LLAW’s All Things Nuclear #437 (11/01/2023)

☄️LLAW’s “ALL THINGS NUCLEAR”☄️ #437 (11/01/2023)

“End nuclear insanity before nuclear insanity ends humanity”


LLAW’s COMMENTARY: So the Biden Administration and the U.S. Military wants to manufacture a nuclear bomb that is 24 times more powerful than the two we used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, to end WWII in 1945. There is really no way to compare “Little Boy” and “Fat Man” to today’s nuclear weapons because they are two different kinds of bombs. We already have bombs that are hundreds and even thousands of times more powerful than the atomic bombs we dropped on Japan. So it seems to me the media ought to do what real journalists used to do and that is to check out the ‘facts’ before writing a story that should embarrass the whole media industry with its ignorance, not to forget the inane words of our government. If that’s what Biden or some military general or anyone in his cabinet actually said, then what they said is okay from a journalistic viewpoint – but we need to point out that whoever said such a thing is laughably wrong, and take the time to tell us why.

But that’s not the most important issue, or so it seems to me. The real issue is: “Why on Earth is anyone anywhere building more nuclear weapons?” There is already enough nuclear weaponry to destroy everything on the planet several times over. We have learned, during the Russia/Ukraine war that nuclear power plants will make incredibly powerful nuclear weapons as well. All we have to do is drop a nuclear bomb on a nuclear power plant and we’ve go two weapons of mass destruction for the price of one. What the hell is wrong with humanity?

We ought to be well on the way toward destroying ‘all things nuclear’ rather than moving closer every day to destroying ourselves, which we are evidently absolutely bent on doing. For what reason do we want to do that? As a long-time employee in the nuclear industry, I am in the process of writing a ‘blueprint’ that provides a way for us to come together as a species by destroying everything nuclear and dumping and burying it all back in the open pit mines where uranium originally came from, including not only the nuclear fuel and nuclear waste, but also all of the world(s)’ weapons and power plants and storage facilities together with every other product that belongs to the family of uranium and the nuclear buildings and facilities that exist as soon as physically possible so that no one will ever again be allowed to have anything to do do with anything nuclear.

It can be done, and it must be done, or sooner or later humanity will commit world-wide genocide (it doesn’t matter whether it’s because of nuclear war with bombs designed to be weapons of mass destruction or the failure to understand that our nuclear power plants are nuclear weapons of mass destruction as well. What do we do with the nuclear waste? Dump it all in the oceans as Japan is being allowed to do right now? We can’t let that happen.

We are all essentially freshmen to the idea of understanding nuclear energy and how to clean up the global mess we have already made and each day it gets worse and more prolific while we clamor for more of it without even understanding what to do with the left overs or how to avoid accidents that are actually unavoidable because anything can cause a nuclear accident whether such accidents are man-made or Acts of Nature. A clue for us all is what we’ve done to cause climate change and global warming and all those ridiculous ways about how to save ourselves from CO2 that we continue to insanely pump into the atmosphere while knowing that greenhouse gasses, left unchecked will eventually kill us in a similar way as radiation poisoning. The writing is there profanely written on the walls of every power plant and every refinery – not just fossil fuel (uranium, by the way, is a fossil fuel as well) but every nuclear power plant and every nuclear reactor, too.

It is my hope that, since we are too proud, ignorant, or stupid to take it upon ourselves to do away with ‘all things nuclear’ that there will be intervention from somewhere by someone or something with enough common sense to not allow us to destroy planet Earth right along with ourselves, even though there is another way, if there is enough time left before the ultimate day arrives, to do it ourselves. But it would require the voluntary cooperation of all humankind around the human world(s).

Such is the purpose of this daily Post. We seek a unique world(s)-wide borderless effort for humanity to come together as a planet Earth community in order to save our ken from self-destruction and inevitable extinction if we fail to unite in a single direction peacefully and purposefully. Stay tuned as we make a diligent effort to convince war-mongering world(s) to trade in their weapons for a world of unity and felicity. It will only happen if we can bury the hatchet from now into the undefined infinite future. We all need to join the cause to save ourselves from each other. ~llaw



Whenever there is a link to a Category media news story, if you press or click on the link provided, you no longer have to cut and paste to your web browser, since this Post’s link will take you directly to the article in your browser.

A current Digest of major nuclear media headlines with links is listed below by nuclear Category. There are three bonus Yellowstone Caldera stories available in this post. The latest Sky News coverage of the Russia/Ukraine war is available at the end of the other categorized Posts.

(Just a reminder: If there is no link to a media story of interest you can still copy and paste the headline and lead line into your browser to find the article you are seeking. Hopefully this will rarely happen.)


All Things Nuclear


From Gaza to the Pacific, All Oppression Is Connected – Inkstick Media

Inkstick Media

How the US handles Gaza threatens everything from the Biden presidency to the Pacific’s “zone of peace” ambitions. https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://inkstickmedia.com/from-gaza-to-the-pacific-all-oppression-is-connected/&ct=ga&cd=CAEYACoTNjkwNzg2Mjg4NzMzNDY4MTYxNTIaYjNjNDg2MDIyNWU5NjVmYzpjb206ZW46VVM&usg=AOvVaw0PT2NM_dNjvAoPI3DVRKbA

Israeli military hits Gaza’s largest refugee camp – Little Rock Public Radio

Little Rock Public Radio

The attack on northern Gaza’s Jabalia camp caused widespread damage, injuries and deaths, Gaza officials say. Israel describes Jabalia as a Hamas … https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.ualrpublicradio.org/npr-news/2023-10-31/israeli-military-hits-gazas-largest-refugee-camp&ct=ga&cd=CAEYAioTNjkwNzg2Mjg4NzMzNDY4MTYxNTIaYjNjNDg2MDIyNWU5NjVmYzpjb206ZW46VVM&usg=AOvVaw00i4mXTqKCSV3z6SM8_2nG


Nuclear Power


Climate Central Solutions Brief: Nuclear Energy

Climate Central

Nuclear energy is produced through fission—a process that breaks the bonds between subatomic particles in the nuclei of some weakly-bound isotopes of … https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.climatecentral.org/report/climate-central-solutions-brief-nuclear-energy&ct=ga&cd=CAEYACoTNjkwNzg2Mjg4NzMzNDY4MDc5NDIaOTU5MTZkNWRlYjc1OTI5Mzpjb206ZW46VVM&usg=AOvVaw2kib5MJ6YwoxzHXVu8Q299

3 energy companies compete to build a new nuclear reactor in the Czech Republic – NY1


… reactor at the Dukovany nuclear power station as the country strives to become more energy-independent and wean itself off fossil fuels. https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/ap-top-news/2023/10/31/3-energy-companies-compete-to-build-a-new-nuclear-reactor-in-the-czech-republic&ct=ga&cd=CAEYASoTNjkwNzg2Mjg4NzMzNDY4MDc5NDIaOTU5MTZkNWRlYjc1OTI5Mzpjb206ZW46VVM&usg=AOvVaw2d4RnoCiAgqWNDc4AvOgMU

How well protected are Ukraine’s nuclear power plants – DW – 11/01/2023


A nuclear power plant is more than just a reactor, says Humenyuk. It is a complex facility that consists of safety systems that provides electricity … https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.dw.com/en/how-well-protected-are-ukraines-nuclear-power-plants/a-67271615&ct=ga&cd=CAEYAioTNjkwNzg2Mjg4NzMzNDY4MDc5NDIaOTU5MTZkNWRlYjc1OTI5Mzpjb206ZW46VVM&usg=AOvVaw0ckI8md8qivFza70I3SPhP


Nuclear War


Why Putin toned down his nuclear rhetoric – Financial Times

Financial Times

Russian president unnerved his foes and friends about the war in Ukraine turning into an atomic conflagration. https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.ft.com/content/d98446ac-b56e-4f1d-bfa9-ebaed4e26884&ct=ga&cd=CAEYACoTNjkwNzg2Mjg4NzMzNDY4MjQzNjIaYjhiODY0NWExNDkwZmU3Zjpjb206ZW46VVM&usg=AOvVaw3C9rKfI57fxzvLId3vZbWJ

Opinion: The threat of nuclear war is closer than AU students might think – The Eagle

The Eagle

… nuclear weapons suddenly became vastly more realistic — but in a new way. This time, nuclear war would feature tactical nuclear weapons. Tactical … https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.theeagleonline.com/article/2023/11/opinion-the-threat-of-nuclear-war-is-closer-than-au-students-might-think&ct=ga&cd=CAEYASoTNjkwNzg2Mjg4NzMzNDY4MjQzNjIaYjhiODY0NWExNDkwZmU3Zjpjb206ZW46VVM&usg=AOvVaw2WLN2L6MJ4y5p9VQwfV_1k

A Panicked Case for Nuclear Weapons Modernization – Inkstick Media

Inkstick Media

The US shouldn’t wage a new Cold War, let alone two, despite the latest US strategic posture recommendations. https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://inkstickmedia.com/a-panicked-case-for-nuclear-weapons-modernization/&ct=ga&cd=CAEYAioTNjkwNzg2Mjg4NzMzNDY4MjQzNjIaYjhiODY0NWExNDkwZmU3Zjpjb206ZW46VVM&usg=AOvVaw1H2zty7vW98XseS_oYRciQ


Nuclear Power Emergencies


How well protected are Ukraine’s nuclear power plants – DW – 11/01/2023


“When substations come under fire, the nuclear power plant’s emergency protection is activated,” says nuclear energy expert Olha Kozharna. “Such … https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.dw.com/en/how-well-protected-are-ukraines-nuclear-power-plants/a-67271615&ct=ga&cd=CAEYACoTNjkwNzg2Mjg4NzMzNDY3OTk4MjIaZTg5NDBiYzgxZmVjYjJmNDpjb206ZW46VVM&usg=AOvVaw0ckI8md8qivFza70I3SPhP

US / Regulator Approves Revision To Indian Point Nuclear Station Emergency Preparedness Plan


The Indian Point nuclear power station in New York state. The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission has granted a request by Holtec Decommissioning … https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.nucnet.org/news/regulator-approves-revision-to-indian-point-nuclear-station-emergency-preparedness-plan-11-3-2023&ct=ga&cd=CAEYASoTNjkwNzg2Mjg4NzMzNDY3OTk4MjIaZTg5NDBiYzgxZmVjYjJmNDpjb206ZW46VVM&usg=AOvVaw2raLKjDA8i3D8mWb_RzWu9

Emergency planning changed for Indian Point | The River Reporter

The River Reporter

… emergency declaration. After a nuclear power plant has permanently ceased operations and removed fuel from the reactor vessel, the risk of an … https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=http://www.riverreporter.com/stories/emergency-planning-changed-for-indian-point,123081&ct=ga&cd=CAEYAioTNjkwNzg2Mjg4NzMzNDY3OTk4MjIaZTg5NDBiYzgxZmVjYjJmNDpjb206ZW46VVM&usg=AOvVaw22ZgNlksQyomTJK1kZ88Dj


Nuclear War Threats


Opinion: The threat of nuclear war is closer than AU students might think – The Eagle

The Eagle

The era of constant nuclear threat is not as distant a memory as it may seem. When Russian troops first invaded Ukraine in February 2022, the threat … https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.theeagleonline.com/article/2023/11/opinion-the-threat-of-nuclear-war-is-closer-than-au-students-might-think&ct=ga&cd=CAEYACoTNjkwNzg2Mjg4NzMzNDY4MDgwMzIaZjY4NGUyMzhiYWM3ZTM5Njpjb206ZW46VVM&usg=AOvVaw2WLN2L6MJ4y5p9VQwfV_1k

Why Putin toned down his nuclear rhetoric – Financial Times

Financial Times

… war, an indirect one for now.” In winning … Western analysts warn that Putin’s toned-down rhetoric does not mean the nuclear threat has disappeared. https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.ft.com/content/d98446ac-b56e-4f1d-bfa9-ebaed4e26884&ct=ga&cd=CAEYASoTNjkwNzg2Mjg4NzMzNDY4MDgwMzIaZjY4NGUyMzhiYWM3ZTM5Njpjb206ZW46VVM&usg=AOvVaw3C9rKfI57fxzvLId3vZbWJ

The Axis of Resistance Threat to Israel | The National Interest

The National Interest

… nuclear threat, but it is not far below it.” In a similar vein, then-IDF … War, Israel now faced the threat of a multi-front war. Hamas’s attack … https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://nationalinterest.org/feature/axis-resistance-threat-israel-207126&ct=ga&cd=CAEYAioTNjkwNzg2Mjg4NzMzNDY4MDgwMzIaZjY4NGUyMzhiYWM3ZTM5Njpjb206ZW46VVM&usg=AOvVaw01W_0OVNoADCIHlB49BhX7


Yellowstone Caldera


The complicated history of Ferdinand Hayden and the founding of Yellowstone National Park

Idaho Capital Sun

Yellowstone Caldera Chronicles is a weekly column written by scientists and collaborators of the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory. SUPPORT NEWS YOU … https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://idahocapitalsun.com/2023/11/01/the-complicated-history-of-ferdinand-hayden-and-the-founding-of-yellowstone-national-park/&ct=ga&cd=CAEYACoTNjkwNzg2Mjg4NzMzNDY3OTk3MzIaODRkZDY4NTllNDE2NWM4Njpjb206ZW46VVM&usg=AOvVaw2J0Fw1051pk1IrHFtKJcZC

Yellowstone Volcano Eruption Map: This is the Instant Death Zone If the Supervolcano Will Erupt

Nature World News

Yellowstone is known as a site that sits on top of a dormant volcano, which experts believe to be a supervolcano that is waiting to erupt. https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.natureworldnews.com/articles/59214/20231031/yellowstone-volcano-eruption-map-instant-death-zone-supervolcano-will-erupt.htm&ct=ga&cd=CAEYASoTNjkwNzg2Mjg4NzMzNDY3OTk3MzIaODRkZDY4NTllNDE2NWM4Njpjb206ZW46VVM&usg=AOvVaw3bLFse2Cn3znfaid6Yp5Ss

The complicated history of Ferdinand Hayden and the founding of Yellowstone – Alternet.org


In fact, in 1805 the governor of the Louisiana Territory described a map drawn on a bison hide by an Indigenous American showing a “volcano” on the … https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.alternet.org/yellowstone-national-park/&ct=ga&cd=CAEYAioTNjkwNzg2Mjg4NzMzNDY3OTk3MzIaODRkZDY4NTllNDE2NWM4Njpjb206ZW46VVM&usg=AOvVaw1M1BizueyyQb-15M29pLN-

Sky News Coverage of the Russia/Ukraine war . . .


Ukraine war latest: Russia 'concerned' control is slipping in parts of country, analysts suggest; Putin moving forces in east - 'new wave' predicted


Ukraine war latest: Russia ‘concerned’ control is slipping in parts of country, analysts suggest; Putin moving forces in


☄️LLAW’s “ALL THINGS NUCLEAR”☄️ #436 (10/31/2023)

“End nuclear insanity before nuclear insanity ends humanity”
LLAW’s COMMENTARY: The following opinion piece is from LLAW’s “ALL THINGS NUCLEAR” #425 (10/20/2023), intended to provide background commentary to those who follow our new media outlets unrelated to our former daily Posts (more than a year of them, but only a few will be reposted for this purpose). They will be helpful for new subscribers to follow some of the issues and opinions. There are also several technical Posts that describe how uranium mining, milling, refining, and finally reactor fuel, and waste that will provide new subscribers with a high level understanding of how the nuclear power plant industry operates. Oddly enough it is not significantly different than the military process of building a nuclear bomb, except instead of a nuclear reactor, the military builds a nuclear bomb.
The commentary from October 20 begins here:
What possesses us humans, who in truth know nothing about (or don’t care about) the mayhem and weaknesses of the major nuclear industries – principally known as 1) creators of nuclear weapons of war and 2) as commercial providers of costly, dangerous, and unreliable nuclear generated electricity. We continue to lie to ourselves (or at least listen to and accept the propaganda) that anything nuclear is of sound technology, good for us, cheap, safe, clean, and will last forever, when it is none of the above?
And now we are apparently considering moving (or adding to) ‘All things Nuclear’, of introducing nuclear warheads into outer space. Does that mean when one country’s leaders decide to ‘nuke’ another all it has to do is let the earth do the flying and when the target country is directly beneath them, simply electronically open the satellite’s Bombay doors and drop their bombs with no danger of retaliation – at least from the ground. Wow, that would make the ICBM (missile) obsolete as well as military aircraft! Also, obviously, then, once one country is busy planning on doing that, the rest of the nuclear capable ones will follow instantly in an arms race, many of which we have been going through for eons. It is a ridiculous joke we have played on ourselves since the stone age!
So it is the grand effort of ‘do unto others before they do unto you’ technology that goes right along in typical human warlike stupidity. What if we could just learn to love (or at least honor) one another, shake hands, destroy and bury all of this genocidal nuclear technology, and spend our resources (money) on taking care of the entire human race and our only home instead of trying to eliminate us and our Earth.
Do these ‘pillars of political and corporate power’ know something we don’t know about our future or of planet Earth’s? llolloll! Of course not, unless they, too, are being directed and advised by a higher and more powerful life form! But I doubt such a ‘higher’ life form would deal with humanity in such a potentially violent way. All we are doing is playing a foolish and childish game of playground tag that will end up in what we are referring to in advance called, “The 6th Extinction”.
The last extinction was caused by a meteorite colliding with planet Earth (65+ million years ago) long before humans entered the picture, and after Earth regenerated Herself with living organisms (and eventually humans) She returned to a special place in the cosmos where living things could live, reproduce, and prosper, and we humans became a part of it all.
But, now, looking back just a few centuries, it is plain to see that we cared, not about our only home, but only about what we could take for ourselves, and now the process of ‘playing god’ is instilled in us to the point that we seem to believe that we are superior to Mother Nature, and that we can plunder, pillage, rape, kill, as humans, human parasites or animalistic epiphytes, leaving only a vast wasteland behind even unto the precious oceans and our priceless atmospheres. We are, as Pogo inferred, our own worst enemies. And the hell of it is, we seem to have no presence of mind to change our ways by turning away from approaching oblivion. ~llaw
Whenever there is a link to a Category media news story, if you press or click on the link provided, you no longer have to cut and paste to your web browser, since this Post’s link will take you directly to the article in your browser.
A current Digest of major nuclear media headlines with links is listed below by nuclear Category. There is one Yellowstone Caldera story available in this post. The latest Sky News coverage of the Russia/Ukraine war is available at the end of the other categorized Posts.
(Just a reminder: If there is no link to a media story of interest you can still copy and paste the headline and lead line into your browser to find the article you are seeking. Hopefully this will rarely happen.)
All Things Nuclear
America’s strategic nuclear posture review is miles off the mark | The Hill
The Hill
to supply nuclear fuel for the Dukovany nuclear plant, eliminating dependence on Russia for such fuel. Tags. Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All …
October 31: Pentagon pursues new nuclear bomb. Rockets strike Israeli hospital 4 times.
Happy Halloween, the celebration of all things spooky and the semi-official beginning of the 2023 holiday season. The Federal Open Market …
Nuclear Power
3 energy companies compete to build a new nuclear reactor in the Czech Republic – WOKV
Nebraska lawmakers consider ways to expand nuclear energy production
The North Platte Telegraph
3 energy companies compete to build a new nuclear reactor in the Czech Republic
AP News
Nuclear War
US wants nuclear bomb 24 times more powerful than one dropped on Japan
New York Post
US to build new nuclear gravity bomb – New Atlas
New Atlas
… nuclear weapon inventory with 3,708 commissioned warheads. That’s a small fraction of what it was at the height of the Cold War and only a few … https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://newatlas.com/military/us-to-build-new-nuclear-gravity-bomb/&ct=ga&cd=CAEYASoUMTAyNTgwMzc2NzE0MTQ0NDczMDIyGmI4Yjg2NDVhMTQ5MGZlN2Y6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AOvVaw2P2BOsjrXlRk_GwK0XXIMu
Australia must lobby US for ‘no first use’ of nuclear weapons, says ex-minister Gareth Evans
The Guardian
Nuclear Power Emergencies
Terms for Describing Advanced Nuclear Power Plants | IAEA
International Atomic Energy Agency
Nuclear War Threats
Pentagon pursues new nuclear bomb 24x the power of one dropped during WWII
US wants nuclear bomb 24 times more powerful than one dropped on Japan
New York Post
Health Professionals: Reducing the Risks for Nuclear War – Medscape
… nuclear weapons, the fact that there is a land war being waged in Europe just now, in which various threats have been made coming from the Russian … https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/996959%3Fsrc%3D&ct=ga&cd=CAEYAioUMTAyNTgwMzc2NzE0MTQ0NDQ4OTEyGmY2ODRlMjM4YmFjN2UzOTY6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AOvVaw2erEWZXWwD084nTRlXMYjN
Yellowstone Caldera
Yellowstone supervolcano could be ‘gearing up to explode’ with consequences explained
Daily Express
Sky News Coverage of the Russia/Ukraine:
Analysis: Who is winning the war?
By Philip Ingram MBE, former colonel in British Military Intelligence and NATO planner
In July, the then Ukrainian defence minister Oleksii Reznikov said that he “believes that Ukraine will win the war by next summer and could be admitted to NATO in July 2024”.
The reality of what Ukraine has really achieved on the ground would suggest this was an overly optimistic assessment – but who is winning?
In early June, Ukraine launched its long-expected counteroffensive against the Russian defences having had some significant successes in late 2022 taking back huge areas of ground around Kherson in the northeast and then Kherson in the east of the country. They had tied Russia up around Bakhmut, exhausting the Wagner fighters to the point where they had to be withdrawn from the front line.
With the delivery of fresh Western-trained troops, equipped with Leopard and Challenger tanks, Bradley and Marder infantry fighting vehicles, HIMARS and 155mm artillery, the expectation was they would punch through Russian defences like a hot knife through butter and reach the coast with the Sea of Azov in a few short months.
HIMARS (High Mobility Artillery Rocket System)
HIMARS (High Mobility Artillery Rocket System)
However, they lacked air superiority, attack helicopters, sufficient air defence and, most significantly, enough combat engineering assets to enable the extensive Russian defences to be breached in any significant way. In reality they lacked sufficient troops, tanks, artillery, missiles, and infantry fighting vehicles as well. The went too early against the delivery timetables of Western equipment.
The Russian defences delayed and slowed the Ukrainians down. The Russian use of attack helicopters and well-planned defences showed the vulnerability of Western armour and stopped the Ukrainians making significant progress, meaning that at the start of the autumn mud season, the conditions for Reznikov’s winning remain a long way off.
An emboldened Russia even counterattacked the Ukrainians near Avdiivka in the Donetsk Oblast, but only after receiving 1,000 containers of ammunition and equipment from North Korea.
The current territorial picture in Ukraine has not changed much since June.
Today’s Image of Interest:
Supervolcano could be 'gearing up to explode' with consequences explained
Supervolcano could be ‘gearing up to explode’ with consequences explained
Scientists have long warned abo

LLAW’s “ALL THINGS NUCLEAR” #435 (10/30/2023)

“End nuclear insanity before nuclear insanity ends humanity”
We are almost finished with the nightly Post format changes and media outlet access improvements to “LLAW’s All Things Nuclear”. The next step is to add more free subscribers, concerned readers, issue-active clients, and knowledgeable news affiliates to carry this much-needed anti-nuclear commentary (read on to get the idea) in order to educate our readers concerning the never-ending destructive, Armageddon-like, dangers of all things nuclear until the last living breath of life on planet Earth is inhaled.
However, the media nuclear news we present every day here is entirely unbiased so that you can decide what needs to be done to and you can do to help protect humanity from continuing to proceed without interference toward creating planet Earth’s 6th Extinction all by ourselves with no need for a collision with another cosmic body like the previous extinction 65+ million years ago – long before the human species arrived on the planet.
Presently there is a race to the final end-zone of death between uranium (U235) and the other fossil fuels whether nuclear war and radioactivity or climate change/global warming carbon dioxide (CO2). Should we doubtfully but fortunately find a solution to the CO2 problem (about which nuclear energy will never be a savior no matter who says it will), uranium and all of its products will still be scattered around the planet in the form of nuclear fuel and reactors or as nuclear waste, both of which are here to stay because there is no way to control or rid ourselves of their destructive qualities short of burial of it and all of their various and sundry products back to where it all came from deep in the earth, never to be dug up again. At least CO2 can be controlled, but with enormous difficulty, if we would only set our collective minds to it.
The choice is ours to make, but if we make the wrong choice and continue to use nuclear energy for weapons of mass destruction and for electricity generation, the day will come, sooner or later, that our self-aggrandizing game of believing that we are smarter, more clever, and efficient than Mother Nature will be over. We have made a mess of our beautiful blue-green planet that thrives with all kinds of life, but we have already killed off thousands upon thousands of other living species for our own selfish purposes. Why should we change our ways? Like I said above, the choice is ours to make – but it must be made by all of us, not by a few power-crazy men sitting at the top of our world(s) of political, financial, and military communities, large and small.
I clearly remember one man at the top of the nuclear industry in early 1979 responding to protestors and a nervously concerned planet of human world(s) during the 3-Mile Island nuclear accident, standing up before a meeting of nuclear industry executives and opening his speech, saying, “Let the Bastards freeze to death in the dark!” And you know? If these nuclear industries of all kinds continue to exist along their present path, he will have been exactly right. ~llaw
Whenever there is a link to a Category media news story, if you press or click on the link provided, you no longer have to cut and paste to your web browser, since this Post’s link will take you directly to the article in your browser.
A current Digest of major nuclear media headlines with links is listed below by nuclear Category. There is one bonus Yellowstone Caldera story available. The latest Sky News coverage of the Russia/Ukraine war remains available at the end of the other categorized Posts.
(Just a reminder: If there is no link to a media story of interest you can still copy and paste the headline and lead line into your browser to find the article you are seeking. Hopefully this will rarely happen.)
All Things Nuclear
All Things Investigations: Episode 39 – Submarines and Gag Orders with Kevin Carroll
JD Supra
Radiation ‘a dangerous health hazard so let’s be truly informed about it,’ writes Geary
The Hill Times
Well, What Do You Know? – Inkstick Media
Inkstick Media
What do swarms of autonomous drones, facial recognition, and nuclear test site monitoring have in common? They are all things we were still … https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://inkstickmedia.com/well-what-do-you-know/&ct=ga&cd=CAEYAioUMTQ0MDY1NzYzMTcyMDU2NjUxNTcyGmIzYzQ4NjAyMjVlOTY1ZmM6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AOvVaw1a3YfQUX_TBp3fjnP_KZ2i
Nuclear Power
IAEA Reviews Estonia’s Nuclear Power Infrastructure Development
International Atomic Energy Agency
The plans for nuclear energy are focussed on the deployment of small modular reactors (SMR) as a solution for climate-neutral electricity production … https://www.iaea.org/…/iaea-reviews-estonias-nuclear…
Uranium Demand Hits Decade High As Nuclear Renaissance Gains Traction | OilPrice.com
Oil Price
Estonia nuclear preparations well organised, IAEA mission finds
World Nuclear News
Nuclear War
Russia Warns China of ‘Catastrophic’ Nuclear Escalation Threat – Newsweek
Shoigu accused the West of trying to expand the war started by Vladimir Putin in Ukraine to the Asia-Pacific as he claimed that NATO countries are … https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.newsweek.com/russia-china-shoigu-nuclear-warning-1839018&ct=ga&cd=CAEYACoUMTQ0MDY1NzYzMTcyMDU2NjYxODgyGmI4Yjg2NDVhMTQ5MGZlN2Y6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AOvVaw1fBupecvNJOFUkndvsEtN6
Russia’s Shoigu accuses West of seeking to expand Ukraine war to Asia-Pacific | Reuters
America’s strategic nuclear posture review is miles off the mark | The Hill
The Hill
Nuclear Power Emergencies
Fortum coal power plant to act as reserve in emergencies – MarketScreener
FANR reviews Barakah Nuclear Power Plant progress; signs agreement with French …
… Emergency Operations Centre to test its readiness to address a nuclear emergency in cooperation with its national and international stakeholders. https://wam.ae/en/details/1395303215479
Japan P.M. Participates in Drill Assuming Serious Accident at TEPCO’s Kashiwazaki-Kariwa …
The Japan News
… nuclear power plant in Niigata Prefecture. The three-day drill, which … “A declaration of a nuclear emergency has been issued,” Kishida said. “It … https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://japannews.yomiuri.co.jp/politics/politics-government/20231029-146506/&ct=ga&cd=CAEYAioUMTQ0MDY1NzYzMTcyMDU2NjQxNTQyGmU4OTQwYmM4MWZlY2IyZjQ6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AOvVaw1OT_R2pkaFdNmKIDfNy8rs
Nuclear War Threats
Russia Warns China of ‘Catastrophic’ Nuclear Escalation Threat – Newsweek
Accusing the West of escalating the conflict in Ukraine, the Russian defense minister said there was a threat of a “military clash between nuclear … https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.newsweek.com/russia-china-shoigu-nuclear-warning-1839018&ct=ga&cd=CAEYACoUMTQ0MDY1NzYzMTcyMDU2NjUxODUyGmY2ODRlMjM4YmFjN2UzOTY6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AOvVaw1fBupecvNJOFUkndvsEtN6
OpenAI readying team to prevent AI from starting a nuclear war – Computerworld
Iran Update, October 28, 2023 | Critical Threats
Critical Threats
… War (ISW) … Nuclear Research Center is based outside of Dimona in southern Israel.[iii] Iran and its Axis of Resistance have threatened to attack … https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.criticalthreats.org/analysis/iran-update-october-28-2023&ct=ga&cd=CAEYAioUMTQ0MDY1NzYzMTcyMDU2NjUxODUyGmY2ODRlMjM4YmFjN2UzOTY6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AOvVaw0XxJpQgzQoTiBg0kYmFGOv
Yellowstone Caldera
Sakurajima Volcano Volcanic Ash Advisory: ERUPTED AT 20231029/1616Z FL070 EXTD N …
Volcano Discovery
Sky News” Coverage of Russia/Ukraine war:
Ukraine war latest: Putin 'ready for talks' on post-conflict settlement; Russian man arrested for 'passing secrets to Ukraine'
Ukraine war latest: Putin ‘ready for talks’ on post-conflict settlement; Russian man arrested for ‘passing secrets to

Languages, Thoughts, and Survival in a Dystopian World War Between Mother Nature and Humankind

If, in a future dystopian world, there arises an unavoidable crisis between Gaia’s nature (Earth) and human’s (World) technology, which in my view is inevitable, nature will prevail in every conceivable way where mankind’s present unnatural materialistic way of life, including our ‘cleverly’ self-imposed evolving technocratic languages, thoughts and ill-conceived deeds are concerned. Language is the root, the very beginning of our underdog fight for survival. ~llaw

To clearly understand what this is all about, be sure to read the entire article below as well as those related articles of interest, also below:

Calliope, the Olympian Muse of epic writing and poetry

20 inspiring nature words you didn’t know you needed

Hundreds more are documented in Robert Macfarlane’s Landmarks.

A crashing wave
Photo: Ahmed Saeed / Unsplash
  • In Landmarks, Robert Macfarlane revives hundreds of nearly-forgotten words to remind us of our relationship with nature.
  • New dictionaries are deleting nature words while adding technology terms, which Macfarlane states further separates us from the environment.
  • The words we speak shape the reality we understand, making it essential to aptly describe what is happening on the planet.

A’ Ghnùig (Gaelic)

The steep slope of the scowling expression.

Human nature is part of nature too.

Adnasjur (Shetland)

Large wave or waves, coming after a succession of lesser ones.

Surfers know the danger of being caught in one of these cycles.

Blinter (Northern Scots)

A cold dazzle.

Bobbles (North Sea Coast)

Choppy, short waves roused by wind.

Caitein (Gaelic)

First slight ruffling of the water after a calm.

Dringey (Lincolnshire)

Light rain that still manages to get you soaking wet.

The perfect word to yell out when you leave your umbrella at home.

Èit (Gaelic)

Practice of placing quartz stones in moorland streams so that they would sparkle in moonlight and thereby attract salmon to them in the late summer and autumn.

While this holds little practical utility for most of us today, it’s an example of the complex relationship between humans and nature and our attempt at condensing seemingly disparate realms—vision; nighttime; hunting; seasons—into one word. Also, pay attention to Macfarlane’s “user-value framework” explained below. To have a language that describes a world that doesn’t include us in its workings is essential.

Feetings (Suffolk)

Footprints of creatures as they appear in the snow.

Flinchin (Scots)

Deceitful promise of better weather.

Weathermen have gotten better, but not that good…

Glassel (Britain)

A seaside pebble which was shiny and interesting when wet, and which is now a lump of rock.

Hot-spong (East Anglia)

Sudden power of heat felt when the sun comes from under a wind-shifted cloud.

Nothing like that feeling.

Kimmeridge (Britain)

The light breeze that blows through your armpit hair when you are stretched out sunbathing.

Lunkie (Scots)

Hole deliberately left in a wall for an animal to pass through.

Skiddle (Galloway)

To throw flat stones so that they skim on the surface of water.

I wrote an entire song to describe the feeling I had when doing this as a kid. Little did I know it was already named!

Slogger (invented by Gerard Manley Hopkins)

Sucking sound made by waves against a ship’s side.

Squatted (Kent)

Splashed with mud by a passing vehicle.

Stravaig (Scots)

To wander aimlessly, unguided by outcome or destination.

Is this even practiced in a world with GPS?

Summer Geese (North Yorkshire)

Steam that rises from the moor when rain is followed by hot sunshine.

Terra nullius (Latin)

“Nothing-place,” uninhabitable land.

Ungive (Northamptonshire)

To thaw.

To create what he termed a “psychedelic society,” the ethnobotanist Terence McKenna declared that we must completely remake “our fundamental ontological conceptions of reality.” In order to accomplish this, he suggested a new language to address the new reality we are embarking upon. “A new reality will generate a new language,” he wrote in his essay, “Psychedelic Society.” “A new language will make a new reality legitimate and a part of this reality.”

Humans structure reality by how we name things. A language is not only a means for transferring ideas and directives to others; it serves as a guiding philosophy for how you understand reality. McKenna was imagining a new future, yet he also knew that the archaic techniques of ecstasy provided by shamanism was a means for looking back to reconstruct our present reality. In some ways he was suggesting the resurrection of an old language for new purposes.

Likewise, British writer Robert Macfarlane (recently featured on the Think Again podcast) has devoted his career to understanding and, at times, translating the natural world (for us novices, at least). His book, Landmarks, is an attempt to create a dictionary of forgotten languages that describe the world in ways that help us to understand reality differently and, perhaps, more perceptively.

“We inhabit a post-pastoral terrain, full of modification and compromise,” he writes, noting that we now have difficulty imagining reality outside of a “user-value framework.” Indeed, environmental decimation would be impossible if we had a better way of discussing what is actually happening to the planet. The problem is the language of technology has displaced discussion of nature. A recent edition of the Oxford Junior Dictionary added words such as broadband, chatroom, and voice-mail while deleting actor, dandelion, and heron—words the gatekeepers decided were no longer relevant to the experience of childhood.

Yet, as Macfarlane writes, “language does not just register experience, it produces it.” We educate children by the words we teach them. Australian environmental philosopher, Glenn Albrecht, coined the term solastalgia to describe “the pain or distress caused by the loss or lack of solace and the sense of desolation connected to the present state of one’s home and territory.” That’s a word millions of his countrymen are feeling at this very moment.

When I asked Albrecht about Landmarks—Macfarlane offered an overwhelmingly positive blurb on Albrecht’s book, Earth Emotions—he replied,

“One of the major things is the recovery of language, which is being lost in a world which is transforming so rapidly that the old words for the way that humans have culturally and bio-physically evolved are being lost. He’s reviving them and putting them back into the language.”

We can only see what we name. A culture deficient in terminology is incapable of registering what is being destroyed in terms of environmental as well as personal awareness. The above 20 words from Landmarks remind us of what is possible to imagine—and experience—when we have names for it.

Landmarks (Landscapes)
List Price: $18.00
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Stay in touch with Derek on Twitter and Facebook. His next book is Hero’s Dose: The Case For Psychedelics in Ritual and Therapy.



An Update on the Danger of Nuclear Power Plants as Weapons of War

The Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant near Avila Beach in San Luis Obispo County, California.

I have begun serious research on my first extensive work of journalistic non-fiction, disguised as fiction until it is published, about the immense dangers of nuclear energy production and those plants related to the reality of adversarial cyber attacks to the power grids where nuclear energy is produced and distributed, especially as  weapons of mass destruction in times of war. I have recently posted a blog article here,  concerning my fears about this vital problem with nuclear energy and its vulnerability to such lethal attacks, titled “Nuclear Power Plants and Their Relevance to Nuclear War“. The draft title of the book is fittingly called “El Diablo”.  ~llaw

Nuclear Power Plants and Their Relevance to Nuclear War

The remains of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The radiation leakage has now been covered by a stainless steel roof, but the city of Chernobyl will essentially remain a ghost town for thousands of years.

If you missed the first three episodes of “Chernobyl” on HBO, at least try to find a way to watch the last one, which aired tonight. I am sure it will be replayed for several days or weeks. Watch it if you can.

And then you will know that nuclear power is not safe, contrary to what the industry and our government would have you believe. Humans, intentionally or not, can interfere, mistakenly or deliberately, with anything that has lethal power, whether for good or for evil, and all nuclear plants are as dangerous and life-threatening as any nuclear bomb. They are a part of America’s power grid system and grid systems can be tampered with and attacked by ideologically or politically opposed foes in today’s cyber warfare world. It’s not just elections we have to worry about.

The midwest and eastern United States are dangerously infested with nuclear power plants.

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Having spent nearly two decades as an administrator in the production end of the nuclear industry–uranium mining and milling, including a knowledge of enrichment fundamentals–I recently began writing a critical book about the serious international problem the world has with nuclear power plants and their strategic relationship to nuclear bombs, especially as the problem applies to the possibility of imminent nuclear war. I hope to finish it and find a worthy publisher before the crucial year of 2020 begins. ~llaw


What is Happening to the Oceans’ Plankton, and what the Hell is Ecocide?

Two recently recognized and extremely important global related issues with seriously concerning elements and rapidly encroaching ecologic disasters are embedded as links in this post. First, If plankton provides nearly 70% of the oxygen that humans breathe and if all the fish in the sea depend on it as a food source, this first story seems more like the beginning of a dystopian novel than a scientific article. We need to keep a close eye on this dangerous development, and hope that a cause is quickly found and that it can be promptly corrected.

Or will we simply go on treating our environmental crises with a yawn and a shrug? Our ecological and environmental world is rapidly coming apart at the seams, including human apathy and neglect, mostly resulting from economic or financial greed, or  “Ecocide” as described in this second important article, but also in a large part from a general attitude of denial and knowledge. ~llaw (12/23/18)


Why the 4th Estate, the 4th Reich, and the Environment are Closely Related Crises

Apollo’s Muses. Calliope, the muse of eloquent epic poetry and writing, is under attack in today’s world. . .

Writing allows us to more precisely and eloquently express ourselves, humorously or seriously, with neutrality or prejudice, happily or angrily, or even indifferently or passionately concerning those categories of issues we like and love, or disdain and hate, The latter includes journalistic opinions concerning and considering all the current administration’s political high crimes and misdemeanors such as cronyism, conspiracies, corruption, collusion, covert crime, and perhaps treason, placing America and the world in a dangerous and desperate place that threatens our questionable culture and social fabric as people —presumably civilized human beings.

Then, too, there is Gaia’s world for us to protect and advocate for, because Mother Earth is life’s common home at a time when we humans are ravaging Her once pristine habitat to the point that we, our children, and our fauna and flora friends may soon no longer be able to survive on this human-polluted planet — and there is nowhere else to go. There are already huge ocean dead zones along the continental coastlines, particularly along America’s eastern and southern coasts and along the northern Mediterranean coast, where no sea life can survive, and obviously, environmental death is rapidly coming ashore. We all have an obligation to protect the natural environment that was gifted to us so long ago in the latter stages of creation. Yet we, the self-proclaimed intellectual ones, are demeaning, damaging, despoiling, and even destroying the only home we have. We call it progress, but it is really just mankind’s parasitic gluttony and greed. Extinction is not a pretty word, and it is sad that we continue to forever fail to learn from our mistakes of the past. When we become too much for Mother Earth to be comfortable with, She will shake off our parasitic pandemic like water off a dog.

As for the the Fourth Estate, in 1839 Edward Bulwer-Lytton declared that ”the pen is mightier than the sword.” We shall see. The 4th Estate is under an overt brutal full-frontal attack in America and other countries, and I, for one, am here to defend and help fight for the cause of freedom of speech and our First Amendment liberties.

The court of public opinion may have to be the final judge against the rise of the 4th Reich’s fascist authoritarian rampage of chaos and anarchy that could be the most serious issue to threaten the concept of a self-governing democracy and our inalienable rights and freedoms since the American Revolution. But thankfully, at least in those days, we had a few leaders with a common sense of values, and especially, a President, on our side. ~llaw

The Most Vital Aspects of Sustaining Human Life

A friend asked me a while back if there was anything more important than politics, money, corporations, religion, and philosophy concerning the fate of our future on the planet. This was my response: “There are three things–respect for science and the feminine way, and hope like hell for help from above.”

There are many apolitical and economically frugal things we can do to improve all of our lives, both individually and collectively, but the most important issue right now and on into the foreseeable future is to reverse our environmental relationship with Mother Earth before it is too late for politics, religion, money, or anything else to matter.

The summer months in the northern hemisphere over he last five years (2014–2018) comprise the five warmest June through August global temperatures recorded in scientific history, and the entire 2018 year was globally the fourth warmest ever, only cooler than the three previous years. We know that the cause is because of human activity despite what climate change deniers and conspiracy theorists (like our president, his administration and sycophants) would like you to believe.

We are fouling our own nests here on earth, not to mention the natural sanctuaries andrefuges of our innocent victimized fauna and flora. We are on the verge of making our planet uninhabitable. Why and how are we doing this? The answer is simple. We have lost touch with our once natural affinityto respect and love our Mother Earth, long forsaken in exchange for insatiable greed and unsustainable personal comfort. We have given virtually nothing back to her, failing to recognize her for all that she has given us to prosper and thrive. But our constant abuse of her for the sake of  human consumption, coupled with our growing lack of thought, appreciation, or consideration for the critical balance between humanity and nature, has resulted in her rebellion, not because she is vengeful or unwilling to help, but because she is ill, infected by viral hordes of human parasites, so she has no choice but to fight back against us in order to survive.  Yet the wealthy tycoons, the arroghant politicians, the behemoth corporations and their minions pay no attention except to ignore, refute, hide, or destroy the scientific warnings, evidence, and data..

As global warming continues to heat up, mainly from carbon emissions, we are faced with growing pollution of air, water, and soil (even the ocean has become a contaminated waste dump), rapidly rising sea levels, wild atmospheric conditions including more severe droughts, tornadoes, hurricanes, forest fires, freakishly intense any-season storms, and unbreatheable air. And all this is happening at a rate almost exponential from climate change models of just a decade or two ago. No longer can we  afford to ignore or deny climate change or global warming r, yet the Trump administration is feverishly rolling back environmental regulations, deleting EPA, NOAA, and NASA historical records, and purging scientific data from government records, libraries and websites.

If we are to survive as a species here on earth–and not take down millions of other species right along with us–our most important mission, bar none, is to reclaim that old natural affinity of respect and love for Mother Earth and hold her in the highest esteem because she is the only one who ultimately provides us with a home that allows us to continue to exist and even thrive on her soil. But if we continue rebukng, procrastinating and ignnoring her modest expectations, we–according to  our most recent scientific evidence–face extinction in the imminent future. We are already feeling the effects, and science is telling us that global warming may be irreversible in less than a decade. Keep in mind that this planet is the only home we have and we cannot survive Mother Nature’s wrath if we continue to despoil her–unless we are  somehow awakened, blessed with a highly unlikely epiphany of some kind– or maybe even a tough-love intervention by a wiser life form from somewhere else in the universe. What are the odds? ~llaw (updated 05/10/2019)

Nuclear Deterrence or Nuclear Disarmament?

 The attached opinion article offers well-considered food for thought on the question of nuclear deterrence or nuclear disarmament, something that I will explore in depth on this website as time goes by.

In a truly sophisticated civilized world there would be no question that disarmament is the only choice, but we have a world full of governmental leaders who are full of megalomaniacal hubris who cheat and lie behind the scenes of public discourse, so it would seem that true disarmament could never be achieved.

But by the same argument, how much faith can we have in deterrence when we already have a world with nuclear missiles pointed and poised to fire at each other? ~llaw

The attached article was written by Matthew Bunn, who is a professor of practice at Harvard Kennedy School and is co-principal investigator for the Project on Managing the Atom at the Kennedy School’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs.