It has been more than a year since I have made a post, other than updating an existing Page occasionally. The reasons are several, including a long nasty battle with cancer, and I apologize to all of you who follow my posts and me on this website for what I may have to say about the state of the world and its many controversial facets.
For nearly the entire year I have been fighting cancer, and, finally, after many months of chemotherapy and other treatment, as of late November, I have been pronounced cancer-free, but it has left me mentally and physically exhausted with weaknesses of my heart and in my soul that I am now rapidly overcoming. I staked my life against the disease and after many battles, I won the war. I need to tell the story, both for my own benefit and for those who want or need to know more about the true darkness and destruction cancer causes even if it is somehow sometimes defeated over time.
I am presently writing an account of my battles with this monstrous terrifying disease that covered many months (some before I knew I had it, but I did know there was something seriously wrong). I will publish the story here in the form of episodes broken down in time and issue, There are so many of us, including me until I experienced its deadly malicious forcible ability to take over your own body and mind for its own purposes and use you for its sole desires and reasons. Cancer is a war of wills, and without the proper medical care and personal determination to never give in to its murderous physical and, yes, mental attacks on you, you will lose the war. I was lucky enough to have the excellent oncological and other medical care that was necessary, along with a personal constitution to never let it defeat me.
In a few days I will be publishing the initial post to my website. I invite your comments, insights and any corroboration you may have from your own experience or any related or associated connection to this insidious disease that kills so many of us, including helpless innocent children who’ve never had a chance to know what life is like without it.
I hope you all have enjoyed a merry Christmas and are blessed with a happy New Year in 2021! ~llaw
I hear you, Lloyd. This is what I like to hear, success stories of those great soldiers who battled the (literal) enemy within and won. Hugs and love. You did great. I’m proud of you <3
I appreciate your kind thoughts so very much, Amy! Your gracious and loving support throughout the entire ordeal may well have been that proverbial “straw” that broke cancer’s back! Thanks for helping me maintian the will and strength to prevail!
Just the sickening idea of the memory processes tantamount to reliving my war with cancer makes me cringe! But it’s something I have to do, not only for myself, but for someone (even if it is only one) who might otherwise never have been strong enough to stand up to the cruel, nasty and trashy bully that cancer is. . .