The House Republicans who remain complicit with Trump in the Mueller investigation seem to fail to realize they are likely seen as traitors to their country as well, and, like Trump, may be held accountable for their treasonous actions, and could join Trump as men without a country when all is said and done. ~llaw
Trump’s Treason Becomes More Evident Every Day

Anyone who believes Trump’s excuse for his treasonous comments in Helsinki were simply a result of misspeaking just one word doesn’t deserve to be an American citizen, just like Trump doesn’t.
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Trump’s Cruel Immigration Policies
Trump’s Immigration Policies are Inhumane, Illegal, and Definitely Unamerican
Since Trump’s absurd and cruel “zero tolerance immigration” policy went into effect, I have followed the disturbing news, actions, and events that have gone on down at our southern border, and what I have read, seen, and heard is inhumane, illegal, and unamerican. To put it in people-speak the elements of it consist of kidnapping children from those families seeking sanctuary, trafficking many of these children all over the U.S. for who the hell knows what purposes (say illegal adoptions, sex, slave labor?), and imprisoning others in a cage-like environment at numerous detention centers. All of this is apparently illegal under international law and is surely not protected by America’s laws and our constitution. Public pressure has forced Trump to amend his “zero tolerance order” into something more duplicitous and ambiguous, but provides that the children and parents are to be reunited when possible. And there seem to be a lot of impossibles, including excuses, lies, and no records.
But the government’s crass detention and separating children policies (which began long before his initial “zero tolerance order”) were at work before any kind of formalized tracking of immigrants and their children was implemented and now the government cannot reunite many of these families. Their failure to be able to do that indicates even more serious humanitarian violations. In the meantime I have just read that they have actually lost almost two thousand children. Obviously this is inexcusable and there will be many charges against the border police and ICE that will likely imprison dozens of government employees for various kinds of dereliction of duty.
But what about the phony judges, the failure to properly process immigrants seeking asylum, and the inhumanity of sending many thousands of these people back to the very places they are running for their lives from, where they are likely to be forced to return to the lifestyles they are so afraid of, including being murdered? Who is responsible for that? I say the buck stops with the President of the United States, Donald Trump.
The American people must demand that Donald Trump resign from office., and that our courts and congress punish him for these crimes and many others that he is no doubt guilty of. ~llaw
The following heart-wrenching story is one attorney’s experience at attempting to find justice for her clients at the border. I invite you to read it and offer your comments.
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How Trump and His Cabinet are Destroying America
Trump, his Cabinet and the GOP are running roughshod over America and our Constitution. They are trashing the “rule of law” right along with our democratic human rights and social systems. And they are doing all of this right in front of our apathetically blind eyes. Millions of us seem to be waiting for the axe to fall, and still millions of others seem to be in favor of the coming loss of our country as we know it.
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