to a Category media news story, if you press or click on the link provided, you no longer have to cut and paste to your web browser, since this Post’s link will take you directly to the article in your browser.
A current Digest of major nuclear media headlines with automated inks is listed below by nuclear Category. There are three bonus Yellowstone Caldera stories available in this Post. The latest Sky News coverage of the Russia/Ukraine war is available at the end of the other categorized Posts.
(Just a reminder: When linked, the access to the media story will be underlined. If there is no link to a media story of interest you can still copy and paste the headline and lead line into your browser to find the article you are seeking. Hopefully this will never happen.)
All Things Nuclear
Russia-Ukraine war live: US raises nuclear test concerns as Putin withdraws ratification of …
The Guardian
The CTBT was adopted in 1996 and bans all nuclear explosions anywhere in the world. … things‘. Pentagon’s UFO online reporting tool launches. 1d ago …
Putin signs a bill revoking Russia’s ratification of a global nuclear test ban treaty
The Portland Press Herald
… Things to Do · All Things to Do · All PPH Events · Guides · Event Calendar · Add … The CTBT, adopted in 1996, bans all nuclear explosions anywhere in …
‘Everybody got it wrong’: How did Israel fail to detect Hamas’ planned invasion? – WRVO
Next Up: 4:00 PM All Things Considered. 0:00. 0:00. Whistle Stops: The … So what’s in it for the U.S. if the Saudis have – if they have a nuclear …
Nuclear Power
Car crashes through gate at South Carolina nuclear plant before pop-up barrier stops it
AP News
Authorities say a driver tried to crash through the exit gates of a South Carolina nuclear plant about an hour after security asked the same car …
Driver accused of ramming through security fence at S.C. nuclear plant – NBC News
NBC News
Authorities are searching for a man who drove through the gate of a nuclear power plant in Oconee County, South Carolina, and allegedly attempted …
ABC News
Police in South Carolina are investigating an incident involving a vehicle that drove through security fences at a nuclear power station on …
Nuclear War
Ukraine updates: Putin lifts nuclear weapons testing ban – DW
How will the Hamas-Israel conflict impact war in Ukraine?
Putin officially opens door to new nuke testing – POLITICO
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday signed a law effectively revoking Russia’s ratification of a key nuclear … Ukraine’s top general: War …
Putin revokes Russian ratification of global nuclear test ban treaty – Reuters
… war in Ukraine and what Moscow casts as Washington’s attempts to stymie … nuclear test to intimidate and evoke fear amid the Ukraine war. Putin …
Nuclear Power Emergencies
ABC News
Anybody with any information on the whereabouts of the driver of a 2002 Toyota Camry with an Arkansas tag of 380VDR is asked to contact emergency …
Flag as irrelevantNo More Pills, Test Sirens or Escape Routes | The Highlands Current
The Highlands Current
… emergency response plan created when the plant was operational. … The state asked that any exemptions not go into effect until all the plant’s nuclear …
House GOP targets IRS in bill to provide emergency aid to Israel – WGN Radio
WGN Radio
… emergency aid for Israel should be coupled with cuts elsewhere in the budget … The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, damaged by a massive March …
Nuclear War Threats
Russia’s nuclear saber rattling: A threat or wake-up call for the West? – CSMonitor.com
The Christian Science Monitor
Threats would appear to signal conflict. But the Kremlin’s nuclear … “According to many politicians and experts, the threat of nuclear war is …
Updated U.S. Nuclear Bomb Could Reach New Targets – Newsweek
… nuclear and other global threats.” He added: “And I will work to bring … China gives US demands for preventing nuclear war. In the announcement …
Putin criticised as he withdraws Russia’s ratification of nuclear test ban treaty – The Guardian
The Guardian
US says move will undermine confidence in international arms control, amid concerns Moscow’s nuclear threats are designed to deter Ukraine’s …
Yellowstone Caldera
Pluto may have an ice-spewing ‘supervolcano‘ the size of Yellowstone, New Horizons data reveals
Live Science
Kiladze Caldera, formerly called Kiladze crater, may be a supervolcano that erupted fairly recently, spewing ice across the surface of Pluto.
This Is One Of The Most Essential American Experiences You Should Try When Visiting The US
… calderas, including the famous Yellowstone Caldera, which is a must-see. But, that’s not the National Park’s only gem, and Yellowstone affords …
Two ‘supervolcanoes’ are showing signs of waking up – Times of India
The Times of India
… Yellowstone Volcano Observatory, as per the NBC news report. Campi Flegrei last erupted in 1538, and one of the largest explosions in the system …
Sky News Coverage of the Russia/Ukraine War
Key points
- Fire ignites after Russian drones hit ‘civilian targets’ View post
- Russia’s large-scale assault in Donbas town ‘flounders’ View post
- Moscow making ‘disturbing’ effort to raise nuclear risks View post
- ‘Infighting in Russian military’ over Wagner View post
- Ukrainian commander gives downbeat assessment of counteroffensive View post
- Philip Ingram analysis:Who is winning the war? View post
- Sean Bell explains:Why Russia is very unlikely to seek end to war before US election View post
- Your questions answered:Why does Russia need North Korean weapons? View post
- Live reporting by Charlotte Chelsom-Pill (now) and Brad Young (earlier)