LLAW’s All Things Nuclear #891, Monday, (03/10/2025)

“End Nuclear Insanity Before Nuclear Insanity Ends Humanity” ~llaw

Lloyd A. Williams-Pendergraft

Mar 10, 2025




FTG-11 – target launch

Image: Lisa Simunaci via U.S. Department of Defense


In My Opinion:

This brand new global nuclear weapons problem, created by Donald J. Trump, is exactly what we discussed on Friday’s “LLAW’s All Things Nuclear” Post: That Trump’s far-right-wing politics (article below), cuddling up with Russia’s Putin, and leaving Ukraine the rest of the free world blowing in the wind, as well as his call to “denuclearize” nuclear weapons —and who knows how that can ever be accomplished? — could, in a world of reality, increase the proliferation of nuclear weapons rather than “denuclearize” anything at all for any reason anywhere.

So, it is easy to see why the free world nations that once relied on the USA to protect them, such as Poland and South Korea and others, perhaps including Ukraine which gave up its large arsenal of nuclear weapons in exchange for peace, now believe they have to build their own inventory of nuclear weapons of mass destruction in order to protect themselves, when they once believed that the US would help protect them . . . ~llaw


Nuclear Proliferation Will Haunt ‘America First’

Ankit PandaVipin Narang, and Pranay Vaddi

March 10, 2025


FTG-11 – target launch

It is no coincidence that Prime Minister Donald Tusk of Poland openly raised the possibility that his country may need to arm itself with nuclear weapons. Both major parties in South Korea are doing the same. This is a response to what is happening in Washington, where the Trump administration is renovating America’s post-World War II grand strategy, tossing aside hard-built alliances, norms on global trade, and much else. Coercive tariff threats, territorial expansionist rhetoric, and expressions of trans-national far-right political solidarity are in. Liberal values and support for what American presidents once described as a “rules-based order” are out. Trump has openly said that allies can no longer reliably count on America, or its nuclear forces, as their ultimate security guarantor. Tusk’s willingness to consider a nuclear arsenal should therefore not be surprising. Indeed, other American allies around the world are considering the same, as well as alternative nuclear-sharing agreements that once seemed fanciful. This will be the potential price of gutting American extended deterrence commitments, the most successful nonproliferation tool the United States has had for three-quarters of a century.

Preventing the spread of nuclear weapons, to friend and foe alike, has been a core bipartisan pillar of American foreign policy for decades. Perhaps some Trump administration officials greeted Tusk’s announcement warmly. Indeed, it is no secret that President Donald Trump himself and some of his prominent advisors have shrugged at the prospect of nuclear proliferation, despite the president’s open discomfort with nuclear weapons and his musings about nuclear disarmament as a part of a deal with Russia and China. To be sure, proliferation to American allies might mean big savings on the peacetime costs of forward deployed troops and avoiding entanglement in crises in far-flung theaters.

However, welcoming more nuclear-armed countries, even if they are friends of the United States, threatens core American interests. Trump’s “America First” instincts rely on and relish unrestrained American power and primacy. As such, Trump may find that the longstanding American interest in nonproliferation actually serves his worldview rather than compromises it. Allies with nuclear weapons will complicate America’s ability to exercise its power. They’re more likely to chart independent, possibly oppositional political and economic policies. And perhaps counter-intuitively, they might make it more likely that the United States gets dragged into a nuclear crisis or war.

The Real Costs of Nonproliferation to American Power

While U.S. policy makers in the post-Cold War decades focused global nonproliferation attention on countries other than allies — notably India, Pakistan, North Korea, and Iran — the looming shifts in a U.S. grand strategy that may bring America home have, in recent years, put the focus on allies. Until now these allies, including South KoreaJapanGermany, and Poland, have been able to forswear nuclear weapons because they were ultimately shielded by the American nuclear umbrella.

Early in the Cold War, following the advent of nuclear weapons, the United States did not intuitively grasp the reasons why nuclear proliferation to its friends would harm its interests. It was only in the early 1960s, after France sought a nuclear weapons capability to assert its independence from the United States and NATO’s nuclear deterrent mission, that Washington began to really introspect on the value of nonproliferation for its own interests.

The United States worked hard during the Cold War to prevent proliferation — not just by its adversaries but also its allies. A combination of security commitments, forward-positioning of U.S. conventional and nuclear weapons, and a lattice-work of dialogues, exercises, and information sharing agreements formed the heart of a U.S. strategy that “extended” deterrence to what is now more than 30 allies. Rendering this credible was a constant effort for the United States. This was especially true at the height of the Cold War and has become more pertinent recently amid growing threat perceptions in Europe and Northeast Asia alike.

This strategy, backed by a large U.S. nuclear arsenal, a flexible nuclear posture, and an explicit political commitment to extend these tools to the defense of Europe, let the allies safely focus on other ventures. European democracies focused on economic growth and trade and the well-being of their citizens, enabled by U.S. aid. In turn, these actions stimulated the U.S. economy, creating a massive long-term marketplace for U.S. producers. The commitments Washington undertook made nuclear weapons acquisition by allies and partners unnecessary, and rather than pursuing expensive, dangerous nuclear weapons programs, allies agreed to maintain a non-nuclear status and built wealth instead.

The origins of what became an enduring strategic preference for nonproliferation at the time had little to do with high-minded ideas about liberal internationalism, political solidarity with democracies, or values. It was good for American security interests. The spread of nuclear weapons, U.S. policymakers observed, would only serve to limit America’s freedom of action in the international system and endanger U.S. interests. Simply put: Nuclear proliferation to both allies and adversaries dilutes the privileges of power the United States enjoys.

‘America First’ Needs Nonproliferation

In the contemporary context, this quite literally means that pursuing a grand strategy that seeks to place ‘America First’ at the heart of U.S. statecraft should prize nonproliferation. Most importantly, allied proliferation complicates America’s ability to exercise its hard power, limiting the privileges of primacy that Trump so relishes.

First, in practical terms, allies today that consider building their own nuclear arsenals need to contend with the strategic and technical barriers to actually doing so. Ukraine, Poland, South Korea, and even Taiwan all would face the potential of an explicit renunciation of U.S. protection or assurances if they chose to pursue nuclear weapons. While some in these states may argue this is today’s status quo with the Trump administration’s approach to alliances, they would face the problem of vulnerability to attack as they sought to build the bomb. Reprocessing and enrichment facilities will be hardly invulnerable to attack, and their adversaries — Russia, China, and North Korea — will have ample incentive to consider sabotage, conventional air strikes, or worse. Russian, Chinese, or North Korean attempts to kill our proliferation-curious allies to stop them from getting there could drag us into a major conflict, as they would certainly threaten the stability of the global economy and thus American interests.

Second, even with friendly countries that might successfully proliferate, the actions they take after acquiring nuclear weapons may force Washington to intervene in crises or wars against its own interests. For instance, an ally may force a U.S. president to step in and prevent dangerous nuclear signaling or use, as has been the case in the past with the United Kingdom, France, and Israel in 1956; Israel in 1973; and India and Pakistan after 1998.

A newly emboldened but still weaker nuclear-armed ally or partner may try to provoke a major U.S. adversary, pulling the United States into a crisis as a mediator, or worse. With more nuclear-armed states, the intersection of crises that may implicate U.S. interests with nuclear weapons uncontrolled by Washington becomes far more likely. In a world of reduced U.S. influence on multiple, skittish new nuclear decision-making centers in Asia, the Middle East, Africa, or elsewhere, states are less likely to consider Washington’s opinion before engaging in nuclear threat-making — or use — to address local grievances or right historical wrongs.

This would hardly serve an ‘America First’ world. The potential for metastasizing nuclear crises assuredly contradict the goal of the “strategic prioritization” that former and incoming officials support.

In addition to diminishing American power, further proliferation anywhere — especially by prosperous, democratic allies of the United States, like South Korea — is likely to beget further proliferation everywhere. While some U.S. officials may be comfortable with a nuclear South Korea, they should ask whether they are comfortable with all that may follow in total — such as Japan, Taiwan, Poland, Saudi Arabia, all supporters of today’s nonproliferation regime. Should this dam break, the United States’ relative power and influence stands to decline. And Trump’s dreams of a denuclearization pact with Russia and China will be completely out of reach in a world where multiple new nuclear aspirants emerge. Keeping ‘America First’ in that world becomes a lot more challenging. Keeping nuclear use from occurring, and potentially embroiling the United States, an ally, or other economic partner in a conflict, becomes much more unpredictable.

The history of nuclear proliferation suggests that any decisions to shelter or encourage allied proliferation are likely to be permanent. With the exception of South Africa, no other state — not even Ukraine, which never had control over the weapons on its territory — has ever relinquished its nuclear weapons. Despite the remarkable success of the United States in leading nonproliferation efforts worldwide, the proliferation genie does not easily reenter its bottle. The acquisition of nuclear weapons is a lasting mark on international politics, and America’s freedom to maneuver, even if by “friendly states.”

Compared to these potential costs, the administration should tread carefully as it seeks to revise longstanding compacts with its treaty allies around the world. While Trump reels at the peacetime costs of sustaining forward-deployed conventional forces in Europe and Asia, seeing them as evidence of the United States being taken for a ride, the alternatives could be far more costly to the United States. Unleashing a cascade of nuclear proliferation, or rebuilding American economic strength in the aftermath of nuclear conflicts, would be far more expensive than sustaining the U.S. extended deterrence approach.

The surest way for the “crazy” power of nuclear weapons to boomerang back at the United States — constraining our freedom of action and potentially chain-ganging us into conflicts we seek to avoid — is for Washington to actively dismantle the extended nuclear deterrence architecture it so carefully crafted over three-quarters of a century, which managed to keep new allies from getting the bomb. In addition to reinstalling the software of extended deterrence, in order to prevent allied proliferation, the United States may have to make adjustments to the size or composition of its own deployed nuclear force posture. This will ensure that its hardware remains credible for deterrence, as well as assurance — some degree of vertical proliferation may be necessary to stanch the threat of horizontal proliferation, an oft lost point.

The post-Cold War conflation of nuclear nonproliferation with the so-called liberal order was understandable given the geopolitical context of the 1990s, but for the United States, is largely ahistorical. If Trump wants to pursue a grand strategic project with the goal of keeping ‘America First’, nuclear nonproliferation — not just by adversaries but also by allies — is an essential pillar.

Ankit Panda is the Stanton senior fellow in the Nuclear Policy Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the host of Thinking the Unthinkable for War on the Rocks.

Vipin Narang is the Frank Stanton professor of nuclear security and political science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He served as acting assistant secretary of defense responsible for nuclear deterrence policy during the Biden administration.

Pranay Vaddi is the senior nuclear fellow at the Center for Nuclear Security Policy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He recently served as President Joe Biden’s senior director for arms control, disarmament, and nonproliferation on the National Security Council.

Image: Lisa Simunaci via U.S. Department of Defense



There are 7 categories, with the latest addition, (#7) being a Friday weekly roundup of IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) global nuclear news stories. Also included is a bonus non-nuclear category for news about the Yellowstone caldera and other volcanic and caldera activity around the world that play an important role in humanity’s lives. The feature categories provide articles and information about ‘all things nuclear’ for you to pick from, usually with up to 3 links with headlines concerning the most important media stories in each category, but sometimes fewer and occasionally even none (especially so with the Yellowstone Caldera). The Categories are listed below in their usual order:

  1. All Things Nuclear
  2. Nuclear Power
  3. Nuclear Power Emergencies
  4. Nuclear War Threats
  5. Nuclear War
  6. Yellowstone Caldera & Other Volcanoes (Note: There are no Yellowstone Caldera bonus stories available in today’s Post.)
  7. IAEA Weekly News (Friday’s only)

Whenever there is an underlined link to a Category media news story, if you press or click on the link provided, you no longer have to cut and paste to your web browser, since this Post’s link will take you directly to the article in your browser.

A current Digest of major nuclear media headlines with automated links is listed below by nuclear Category (in the above listed order). If a Category heading does not appear in the daily news Digest, it means there was no news reported from this Category today. Generally, the three best articles in each Category from around the nuclear world(s) are Posted. Occasionally, if a Post is important enough, it may be listed in multiple Categories.

Oddly, only 3 categories have media stories today, but that does not mean things are getting better . . .

TODAY’s NUCLEAR WORLD’s NEWS, Monday, (03/10/2025)

All Things Nuclear


Trump rebuffed by Iran’s leader after sending letter calling for nuclear negotiation – WMRA


Iran’s UN mission says its open to limited talks over “militarization” of its nuclear program. … All Things Considered. Next Up: 6:00 PM Friends of …

Trump rebuffed by Iran’s leader after sending letter calling for nuclear negotiation – NEPM


Iran’s UN mission says its open to limited talks over “militarization” of its nuclear program. … Weekend All Things Considered. Next Up: 6:00 PM Snap …

Trump rebuffed by Iran’s leader after sending letter calling for nuclear negotiation – KCCU


Iran’s UN mission says its open to limited talks over “militarization” of its nuclear program. … All Things Considered · Big Picture Science …

Nuclear Power


Scientists Reveal Battery That Can Be Powered by Nuclear Waste : ScienceAlert

Science Alert

Nuclear power comes with almost zero greenhouse gas emissions, but has its own issues in the form of radioactive waste.

Duke Energy to build nuclear power plant in Stokes County – WXII


County leaders say it’s a win-win because nuclear power produces nearly no greenhouse gas emissions.

Evers budget makes nuclear energy push as guv looks for clean options – WisBusiness


That includes calling for $1 million to study siting a new plant and expanding an existing research credit to cover nuclear power. Evers told …

Nuclear War


Nuclear Proliferation Will Haunt ‘America First’ – War on the Rocks

War on the Rocks

It is no coincidence that Prime Minister Donald Tusk of Poland openly raised the possibility that his country may need to arm itself with nuclear …

Iran Signals Openness to Limited Nuclear Talks With U.S. – The New York Times

The New York Times

… nuclear program or risk losing it in a military attack. Experts say Iran is at the threshold of being able to enrich enough uranium to produce a …

Trump rebuffed by Iran’s leader after sending letter calling for nuclear negotiation – NPR


While Iran says its program is for peaceful purposes, its officials have recently threatened to create a bomb in the wake of the Israel-Hamas war, …

LLAW’s All Things Nuclear WEEKEND NEWS, Sunday, (03/09/2025)

“End Nuclear Insanity Before Nuclear Insanity Ends Humanity” ~llaw

Lloyd A. Williams-Pendergraft

Mar 09, 2025



In order to keep abreast of the weekend nuclear news, I will post Saturday and Sunday’s news, but without editorial comment. If a weekend story warrants a critical review, it will show up on Monday’s posts . . .

If you are not familiar with the weekday daily blog post, this is how the nuclear news post works . . . llaw


There are 7 categories, with the latest addition, (#7) being a Friday weekly roundup of IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) global nuclear news stories. Also included is a bonus non-nuclear category for news about the Yellowstone caldera and other volcanic and caldera activity around the world that play an important role in humanity’s lives. The feature categories provide articles and information about ‘all things nuclear’ for you to pick from, usually with up to 3 links with headlines concerning the most important media stories in each category, but sometimes fewer and occasionally even none (especially so with the Yellowstone Caldera). The Categories are listed below in their usual order:

  1. All Things Nuclear
  2. Nuclear Power
  3. Nuclear Power Emergencies
  4. Nuclear War
  5. Nuclear War Threats
  6. Yellowstone Caldera (Note: There are two Yellowstone Caldera bonus stories available on this weekend’s Post.)
  7. IAEA Weekly News (Friday’s only)

Whenever there is an underlined link to a Category media news story, if you press or click on the link provided, you no longer have to cut and paste to your web browser, since this Post’s link will take you directly to the article in your browser.

A current Digest of major nuclear media headlines with automated links is listed below by nuclear Category (in the above listed order). If a Category heading does not appear in the daily news Digest, it means there was no news reported from this Category today. Generally, the three best articles in each Category from around the nuclear world(s) are Posted. Occasionally, if a Post is important enough, it may be listed in multiple Categories.

TODAY’S NUCLEAR WORLD’S NEWS, Sunday, (03/09/2025)

All Things Nuclear


North Korea unveils what it says is a nuclear-powered submarine | CNN


… About Subscribe Newsletters Transcripts Help Center. © 2025 Cable News Network. A Warner Bros. Discovery Company. All Rights Reserved. CNN Sans …

Iran’s top leader rejects talks with US after Trump makes overture – VOA


… nuclear program and replace the nuclear deal he withdrew America … All About America. World. Africa · The Americas · East Asia Pacific · Europe …

What I saw at UN nuclear weapons summit – and what it means for us all | The National

The National

A THIRD nuclear age. A new world of multipolarity. The end of the era of nuclear reductions. However you want to phrase it, one message was clear …

Nuclear Power


Big Tech’s big bet on nuclear power to fuel artificial intelligence – CBS News

CBS News

Faced with the need to cut carbon emissions, and an increasing energy demand to power AI, companies like Microsoft, Google and Amazon are …

Big Tech’s big bet on nuclear power – YouTube


… nuclear power. Correspondent David Pogue visits Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania, where a reactor is expected to be restarted; and Oak Ridge ..

Flag as irrelevant

Is Mass. nuclear waste storage the reason behind your sky-high electric bill? – masslive.com


Eversource says costs at the plants do not affect its current electric rates, and ratepayers haven’t been paying for expenses for the local ..

Nuclear Power Emergencies


Trump’s ‘energy emergency‘ is just a giveaway to Big Oil – Fast Company

Fast Company

Other production includes coal, renewables (wind, solar, hydropower, geothermal and biomass), natural gas plant liquids and nuclear electric.

Nuclear War Threats


Iran’s supreme leader rails against Trump’s ‘bullying’ military threat – The Guardian

The Guardian

… threatened military action if Iran refused to engage in talks over its nuclear programme. … war live. Zelenskyy ‘fully committed’ to …

U.S President Trump’s BIGGEST Warning To Iran Amid World War 3 Tensions – YouTube


… threats, insisting that Iran will not be bullied into negotiations. The situation raises fears of a potential military confrontation, as Trump …

Attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities a recipe for ‘regional catastrophe’, warns Qatari PM

Tehran Times

… nuclear facilities, describing such escalation as a direct threat to regional survival … war. In response to these threats, Iranian officials …

Nuclear War


Iran Vs U.S Nuclear War Threats Near Reality As Khamenei Blasts At Donald Trump


Iran’s Khamenei dismissed Donald Trump’s military threats and rejected U.S. calls for renewed nuclear negotiations, declaring that “Iran cannot be …

Iran criticises ‘bullying countries’ after Trump letter demanding talks – BBC


War in Ukraine · US & Canada · UK · UK Politics · England · N … Iran had previously agreed to limits on its nuclear programme under the 2015 Iran …

Iran’s supreme leader rails against Trump’s ‘bullying’ military threat – The Guardian

The Guardian

Tehran has consistently denied pursuing nuclear weapons, emphasising the peaceful nature of its nuclear programme. … war live. Zelenskyy ‘fully …

Yellowstone Caldera


Pacific Ocean plate sunk to raise Wyoming’s Wind River Range – Billings Gazette

Billings Gazette

Yellowstone Caldera Chronicles is a weekly column written by scientists and collaborators of the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory. This week’s …

What Would Happen If Yellowstone’s Supervolcano Erupted? – video Dailymotion


Are we ready for a mega-blast from the supervolcano in Yellowstone National Park?

LLAW’s All Things Nuclear WEEKEND NEWS, Saturday, (03/08/2025)

“End Nuclear Insanity Before Nuclear Insanity Ends Humanity” ~llaw

Lloyd A. Williams-Pendergraft

Mar 08, 2025



In order to keep abreast of the weekend nuclear news, I will post Saturday and Sunday’s news, but without editorial comment. If a weekend story warrants a critical review, it will show up on Monday’s posts . . .

If you are not familiar with the weekday daily blog post, this is how the nuclear news post works . . . llaw


There are 7 categories, with the latest addition, (#7) being a Friday weekly roundup of IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) global nuclear news stories. Also included is a bonus non-nuclear category for news about the Yellowstone caldera and other volcanic and caldera activity around the world that play an important role in humanity’s lives. The feature categories provide articles and information about ‘all things nuclear’ for you to pick from, usually with up to 3 links with headlines concerning the most important media stories in each category, but sometimes fewer and occasionally even none (especially so with the Yellowstone Caldera). The Categories are listed below in their usual order:

  1. All Things Nuclear
  2. Nuclear Power
  3. Nuclear Power Emergencies
  4. Nuclear War
  5. Nuclear War Threats
  6. Yellowstone Caldera (Note: There is one Yellowstone Caldera bonus story available on this weekend’s Post.)
  7. IAEA Weekly News (Friday’s only)

Whenever there is an underlined link to a Category media news story, if you press or click on the link provided, you no longer have to cut and paste to your web browser, since this Post’s link will take you directly to the article in your browser.

A current Digest of major nuclear media headlines with automated links is listed below by nuclear Category (in the above listed order). If a Category heading does not appear in the daily news Digest, it means there was no news reported from this Category today. Generally, the three best articles in each Category from around the nuclear world(s) are Posted. Occasionally, if a Post is important enough, it may be listed in multiple Categories.

TODAY’S NUCLEAR WORLD’S NEWS, Saturday,(03/08/2025)

All Things Nuclear


Russian Diplomat Reacts to Donald Trump Nuclear Weapons Goal – Newsweek


I know Russia and us have by far the most.” He noted that in a few years, China will catch up and said: “It would be great if we could all …

Russia Says It’s Open To Broad Nuclear Talks With Trump – Radio Free Europe

Radio Free Europe

It would be great if we could all denuclearize because the power of nuclear weapons is crazy. … things back on track with Ukraine.” Ukrainian …

Iran’s Supreme Leader rejects nuclear talks with ‘bully’ US – CNN


Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has said calls for negotiations by “bully states” are aimed at dominating others, not resolving …

Nuclear Power


US eyes dangerous gap in nuclear fuel supplies in major threat to energy, national security

Fox Business

Jack Otter and the ‘Barron’s Roundtable’ panelists discuss what factors are propelling the revival of nuclear energy in the United States. The U.S. is …

Uranium is in the crosshairs of the US-Canada tariff battle – The Verge

The Verge

Nuclear energy is still a touchy subject that’s created some strange bedfellows. Unlike coal and gas power plants, nuclear reactors don’t generate …

New Battery Harvests Energy From Radioactive Nuclear Waste – Gizmodo


Unlike burning fossil fuels, nuclear power plants release very few greenhouse gases. They’re safer than they’ve ever been, and currently generate …

Nuclear Power Emergencies


Nuclear tech: Law on regulatory body still hanging; PNRI holds training on responding to emergency


For decades, nuclear technology has powered various industries in the Philippines, such as healthcare, agriculture and manufacturing.

The US energy market has its troubles, though it may not be a ‘national emergency


… electric power grid is another focus of Trump’s energy emergency declaration. … power plants that run on coal, natural gas and possibly nuclear fuel.

Nuclear War Threats


Trump Threatens Russia With Sanctions Over Recent Ukraine Attack – Foreign Policy

Foreign Policy

Welcome back to World Brief, where we’re looking at U.S. sanction threats against Russia, possible White House nuclear talks with Iran, and deadly …

Poland to require all adult men to take military training and consider nuclear weapons … – NBC News

NBC News

… war, so that this reserve is comparable and adequate to the potential threats,” Tusk said. Many of Poland’s leaders were shocked when Russia …

Russian Diplomat Reacts to Donald Trump Nuclear Weapons Goal – Newsweek


… threats of nuclear escalation. However, since Trump has taken office he … Israel at War Vladimir Putin Russia-Ukraine War Donald Trump.

Nuclear War


Poland to require all adult men to take military training and consider nuclear weapons … – NBC News

NBC News

… war with Russia. Donald Tusk added that Poland would also drastically expand its arsenal, saying the country “must pursue the most advanced …

Can Russia avert a US slide toward war with Iran? – Responsible Statecraft

Responsible Statecraft

Worse, a massive strike on Iranian nuclear and military sites will effectively kill any future attempts at diplomacy between the West and Tehran. The …

Kremlin, responding to Trump and Macron, says nuclear dialogue with US is essential | Reuters


Israel and Hamas at War · Japan · Middle East · Ukraine and Russia at War … Russia and the United States are the world’s biggest nuclear powers, with …

Yellowstone Caldera


Mag. 4.0 earthquake – 44 km east of Ixtapa Zihuatanejo, Guerrero, Mexico, on Saturday, Mar …

Volcano Discovery

List and interactive map of current and past earthquakes near Yellowstone volcano. Indonesia · Indonesia · Volcanoes of Java Climb some of its most …

LLAW’s All Things Nuclear #890, Friday, (03/07/2025)

“End Nuclear Insanity Before Nuclear Insanity Ends Humanity” ~llaw

Lloyd A. Williams-Pendergraft

Mar 07, 2025



Nuclear Warning Over Donald Trump

(See Newsweek article below for description and photo credits ~llaw)


In My Opinion:

No ally or enemy trusts Donald Trump. He is an unpredictable pathological liar that no country can rely on — including his own. He often twists or refutes himself concerning policies, recommendations, decisions, and whatever else comes out of his mouth, unpredictably altering his already questionable versions of “truths” to something completely contradictory.

So, if he says something like, let’s “denuclarize” or calls for “denuclarization” others would guess at best that he would mean only them and their country, which, in reality, might actually increase the nuclear world’s weapons. And then there is also the question of “what about nuclear power plants”.

And by-the-way, “denuclarize” or “denuclarization” weren’t even non-standard recognized English dictionary words until February 3rd of this year, and essentially therefore have no established common meaning other than the “act of removing nuclear weapons from someplace”, without even a concept of how such project would be accomplished. ~llaw

File:Newsweek Logo.svg - Wikimedia Commons

Nuclear Warning for Donald Trump

Published Mar 07, 2025 at 5:00 AM EST Updated Mar 07, 2025 at 3:30 PM EST

By Matthew Tostevin

Trust Project Icon

Newsweek Is A Trust Project Member

Although President Donald Trump has said he wants to get rid of nuclear weapons, the uncertainty he is creating over global alliances has made it likely more countries will consider them, nuclear weapons experts say.

The risk is of a new wave of nuclear proliferation, with a larger number of nuclear powers increasing the chance of either intentional or accidental use of atomic weapons—if not World War III.

“Many of the countries that earlier decided to forego the nuclear weapons option did so precisely because of the protection provided by the United States and alliances,” said Elena Sokova, executive director of the nonprofit Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation.

“I’m first and most concerned about the developments among the United States and Europe, the traditional partners, but in the same way in Asia. Asia-Pacific is also feeling the pressure and also concerns about the reliability of the alliances.”

A State Department spokesperson told Newsweek: “The United States has long worked to prevent additional states from acquiring nuclear weapons.”

“America’s commitments to the defense of our allies are unwavering, and we continue to consult closely with allies and partners to maintain and strengthen extended deterrence. America’s allies have repeatedly reaffirmed their commitments to the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty,” the spokesperson said.

Trump Seeks To Get Rid of Nuclear Weapons

Trump has said he wants denuclearization along with Russia and China, saying on Thursday “it would be great if everybody would get rid of their nuclear weapons.”

But Europe has been shaken by the Trump administration’s approach to security, with countries openly questioning the future of the U.S.-dominated North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) that they had seen as their main protection for decades.

Not only has Trump become much closer to Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin and shown an apparent readiness for concessions to end the Ukraine war that European countries oppose, but his administration has also challenged them to increase their defense spending and appeared ready to reduce U.S. troop numbers in Europe. Then there have been his threats against Panama and his view that the United States should take over Greenland—if not make Canada the 51st state, too.

Nuclear Capable Missile
An Air Force Global Strike Command unarmed Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile launches during an operational test on Aug. 11, 2021, at Vandenberg Space Force Base, Calif. U.S. Air Force photo by Airman First Class Tiarra Sibley

Who Are U.S. Allies?

U.S. allies such as Japan in South Korea in Asia and also those in the Middle East are watching closely and questioning how far they can count on American power to defend them.

“You have discussion already in Europe and interest in nuclear options in countries like South Korea. I think most of them would hedge their bets and watch,” said Lukasz Kulesa, director of Proliferation and Nuclear Policy at Britain’s Royal United Services Institute think tank.

“It’s not a decision any country would take lightly,” he said, adding: “Not on the basis of a turbulent couple of weeks with the Trump administration.”

Which Countries Have Nuclear Weapons?

For now, there are only nine states believed to be in possession of nuclear weapons, in order of number of warheads: Russia, the United States, China, France, Britain, India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea.

The data provided by the Federation of American Scientists think tank also counts retired warheads awaiting dismantlement.

Key to limiting nuclear proliferation since 1945 had been the U.S.’s “nuclear umbrella,” a promise to protect allies in exchange for them not to develop their own weapons, said Sharon Squassoni, a research professor at George Washington University who previously served in the U.S. government.

“Faith in the United States is at an all-time low. It wouldn’t surprise me at all to see the worst chain of nuclear weapons proliferation since the 1940s in the midst of this chaos. And, of course, that would make the world a much more dangerous place,” she told Newsweek.

Which Countries Might Get Nuclear Weapons?

The most likely candidate to obtain nuclear weapons in the near future is Iran—although Trump has said he will not allow nuclear-armed Israel’s main adversary to obtain them and has ramped up pressure to try to force it into negotiations, while maintaining a military option.

If Iran were to get nuclear weapons, that could put pressure on other regional players, including Saudi Arabia and Türkiye. The latter hosts U.S. nuclear weapons under a NATO agreement, but has also shown interest in its own weapons. That might become more likely if NATO frays ,given Türkiye’s historic rivalry with Russia as well.

In Europe, France has offered to extend its nuclear protection to other states and some have given an initially positive reception—while Russia called it “extremely confrontational.”

Germany’s likely incoming chancellor, Friedrich Merz, said he would speak to both France and Britain about extending nuclear protection. But in time, other countries—perhaps Germany itself—might feel the need if a credible European deterrent is not established quickly, experts say. At the least, France and Britain may need to upgrade their weapons.

There is also uncertainty in East Asia, where South Korea and Japan have both lived under the U.S. nuclear umbrella.

Legacy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Polls show a large majority of South Koreans favor developing an independent nuclear deterrent. Most Japanese do not, given the horrific history of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but that could change if the United States were no longer perceived as offering protection.

Self-ruling Taiwan never acquired nuclear weapons, but did research them, and currently relies on the U.S. in the face of the invasion threat from China for what it regards as a breakaway province.

Atomic Bomb Dome
The Atomic Bomb Dome, which was the only structure left standing near to where the first atomic bomb used in war exploded on Aug. 6, 1945 in Hiroshima, seen on Dec. 9, 2024 Matthew Tostevin

“It’s not a trivial program to launch and start. It’s an expensive endeavor,” said Sokova. “For some countries, they may want to have a nuclear weapons program, but either their technical capabilities or other factors would not be in favor.”

How Are Nuclear Weapons Made?

Acquiring, processing and enriching nuclear isotopes are easier for countries with established nuclear power capacities. Then come designing and building weapons and testing delivery systems—all under the eyes of potential adversaries to add to the challenges. The fact that North Korea, one of the world’s poorest countries, could develop nuclear weapons showed it could be possible for any state with the determination, however.

There are agreements and institutions in place designed to limit the spread of nuclear weapons. Many countries take seriously their commitments under the U.N. Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. It has a safeguards system under the responsibility of the International Atomic Energy Agency, which verifies compliance.

“There still are organizations and treaties, and, you know, a sense that the whole world hasn’t gone to hell in a hand basket,” said Squassoni. “But you know what, this is a very dangerous moment.”

Nuclear Warning Over Donald Trump
Nuclear Warning Over Donald Trump Photo-illustration by Newsweek/Getty

Updated on 03/07/2025 at 3:30 p.m. ET with comment from the State Department



There are 7 categories, with the latest addition, (#7) being a Friday weekly roundup of IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) global nuclear news stories. Also included is a bonus non-nuclear category for news about the Yellowstone caldera and other volcanic and caldera activity around the world that play an important role in humanity’s lives. The feature categories provide articles and information about ‘all things nuclear’ for you to pick from, usually with up to 3 links with headlines concerning the most important media stories in each category, but sometimes fewer and occasionally even none (especially so with the Yellowstone Caldera). The Categories are listed below in their usual order:

  1. All Things Nuclear
  2. Nuclear Power
  3. Nuclear Power Emergencies
  4. Nuclear War Threats
  5. Nuclear War
  6. Yellowstone Caldera & Other Volcanoes (Note: There is one Yellowstone Caldera bonus story available in today’s Post.)
  7. IAEA Weekly News (Friday’s only)

Whenever there is an underlined link to a Category media news story, if you press or click on the link provided, you no longer have to cut and paste to your web browser, since this Post’s link will take you directly to the article in your browser.

A current Digest of major nuclear media headlines with automated links is listed below by nuclear Category (in the above listed order). If a Category heading does not appear in the daily news Digest, it means there was no news reported from this Category today. Generally, the three best articles in each Category from around the nuclear world(s) are Posted. Occasionally, if a Post is important enough, it may be listed in multiple Categories.

TODAY’s NUCLEAR WORLD’s NEWS, Friday, (03/07/2025)

All Things Nuclear


Trump says he sent letter to Iran leader to negotiate nuclear deal – Colorado Springs Gazette

Colorado Springs Gazette

… all the international sanctions to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. … Subscribe to stay up to date with all things Colorado. Subscribe …

Putin’s Aide Trains All Guns on Macron Over ‘Nuclear Umbrella Over Europe’ Proposal | Watch


Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov condemned French President Emmanuel Macron’s statement about extending France’s nuclear deterrent to Europe …

What is a nuclear umbrella? – YouTube


200 IQ Man Destroys Reality: “It’s All a Hologram”. Be Inspired•1M … ‘Things have become too important for silly political games’, analyst …

Pentagon Reveals New Details on Mysterious “Prominent Hunt” Exercise to “Find Nuclear …

The Debrief

… about carbon generation and nuclear waste storage. Elsewhere, analysis of … All these agencies contribute to the National Technical Nuclear …

Nuclear Power


The US can reduce Russia’s nuclear energy—and geopolitical—influence – Atlantic Council

Atlantic Council

For the past two decades, Russia has wielded its nuclear energy technologies—through its state-owned conglomerate Rosatom—as a strategic export to …

Nuclear warning for Donald Trump – Newsweek


It has a safeguards system under the responsibility of the International Atomic Energy Agency, which verifies compliance. “There still are …

A Strategic Opportunity: U.S. Funding in Vietnam’s Pursuit of Nuclear Power – CSIS


In addition to the nuclear energy agreement, Vietnam and Russia also committed to “advancing nuclear science and technology for peaceful purposes,” …

Nuclear Power Emergencies


Russian UAV attacks Chornobyl NPP – Emergency successfully resolved – RBC-Ukraine


The smoldering fire at the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) has been extinguished. A unit of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine will …

Emergency situation resolved at Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant | Ukrainska Pravda


An emergency situation at the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) has been resolved following a Russian attack on 14 February.

Chornobyl fully clears Russian drone strike damage – The New Voice of Ukraine

The New Voice of Ukraine

The emergency situation at the Chornobyl nuclear power plant was completely eliminated on Friday, March 7.

Nuclear War Threats


Mocking him as ‘Micron,’ Russia warns Macron against making nuclear ‘threats‘ – Fox News

Fox News

Mocking him as ‘Micron,’ Russia warns Macron against making nuclear ‘threats‘ … war in Ukraine to continue. FORMER LEADER OF NATO NATION SLAMS …

France to consider protecting European allies with its nuclear arsenal, Macron says – CNN


… nuclear weapons, prepares to use nuclear weapons against Russia, this is, of course, a threat,” Lavrov said at a news conference on Thursday.

Ukraine-Russia war latest: Moscow accuses UK of ‘inventing threats‘ – The Independent

The Independent

Andrei Kelin said: “Russia does not threaten France or the United Kingdom. Here in the United Kingdom, they are very good at inventing threats. I have …

Nuclear War


Trump’s Nuclear Talks Offer Before War? Warns Of ‘Very Ugly Consequences’ In Letter To Khamenei


Times Of India (TOI) Is The Largest Selling English Daily In The World. Times Of India Videos Bring You Global News, Views And Sharp Analysis.

Trump tells Khamenei to make a nuclear deal or face military intervention | Iran International


… nuclear program, he told Fox Business Network, but warned that … “It is Israel’s desire to involve the other countries in the region in a war.

Poland seeks access to nuclear arms and looks to build half-million-man army – Politico.eu


this is a race for security, not for war,” he said. He pointed to the example of Ukraine, which gave up is nuclear arsenal and is now being attacked …

France has a nuclear umbrella. Could its European allies fit under it? – BBC


War in Ukraine · US & Canada · UK · UK Politics · England · N. Ireland · N. Ireland … Until now French nuclear doctrine has been built around the …

Mocking him as ‘Micron,’ Russia warns Macron against making nuclear ‘threats’ – Fox News

Fox News

… War Three. France could consider protecting European allies with its nuclear arsenal. Russian President Vladimir Putin and French President …

Macron Suggests Extending Nuclear Umbrella To European Allies In Face Of Russian Aggression

Radio Free Europe

Trump, who has made ending the war in Ukraine a centerpiece of his second term in office, also raised worries among European allies after he called …

Yellowstone Caldera


ERUPTED AT 20250306/1656Z FL050 EXTD S OBS VA DTG: 06/1700Z to 5000 ft (1500 m)

Volcano Discovery

… Caldera’s Sakurajima volcano) during 24 February-2 March. … List and interactive map of current and past earthquakes near Yellowstone volcano.

IAEA Weekly News

7 March 2025

Read the top news and updates published on IAEA.org this week.


7 March 2025

International Women’s Day: Nuclear Needs Women

The world needs nuclear and nuclear needs women. This International Women’s Day, learn why this matters, how we’re helping, and how you can get involved. Read more →


5 March 2025

Update 279 – IAEA Director General Statement on Situation in Ukraine

The presence of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) at Ukraine’s nuclear power plants (NPPs) remains an “invaluable asset” for the international community and must be preserved, Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi told Member States after the completion of a delayed team rotation at the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP). Read more →


5 March 2025

Call for Abstracts: Conference on Radiation Protection in Medicine — X Ray Vision

Interested contributors have until 2 May 2025 to submit abstracts for scientific posters for the IAEA’s International Conference on Radiation Protection in Medicine — X Ray Vision. Read more →


4 March 2025

Major Nuclear Repository Adopts New Fully Searchable Digital Platform

The IAEA’s International Nuclear Information System has been further strengthened with the addition of a modern repository platform. Read more →


3 March 2025

IAEA Board Briefed on Ukraine, Iran, Gender Parity, AI and More

The IAEA Director General reminded the Agency’s Board of Governors today of the precarious nuclear safety situation in Ukraine, and discussed his trip to Fukushima, developments with Iran, reaching gender parity at the IAEA and more. Read more →

LLAW’s All Things Nuclear #889, Thursday, (03/06/2025)

“End Nuclear Insanity Before Nuclear Insanity Ends Humanity” ~llaw

Lloyd A. Williams-Pendergraft

Mar 06, 2025



Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with French President Emmanuel Macron in Moscow

(See the article posted below for description and photo credits.)


In My Opinion:

I am posting this article today for only one reason – that being the absolute childish one-word affront by supposedly grown men discussing a serious world class issue — nuclear weapons of mass destruction — insulting the French leader as “Micron” rather than his honorable name “Macron”. (In this case it was former Russian President Medvedev. )

Childish behavior like this defies the belief that serious-minded highly placed responsible individuals are taking the concept of nuclear annihilation seriously.

Other than that mild tirade, the story reports that U.S. President Donald Trump’s upending of U.S. policy on the war have caused fears among European leaders that Washington is turning its back on Europe, which is an extremely serious International situation . . .

Also, I will add, as I often do, that the “number” of nuclear weapons’ in a country’s arsenal is irrelevant these days because of the size and power, and distribution methods of nuclear bombs today versus those of the World War II or “Cold War” eras that are far more individually important and potentially far more destructive than the number of collective weapons, most of which would likely never be launched. Today’s nuclear bombs are up to 80 times more powerful than those that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan.

So, you see, nuclear war is not a grade-school playground name-calling threat or scuffle. Any “dignitary” anywhere who stoops to such a low level should be summarily dismissed and fired from whatever position or rank that they have been elected to or placed in. ~llaw

File:Reuters Logo.svg - Wikipedia

Mocking him as ‘Micron’, Russia warns Macron not to threaten it

By Guy Faulconbridge and Dmitry Antonov

March 6, 20257:29 AM PST Updated 5 hours ago

Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with French President Emmanuel Macron in Moscow

President Vladimir Putin and French President Emmanuel Macron, attend a joint press conference, in Moscow, Russia, February 7, 2022. Thibault Camus/Pool via REUTERS/File Photo

  • Summary
  • Moscow opposes European peacekeeping troops in Ukraine
  • Macron open to discussing sharing nuclear deterrence
  • Russia says Macron should not threaten Russia
  • Kremlin agrees “proxy war” should end
  • Ex-President Medvedev calls Macron ‘Micron’

MOSCOW, March 6 (Reuters) – Russia warned French President Emmanuel Macron on Thursday not to threaten it with nuclear rhetoric and, mocking his height by calling him ‘Micron’, ruled out European proposals to send peacekeeping forces from NATO members to Ukraine.

Macron said in an address to the nation on Wednesday that Russia was a threat to Europe, Paris could discuss extending its nuclear umbrella to allies and that he would hold a meeting of army chiefs from European countries willing to send peacekeeping troops to Ukraine after a peace deal.

The Kremlin said the speech was extremely confrontational and that Macron wanted the war in Ukraine to continue.

“This (speech) is, of course, a threat against Russia,” Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said.

“Unlike their predecessors, who also wanted to fight against Russia, Napoleon, Hitler, Mr Macron does not act very gracefully, because at least they said it bluntly: ‘We must conquer Russia, we must defeat Russia’.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has led to the biggest confrontation between the West and Russia since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, and the Kremlin and White House have said missteps could trigger World War Three.

Russia and the United States are the world’s biggest nuclear powers, with over 5,000 nuclear warheads each. China has about 500, France has 290 and Britain 225, according to the Federation of American Scientists., opens new tab

Russian officials and lawmakers accused Macron of rhetoric that could push the world closer to the abyss. Russian cartoons cast him as Napoleon Bonaparte riding towards defeat in Russia in 1812.

“Micron himself poses no big threat though. He’ll disappear forever no later than May 14, 2027. And he won’t be missed,” former President Dmitry Medvedev wrote on X, looking ahead to the end of Macron’s term.

00:14EU leaders talk defense spending surge after U.S. cuts Ukraine aid

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova suggested Macron might want help measuring his true military size, and her ministry said his speech contained “notes of nuclear blackmail” and amounted to a threat directed towards Russia.

“Paris’ ambitions to become the nuclear ‘patron’ of all of Europe have burst out into the open, by providing it with its own ‘nuclear umbrella’, almost to replace the American one. Needless to say, this will not lead to strengthening the security of either France itself or its allies,” it said.


Russian advances in Ukraine and U.S. President Donald Trump’s upending of U.S. policy on the war have caused fears among European leaders that Washington is turning its back on Europe.

Russian officials say tough rhetoric from Macron, British Prime Minister Keir Starmer and other European powers is not backed up by hard military power and point to Russia’s advances on the battlefield in Ukraine.

Lavrov and the Kremlin dismissed Macron’s proposal to send peacekeepers to Ukraine and said Russia would not agree to it.

“We are talking about such a confrontational deployment of an ephemeral contingent,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

Lavrov said saying Moscow would see such a deployment as NATO presence in Ukraine.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has dismissed Western assertions that Russia could one day attack a NATO member.

He portrays the war as part of a historic struggle with the West following the collapse of the Soviet Union and NATO’s encroachment on what he considers Moscow’s sphere of influence.

U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio this week cast the conflict as a proxy war between Russia and the U.S., a position the Kremlin said was accurate.

“This is actually a conflict between Russia and the collective West. And the main country of the collective West is the United States of America,” Peskov said. “We agree that it is time to stop this conflict and this war.”

The Reuters Daily Briefing newsletter provides all the news you need to start your day. Sign up here.

Reporting by Guy Faulconbridge, Dmitry Antonov, Mark Trevelyan, Lucy Papachristou; Editing by Stephen Coates, Michael Perry, Philippa Fletcher and Timothy Heritage

Guy Faulconbridge

Thomson Reuters

As Moscow bureau chief, Guy runs coverage of Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States. Before Moscow, Guy ran Brexit coverage as London bureau chief (2012-2022). On the night of Brexit, his team delivered one of Reuters historic wins – reporting news of Brexit first to the world and the financial markets. Guy graduated from the London School of Economics and started his career as an intern at Bloomberg. He has spent over 14 years covering the former Soviet Union. He speaks fluent Russian.Subscribed


There are 7 categories, with the latest addition, (#7) being a Friday weekly roundup of IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) global nuclear news stories. Also included is a bonus non-nuclear category for news about the Yellowstone caldera and other volcanic and caldera activity around the world that play an important role in humanity’s lives. The feature categories provide articles and information about ‘all things nuclear’ for you to pick from, usually with up to 3 links with headlines concerning the most important media stories in each category, but sometimes fewer and occasionally even none (especially so with the Yellowstone Caldera). The Categories are listed below in their usual order:

  1. All Things Nuclear
  2. Nuclear Power
  3. Nuclear Power Emergencies
  4. Nuclear War Threats
  5. Nuclear War
  6. Yellowstone Caldera & Other Volcanoes (Note: There are three Yellowstone Caldera bonus stories available in today’s Post.)
  7. IAEA Weekly News (Friday’s only)

Whenever there is an underlined link to a Category media news story, if you press or click on the link provided, you no longer have to cut and paste to your web browser, since this Post’s link will take you directly to the article in your browser.

A current Digest of major nuclear media headlines with automated links is listed below by nuclear Category (in the above listed order). If a Category heading does not appear in the daily news Digest, it means there was no news reported from this Category today. Generally, the three best articles in each Category from around the nuclear world(s) are Posted. Occasionally, if a Post is important enough, it may be listed in multiple Categories.

TODAY’s NUCLEAR WORLD’s NEWS, Thursday, (03/06/2025)

All Things Nuclear


Activists Seize the ‘Momentum’ to Try to Finally Eliminate Nukes – PassBlue


They are raising alarms about nuclear threats and the ongoing modernization of nuclear … All of these things are coalescing around this moment. So, …

Air Force aims to instill Warrior Ethos, increase lethality

U.S. Air Forces in Europe

Also, every day, Airmen protect the skies over the homeland through exercises and nuclear deterrence, he said. … “All of that is not adding to combat …

French Nuclear Shield Talks, Global Bonds Sell-off, Trump’s Tariff Delays | The Opening Trade 03/06



Nuclear Power


France has a nuclear umbrella. Could its European allies fit under it? – BBC


Two cooling towers of the Civaux nuclear power plant, in central France (file photo). Last month the likely next German chancellor Friedrich Merz …

Tripling Nuclear Energy Capacity by 2050: Maximizing a High-Energy Future for Data …

POWER Magazine

Nuclear’s resurgence has been best exemplified over the past two years by its emergence as the chosen technology for companies looking to power large …

Erin O’Toole: The future for nuclear is bright, but only if we learn lessons of the past

Financial Post

As Canada prepares to meet its growing energy needs, there is no longer debate about the central role nuclear will play.

Nuclear Power Emergencies


The US energy market has its troubles, though it may not be a ‘national emergency

Midland Daily News

… energy-related emergencies, such as meltdowns at nuclear power plants around the world, shortages of electricity and natural gas, and massive …

What’s that blaring sound in St. Lucie County? Here’s what it is. – Treasure Coast Newspapers

Treasure Coast Newspapers

The St. Lucie Nuclear Power Plant outdoor warning sirens will blare at … Lucie County Public Safety Emergency Management Division and Martin County …

Fire at nuclear plant extinguished, no safety concerns: Regulator – Focus Taiwan

Focus Taiwan

… plant on fire, said the County’s Bureau of Fire and Emergency Services. The fire was put out in around 10 minutes, with the nuclear reactor and …

Nuclear War Threats


Mocking him as ‘Micron’, Russia warns Macron not to threaten it | Reuters


Russia warned French President Emmanuel Macron on Thursday not to threaten it with nuclear rhetoric and, mocking his height by calling him …

How effective is nuclear deterrence today? – Polytechnique Insights

Polytechnique Insights

… threats to Western democracies and the state of deterrence in France. … war’; it has guaranteed non-nuclear war.” Could the same be said today …

Russia-Ukraine war updates: EU leaders hold talks to boost military budgets – Al Jazeera

Al Jazeera

Moscow views comments by Macron about extending France’s nuclear deterrent to European partners as a “threat”, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov …

Nuclear War


Mocking him as ‘Micron’, Russia warns Macron not to threaten it – Reuters


… War Three. Russia and the United States are the world’s biggest nuclear powers, with over 5,000 nuclear warheads each. China has about 500, France …

France could extend nuclear umbrella to prepare for wider war with Putin – YouTube


France has an independent nuclear deterrent arm, has fewer than 300 warheads. But they don’t depend on us.” Macron said he would open a debate for …

Macron open to extending France’s nuclear protection to European allies amid threat from Russia

The Kyiv Independent

Western intelligence agencies have also warned that Russia may find the opportunity to launch a large-scale war on Europe within five years. “Russia …

Yellowstone Caldera


‘Peak’ into past of Wind River Range – Buckrail


WYOMING — According to the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory’s (YVO) latest Caldera Chronicles, not all mountains in the Yellowstone National Park …

From sunny and 60s to… snow? Quad Citizens deal with some winter weather on Wednesday


20:40 · Go to channel · Scientists Are Giving LAST WARNING As Mount St. Helens TRIGGERS Yellowstone Caldera. Discover Tube New 4.1K views · 20:24.

Weak Mag. 2.2 Earthquake – Aegean Sea, 26 km Northeast of Santorini Island, Cyclades …

Volcano Discovery

List and interactive map of current and past earthquakes near Yellowstone volcano. Destinations. Destinations. Tours by destination. We travel to …

LLAW’s All Things Nuclear #888, Wednesday, (03/05/2025)

“End Nuclear Insanity Before Nuclear Insanity Ends Humanity” ~llaw

Lloyd A. Williams-Pendergraft

Mar 05, 2025



Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu (left) and Russia’s Vladimir Putin are both wanted for arrest for war crimes and both control nuclear weapons (Image: Archive)


In My Opinion:

TPNW stands for Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), in case you didn’t know, and I didn’t either.

The message here from Scotland’s “The National” newspaper is short and sweet and exactly right! As I have been whining for months, “deterrence” is not the answer to solving the issue of potential nuclear war. So why, I have to ask for the umpteenth time, are we spending billions, even trillions, of dollars in individual nations around the globe to build, rebuild, strengthen, and add more and more nuclear arms in every nuclear-armed nation when we already know nuclear deterrence cannot and will not work? The exalted leaders running nuclear-armed countries are obviously insane with their self-aggrandizing power and would just as soon destroy us all rather than join a common effort to abolish, not just conflict and war, but all things nuclear associated with war — and that must also include not only nuclear weapons, but nuclear power plants because nuclear power plants are nothing less than stationary nuclear weapons.

Just as stupid is the international idea that nuclear weapons defined as “tactical” or “small” nuclear weapons adds to the fear, or should, because the use of even one “tactical” nuclear weapon in a war zone, no matter how small, will immediately cause retaliation from the monstrous nuclear weapons awaiting launch from other countries that will destroy virtually every living species, including human, on planet Earth.

So my question is, why on Earth are we continuing to build and increase nuclear arms that can already be immediately deployed to targets everywhere around the globe, eliminating ourselves because we just simply cannot get along from one international boundary to another. ~llaw

Read on . . .

The National Newspaper Merchandise

TPNW: ‘Global disaster looms amid nuclear threats on Gaza and Ukraine’

4th March

By Xander ElliardsContent Editor



Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu (left) and Russia’s Vladimir Putin are both wanted for arrest for war crimes and both control nuclear weapons (Image: Archive)

THREATS of nuclear weapons being used in Ukraine and Gaza show the world is closer to disaster than any time since the Cold War, an international group of parliamentarians has warned.

In a statement agreed upon and then issued from a UN summit on the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), representatives from parliaments in countries including Japan, Scotland, Canada, France, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Italy, Norway, and French Polynesia also spoke against the policy of “nuclear deterrence” favoured by governments like the UK’s.

The group, whose members mostly represented countries who have not signed up to the TPNW, said that deterrence was not a security strategy but a “reckless gamble with humanity’s survival” – and pledged to push their respective governments to move towards nuclear disarmament.

READ MORE: UK Government slaps down Ian Murray over UN nuclear weapons summit

“As parliamentarians, we have the responsibility to protect the people we represent,” they said.

“Nuclear weapons do not protect people. Their use would unleash catastrophic, uncontrollable devastation, overwhelming any humanitarian response and destabilizing global security. Even their mere existence fuels proliferation, heightens tensions, and increases the risk of miscalculation or accident.

“We therefore cannot rely on nuclear deterrence as a security strategy. It would be a reckless gamble with humanity’s survival to base national security on a constant, credible threat of actual use of nuclear weapons.

“Threatening mass destruction runs counter to the security interests of humanity as a whole and renders nuclear deterrence as a dangerous, misguided and unacceptable approach to security.”

SNP MSP Bill Kidd

SNP MSP Bill Kidd, who is both the convener of Holyrood’s cross party group on nuclear disarmament and co-president of the global group Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament (PNND), was at the meeting representing Scotland.

The UK Government has declined to sign or ratify the TPNW, but the SNP have committed to doing so in an independent Scotland.

Speaking on Monday, Prime Minister Keir Starmer said that “if ever there was a time to reaffirm support for the nuclear deterrent, it is now”, given the escalating tensions with Russia in Europe.

However, parliamentarians at the UN argued that those geopolitical tensions underline “the importance of implementing and universalising the TPNW”.

They said: “Far from ensuring security, nuclear weapons put the world at increasing risk – from Russia’s threats to use nuclear weapons in the context of the illegal invasion of Ukraine, to a minister of Israel suggesting to drop a nuclear bomb on the Gaza Strip, to threats of renewed nuclear testing, to expanded nuclear-sharing arrangements in Europe, and the modernization of arsenals in every single nuclear-armed state.

“Loose rhetoric about ‘small’ nuclear weapons and tactical use has lowered the threshold for nuclear war and brought us closer to catastrophe than at any time since the Cold War.”

Israel and Russia are two of the world’s nine nuclear-armed nations, alongside the UK, US, France, China, Pakistan, India, and North Korea.

READ MORE: I’m at the UN summit on nuclear weapons. This is what I learned on day one

The parliamentarians’ statement goes on: “Instead of addressing these risks, a small number of governments respond by doubling down – expanding their reliance on nuclear deterrence, issuing counter-threats, and pouring ever more resources into these weapons of mass destruction.

“Such a strategy is doomed to fail.”

The statement from the parliamentarians will be delivered to the UN summit by Hinamoeura Cross, a French Polynesian politician who – along with the entire population of her nation – was impacted by radioactive fallout from French nuclear tests.Subscribed


There are 7 categories, with the latest addition, (#7) being a Friday weekly roundup of IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) global nuclear news stories. Also included is a bonus non-nuclear category for news about the Yellowstone caldera and other volcanic and caldera activity around the world that play an important role in humanity’s lives. The feature categories provide articles and information about ‘all things nuclear’ for you to pick from, usually with up to 3 links with headlines concerning the most important media stories in each category, but sometimes fewer and occasionally even none (especially so with the Yellowstone Caldera). The Categories are listed below in their usual order:

  1. All Things Nuclear
  2. Nuclear Power
  3. Nuclear Power Emergencies
  4. Nuclear War Threats
  5. Nuclear War
  6. Yellowstone Caldera & Other Volcanoes (Note: There is one Yellowstone Caldera bonus story available in today’s Post.)
  7. IAEA Weekly News (Friday’s only)

Whenever there is an underlined link to a Category media news story, if you press or click on the link provided, you no longer have to cut and paste to your web browser, since this Post’s link will take you directly to the article in your browser.

A current Digest of major nuclear media headlines with automated links is listed below by nuclear Category (in the above listed order). If a Category heading does not appear in the daily news Digest, it means there was no news reported from this Category today. Generally, the three best articles in each Category from around the nuclear world(s) are Posted. Occasionally, if a Post is important enough, it may be listed in multiple Categories.

TODAY’s NUCLEAR WORLD’s NEWS, Wednesday, (03/05/2025)

All Things Nuclear


What options the U.S. has to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon | NPR Illinois

NPR Illinois

Next Up: 4:00 PM All Things Considered. 0:00. 0:00. Fresh Air. NPR Illinois … But Stroul says attacking Iran’s nuclear program is a whole different …

Russia seeks to serve as mediator between US and Iran – Reuters


… all international sanctions on Iran to prevent the country from acquiring a nuclear weapon. … things right’. 28 min ago. Ukrainian President …

Energy Stakeholders Group talks Chesapeake Utilities’ rate increase, exploring nuclear …

Delaware Public Media

All Things Considered. Next Up: 6:30 PM Marketplace. 0:00. 0:00. All Things … Nuclear Energy Feasibility Task Force. Sen. Hansen said she as …

Nuclear Power


NuclearPower Revival Brings Back an Old Problem: What to Do With the Waste – WSJ


Already, more than 90,000 metric tons of spent nuclear fuel is being stored at sites in 39 states. These include 73 commercial nuclear power plants …

A Road Map for Rebuilding America’s Nuclear Arsenal | The Heritage Foundation

The Heritage Foundation

China is the fastest-growing nuclear power on the planet, building more than 100 new nuclear weapons per year. Russia has more than 10 times as …

Penn State engages with NRC to build a new nuclear research facility

Penn State

Drawing on strong heritages of innovation to meet the renewed interest in nuclear energy, Penn State and Westinghouse Electric Co. are partnering …

Nuclear Power Emergencies


Pluri Announces Exclusive Collaboration Agreement with Hemafund to Enhance Ukraine’s …


… nuclear power plant, which caused a fire in the containment shell. … radiation-related emergencies. The PLX-R18 doses will be stored ..

Russia has once again struck the energy sector in Odesa region: this is the fourth time in two weeks


Nuclear power plant in Odesa was damaged … DTEK energy workers have received permission from rescuers and have started emergency …

Nuclear War Threats


A Road Map for Rebuilding America’s Nuclear Arsenal | The Heritage Foundation

The Heritage Foundation

The United States must rebuild and replace its Cold War–era nuclear deterrent, given the growing threats posed by the autocrats in Beijing, …

Can France and the United Kingdom Replace the U.S. Nuclear Umbrella? – CSIS


… nuclear sharing arrangement since the Cold War … nuclear strategy that is both credible and effective in protecting Europe from potential threats.

TPNW: ‘Global disaster looms amid nuclear threats on Gaza and Ukraine’ | The National

The National

THREATS of nuclear weapons being used in Ukraine and Gaza show the world is closer to disaster than any time since the Cold War, an international…

Nuclear War


Assured distraction: How attacks on South Korea’s nuclear reactors could be a smoke …

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

An attack on South Korean reactors or spent fuel storage pools would release large amounts of radioactivity and cause massive evacuations, …

A Road Map for Rebuilding America’s Nuclear Arsenal | The Heritage Foundation

The Heritage Foundation

The United States must rebuild and replace its Cold War–era nuclear deterrent, given the growing threats posed by the autocrats in Beijing, …

Ukraine war latest: US cuts intelligence-sharing – Starmer insists Trump ‘reliable’

The Independent

Ukraine Russia war Trump Zelensky Putin Starmer PMQs latest news.

Yellowstone Caldera


Mag. 4.1 earthquake (unconfirmed) – 30 km north of Cintalapa de Figueroa, Chiapas, Mexico …

Volcano Discovery

List and interactive map of current and past earthquakes near Yellowstone volcano.

LLAW’s All Things Nuclear #887, Tuesday, (03/04/2025)

“End Nuclear Insanity Before Nuclear Insanity Ends Humanity” ~llaw

Lloyd A. Williams-Pendergraft

Mar 04, 2025



AP Video courtesy of You Tube (Trudeau is expected to step down on March 9th)


In My Opinion:

As usual—or as always—Trump is overstepping his never-ending preposterous bounds, creating enemies faster than a venomous snake. Now he wants to annex Canada, which as we all know here and there, Canada won’t stand for such a ridiculous idea now or never.

Trump is apparently power-crazy, wanting to be “King” of the world at a time when he should be serving time in a federal prison for considerable felonious crimes he has committed, including some felonies he has been convicted of of as a private citizen and other impeachable charges as the president of the United States. ~llaw

AP Video courtesy of You Tube:

File:Newsweek Logo.svg

Canada Eyeing NATO Ally’s Nukes To Deter Trump ‘Threat’: Candidate

Published Mar 04, 2025 at 8:59 AM ES

By Isabel van Brugen

News Reporter

Trust Project Icon


AP Video courtesy of You Tube (Trudeau is expected to step down on March 9th)

A politician vying to replace Justin Trudeau as Canada’s next leader has suggested forming a closer alliance with Britain and France as the NATO nations possess nuclear weapons, which could help safeguard the Canadians against potential threats posed by President Donald Trump.

Why It Matters

Trump has repeatedly said that the United States should annex Canada and absorb the country as the 51st state. Officials have raised alarm bells about the president’s threats, saying they undermine Canada’s sovereignty. Trudeau has rejected the possibility of his country becoming part of the U.S.

What To Know

Chrystia Freeland, former deputy prime minister under Trudeau, warned that Trump poses a direct “threat” to Canada’s sovereignty by saying that the country could potentially become the 51st U.S. state.

Trump has said that Canada is “not viable as a country” without U.S. trade.

Freeland proposed forming stronger defense ties with France and Britain, as their nuclear arsenals could aid Canada “at a time when the United States can pose a threat.”

“I would be working urgently with those partners to establish a closer security relationship,” the former finance minister said during the final Liberal Party leadership debate last week, U.K. newspaper The Telegraph reported.

Trump “wants to turn Canada into the 51st state, and it’s no joke,” Freeland said.

“That is why he is supporting [Russian President] Vladimir Putin‘s criminal attempt to redraw Ukraine’s borders,” she added. “Trump wants to redraw our borders, too.”

Canada’s Liberal Party has seen a recent resurgence in the polls, surpassing the Conservatives for the first time since 2021. Party members are set to elect a new leader on March 9, after which Trudeau is expected to step down.



There are 7 categories, with the latest addition, (#7) being a Friday weekly roundup of IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) global nuclear news stories. Also included is a bonus non-nuclear category for news about the Yellowstone caldera and other volcanic and caldera activity around the world that play an important role in humanity’s lives. The feature categories provide articles and information about ‘all things nuclear’ for you to pick from, usually with up to 3 links with headlines concerning the most important media stories in each category, but sometimes fewer and occasionally even none (especially so with the Yellowstone Caldera). The Categories are listed below in their usual order:

  1. All Things Nuclear
  2. Nuclear Power
  3. Nuclear Power Emergencies
  4. Nuclear War Threats
  5. Nuclear War
  6. Yellowstone Caldera & Other Volcanoes (Note: There are three Yellowstone Caldera bonus stories available in today’s Post.)
  7. IAEA Weekly News (Friday’s only)

Whenever there is an underlined link to a Category media news story, if you press or click on the link provided, you no longer have to cut and paste to your web browser, since this Post’s link will take you directly to the article in your browser.

A current Digest of major nuclear media headlines with automated links is listed below by nuclear Category (in the above listed order). If a Category heading does not appear in the daily news Digest, it means there was no news reported from this Category today. Generally, the three best articles in each Category from around the nuclear world(s) are Posted. Occasionally, if a Post is important enough, it may be listed in multiple Categories.

TODAY’s NUCLEAR WORLD’s NEWS, Tuesday, (03/04/2025)

All Things Nuclear


LLAW’s All Things Nuclear #886, Monday, (03/03/2025) – Substack


LLAW’s All Things Nuclear #886, Monday, (03/03/2025). “End Nuclear Insanity Before

What options the U.S. has to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon | WXXI News


All Things Considered. Next Up: 6:30 PM Marketplace. 0:00. 0:00. All Things … But Stroul says attacking Iran’s nuclear program is a whole different …

What options the U.S. has to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon – WMRA


One of the challenging foreign policy issues President Trump will confront is Iran and its nuclear program … All Things Considered. Next Up: 6:00 PM …

Nuclear Power


Rosatom head says Russia will restart seized Ukrainian nuclear plant – Bellona.org


Russia will restart the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant—occupied by Moscow’s troops since the beginning of their three-year-old invasion of Ukraine— …

Exclusive: Penn State bets on nuclear energy with microreactor – Axios Pittsburgh


… nuclear reactor that can generate electricity and heat — to advance nuclear research. … Typical nuclear power plants refuel every one to two years

Zimbabwe Turns to Russia’s Putin for Nuclear Power Partnership | Firstpost Africa – YouTube


Zimbabwe Turns to Russia’s Putin for Nuclear Power Partnership | Firstpost Africa | N18G Zimbabwe is turning to nuclear energy to solve its power …

Nuclear Power Emergencies


Nuclear, radiological emergency response, mitigation plan ready’ | Lenie Lectura


THE Department of Energy (DOE) announced on Tuesday that nuclear energy stakeholders and experts have crafted a National Nuclear and Radiological …

DoE bares nuclear emergency plan – BusinessWorld Online

BusinessWorld Online

THE Department of Energy (DoE) has strengthened its preparedness measures to address potential nuclear and radiological emergencies by coming up …

PH preparing nuclear power emergency plan – Manila Standard

Manila Standard

The Philippines is firming up its National Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan (RADPLAN) to strengthen its ability …

Nuclear War Threats


The Key Questions Senators Should Ask Trump’s Nuclear Policy Nominees

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

… threats of nuclear war and the spread of nuclear weapons. Focus on Asia. U.S. security alliances with South Korea and Japan, through which the …

Canada Eyeing NATO Ally’s Nukes To Deter Trump ‘Threat‘: Candidate – Newsweek


… nuclear weapons, which could help safeguard the Canadians against potential threats posed by President Donald Trump. Why It Matters. Trump has …

Disarmament by the numbers – the United Nations

the United Nations

12,400 nuclear weapons remain a threat to humanity. An illustration with … Chemical weapons: The horrors of chemical warfare were tragically …

Nuclear War


Journalist who had Khrushchev’s ear as nuclear war loomed says Putin wouldn’t have caved to US

The Times of Israel

When 94-year-old veteran foreign correspondent Marvin Kalb speaks, world leaders should pay attention. His new memoir, ‘A Different Russia,’ …

The Key Questions Senators Should Ask Trump’s Nuclear Policy Nominees

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

… nuclear war and the spread of nuclear weapons. Focus on Asia. U.S. … The Nuclear Policy Program aims to reduce the risk of nuclear war. Our …

Trump Says U.S. Is Open to Nuclear Talks – Arms Control Association

Arms Control Association

… nuclear-weapon states to join in the nuclear disarmament process. … war. Trump and Putin held a 90-minute phone call on Feb. 12 on several …

Yellowstone Caldera


A nuclear bomb under our feet; the explosion could destroy humanity – Bota – Pamfleti


Yellowstone Caldera is one of the largest volcanic systems in the world. The volcanic system lies beneath Yellowstone National Park, which spans …

LLAW’s All Things Nuclear #886, Monday, (03/03/2025) – Substack


Nuclear Power Emergencies. Nuclear War Threats. Nuclear War. Yellowstone Caldera & Other Volcanoes (Note: There are two Yellowstone Caldera bonus …

Mag. 3.5 earthquake (unconfirmed) – Michoacan, 74 km southeast of Tecoman, Colima …

Volcano Discovery

… caldera, and Ijen in East Java. California earthquakes … Yellowstone quakes · Yellowstone quakes · Latest earthquakes under Yellowstone volcano

LLAW’s All Things Nuclear #886, Monday, (03/03/2025)

“End Nuclear Insanity Before Nuclear Insanity Ends Humanity” ~llaw

Lloyd A. Williams-Pendergraft

Mar 03, 2025




In My Opinion:

Trump is without doubt a Russian puppet, devoted to Putin and the the Kremlin. How can there be any doubt following the incredibly poor taste obviously planned and staged attack on Ukraine’s President Zelenskyy by Trump, his Vice President JD Vance, and a supporting Secretary of State Marco Rubio in front of selected media including the Russian press.

How is it possible for the United States of America to continue to allow this possible traitor to America and the the free world including NATO nations of which the USA is a member, but maybe not for long. His obvious anti-democracy actions scream for his immediate removal from the presidency via his 3rd impeachment, and I just can’t imagine how he could possibly survive a 3rd one. There is just too much evidence against him, not only concerning his dedication to Russia and Putin, but his ongoing in-plain-sight attempt to overthrow the existing Democratic-Republic of the United States of America. ~llaw

The Independent Logo Vector - (.SVG + .PNG) - Logovtor.Com


Ukraine-Russia war latest: Trump attacks European leaders in tirade after Zelensky says peace is ‘very, very far away’

The US president was reacting to comments from European leaders who say they cannot guarantee peace in Ukraine without US help

Holly Evans

Monday 03 March 2025 20:45 GMT


US president Donald Trump has hit out at calls from European leaders for the US to provide security guarantees for any Ukraine peace deal.

At the weekend, Sir Keir Starmer hosted a summit of European leaders following Friday’s disastrous meeting between Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky and Mr Trump.

Speaking following the talks, Sir Keir said Europe “must do the heavy lifting” in securing peace but insisted a deal must have “strong US backing” to succeed.

But writing on his own social media platform on Monday afternoon, Mr Trump said: “Probably not a great statement to have been made in terms of a show of strength against Russia. What are they thinking?”

The US president also criticised Mr Zelensky for claiming a peace deal was “still very, very far away”. Mr Trump said: “This guy doesn’t want there to be peace as long as he has America’s backing.”

The post came minutes after Sir Keir told MPs in The Commons that Donald Trump is “sincere” in his commitment to peace.

In an update given to the House of Commons, Sir Keir said the US was vital to securing peace in Ukraine as he urged countries from either side of the Atlantic to come together on a deal.

Puce with rage, he leaned over and wagged his finger as he told the leader of a nation under assault from Russia: “You’re playing cards, you’re gambling with the lives of millions of people.” But when Donald Trump got furious with Volodymyr Zelensky, it wasn’t just business, it was personal.

As in all mafia tales, the relationship between the two leaders has been poisoned by business – specifically the business of Russia. But it would be dangerous to believe Trump’s support for Russia is just fuelled by his animus to Zelensky. It’s much worse than that.

Trump likes Putin, with whom he says he shared the experience of the “scam” of allegations that Russia interfered in his 2016 election as president. And Trump hates Zelensky for not helping him campaign against Joe Biden when he lost his second term run.

Read the full analysis from Sam Kiley here:

Read the full article here:

The House of Commons stands united against a common enemy – Nigel Farage

A massive cry of ‘hear, hear!’ went up from Labour and Tory MPs alike, writes Joe Murphy. It was in a remarkable and moving show of unity – in reminding the Reform UK leader we support Zelensky and not Putin

What really lies behind Trump’s fury with Zelensky – and what it means for Ukraine

‘The Donald’s’ anger with the Ukrainian president in the White House goes beyond the personal, writes world affairs editor Sam Kiley – it shows a global shift in strategy from the US away from Ukraine and towards the Kremlin


Key Points

8 minutes ago

Holly Evans 3 March 2025 20:45Subscribed


There are 7 categories, with the latest addition, (#7) being a Friday weekly roundup of IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) global nuclear news stories. Also included is a bonus non-nuclear category for news about the Yellowstone caldera and other volcanic and caldera activity around the world that play an important role in humanity’s lives. The feature categories provide articles and information about ‘all things nuclear’ for you to pick from, usually with up to 3 links with headlines concerning the most important media stories in each category, but sometimes fewer and occasionally even none (especially so with the Yellowstone Caldera). The Categories are listed below in their usual order:

  1. All Things Nuclear
  2. Nuclear Power
  3. Nuclear Power Emergencies
  4. Nuclear War Threats
  5. Nuclear War
  6. Yellowstone Caldera & Other Volcanoes (Note: There are two Yellowstone Caldera bonus stories available in today’s Post.)
  7. IAEA Weekly News (Friday’s only)

Whenever there is an underlined link to a Category media news story, if you press or click on the link provided, you no longer have to cut and paste to your web browser, since this Post’s link will take you directly to the article in your browser.

A current Digest of major nuclear media headlines with automated links is listed below by nuclear Category (in the above listed order). If a Category heading does not appear in the daily news Digest, it means there was no news reported from this Category today. Generally, the three best articles in each Category from around the nuclear world(s) are Posted. Occasionally, if a Post is important enough, it may be listed in multiple Categories.

TODAY’s NUCLEAR WORLD’s NEWS, Monday, (03/03/2025)

All Things Nuclear


What options the U.S. has to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon | KGOU


One of the challenging foreign policy issues President Trump will confront is Iran and its nuclear program … Weekend All Things Considered. Next Up: 6 …

What options the U.S. has to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon | Iowa Public Radio

Iowa Public Radio

One of the challenging foreign policy issues President Trump will confront is Iran and its nuclear program … Weekend All Things Considered. Next Up: 5 …

What options the U.S. has to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon – WFAE


One of the challenging foreign policy issues President Trump will confront is Iran and its nuclear program … All Things Considered · Marketplace …

Nuclear Power


Nuclear energy watchdog chief raises ‘serious’ safety concerns over sites in Ukraine and Iran

UN News – the United Nations

In his latest address to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Board of Governors on Monday, Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi warned …

Is giving old reactors new life the future of nuclear energy? – Financial Times

Financial Times

Countries want to squeeze more electricity from ageing power plants to help meet global demand, but the strategy has its own challenges.

The SMR Gamble: Betting on Nuclear to Fuel the Data Center Boom – POWER Magazine

POWER Magazine

Data center power demand is accelerating, pushing the grid to its limits and prompting tech giants to bet on next-generation nuclear reacto

Nuclear Power Emergencies


Earthquake, volcano, wildfire: Ways to prepare for emergencies in Washington state

Tacoma News Tribune

4: NORTHWEST’S ONLY NUCLEAR PLANT IS IN WA. ARE YOU READY FOR A RADIATION RELEASE EMERGENCY? While a radiation release emergency is unlikely, areas …

Ukraine-Russia war latest: Zelensky says he would step down for Nato membership

The Independent

… nuclear power plant in Ukraine via Russian-occupied territory. Energy Minister German Galushchenko sent a letter to the International Atomic Energy …

Nuclear War Threats


Race To Design Atomic-Armed Rockets To Destroy Planet-Killer Asteroids – Forbes


Yet those treaties were forged to ward off another threat to the human race – a fiery nuclear war between the Cold War superpowers – before …

$4500000000 U.S. Navy Nuclear Aircraft Carrier ‘Sunk’ by Tiny Sub from France


… nuclear attack submarines. France made this possible by installing a … He is an Emerging Threats expert and former U.S. Army Infantry officer.

Three years of occupation of Zaporizhia NPP: equipment degradation, threats to nuclear …


Three years of occupation of Zaporizhia NPP: equipment degradation, threats to nuclear, radiation safety for world … war and further challenges’.

Nuclear War


Christie Brinkley: Don’t let US resume nuclear weapon tests | Miami Herald

Miami Herald

Above-ground nuclear detonations endanger our children. Project 2025 urges the nation not to ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.

Christie Brinkley: Don’t let US resume nuclear weapon tests | Miami Herald

Miami Herald

Cold War bomb testing was part of a massive increase in the number of nuclear weapons, which peaked at more than 60,000. After nuclear war was barely …

Ukraine Russia war latest: Zelensky stresses gratitude to US after Trump spat as he praises …

The Independent

Europe will need to do the heavy lifting to ensure peace in Ukraine, Starmer said in a London summit involving Zelensky.

Yellowstone Caldera


“I’m Melting!” So are the streets at Yellowstone. (Yellowstone Monthly Update – YouTube


… yellowstone #volcano Video Chapters 0:00 Are the roads melting in Yellowstone? 1:25 Activity in Yellowstone over the past month Read Caldera …

What Was the Largest Animal Ever to Roam Yellowstone? – A-Z Animals Slideshows

A-Z Animals

History of Yellowstone National Park (cont.) © Steeverr/iStock via Getty Images. Yellowstone Features a Supervolcano. © Busara/Shutterstock.com.

LLAW’s All Things Nuclear WEEKEND NEWS, Sunday, (03/02/2025)

“End Nuclear Insanity Before Nuclear Insanity Ends Humanity” ~llaw

Lloyd A. Williams-Pendergraft

Mar 02, 2025


In order to keep abreast of the weekend nuclear news, I will post Saturday and Sunday’s news, but without editorial comment. If a weekend story warrants a critical review, it will show up on Monday’s posts . . .

If you are not familiar with the weekday daily blog post, this is how the nuclear news post works . . . llaw


There are 7 categories, with the latest addition, (#7) being a Friday weekly roundup of IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) global nuclear news stories. Also included is a bonus non-nuclear category for news about the Yellowstone caldera and other volcanic and caldera activity around the world that play an important role in humanity’s lives. The feature categories provide articles and information about ‘all things nuclear’ for you to pick from, usually with up to 3 links with headlines concerning the most important media stories in each category, but sometimes fewer and occasionally even none (especially so with the Yellowstone Caldera). The Categories are listed below in their usual order:

  1. All Things Nuclear
  2. Nuclear Power
  3. Nuclear Power Emergencies
  4. Nuclear War
  5. Nuclear War Threats
  6. Yellowstone Caldera (Note: There are no Yellowstone Caldera bonus stories available on this weekend’s Post.)
  7. IAEA Weekly News (Friday’s only)

Whenever there is an underlined link to a Category media news story, if you press or click on the link provided, you no longer have to cut and paste to your web browser, since this Post’s link will take you directly to the article in your browser.

A current Digest of major nuclear media headlines with automated links is listed below by nuclear Category (in the above listed order). If a Category heading does not appear in the daily news Digest, it means there was no news reported from this Category today. Generally, the three best articles in each Category from around the nuclear world(s) are Posted. Occasionally, if a Post is important enough, it may be listed in multiple Categories.

TODAY’S NUCLEAR WORLD’S NEWS, Sunday, (03/02/2025)

All Things Nuclear


Germany Revives Nuclear Sharing Debate As Europe Rethinks Security – YouTube


… nuclear arsenal compared to global … ‘You Don’t See All The Things That Led Up To This’: Rubio Defends Trump After Clash With Zelensky.

How DOGE detonated a crisis at a highly sensitive nuclear weapons agency

The Washington Post

Almost all the workers were rehired in an embarrassing about-face, a prominent example of how the administration has had to reverse dismissals in …

Weekly Wrap: Seymour, going nuclear, split shifts – YouTube


… nuclear‘ with supermarkets and their suppliers … ‘You Don’t See All The Things That Led Up To This’: Rubio Defends Trump After Clash With Zelensky.

Nuclear Power


New IAEA mission arrives at Russian-held Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, Russia says | Reuters


A new monitoring mission from the U.N. nuclear watchdog arrived on Saturday at the Russian-held Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in southeastern …

New IAEA Mission Arrives at Russian-Held Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Plant, Russia Says


Russian news agencies quoted Rosatom, the state nuclear power company, as saying the team from the International Atomic Energy Agency arrived at …

How a CIA informant stopped Taiwan from developing nuclear weapons – CNN


The caller said he was “with a company and they are interested in the nuclear power business… they offered to take me out for lunch.” “At that …

Nuclear War Threats


France’s Macron is ready to discuss nuclear deterrence for Europe | Reuters


… threats posed by Russia … Ukraine and Russia at War.

Mousavi: The US has backed down due to Russia’s threat of nuclear war


Mousavi: The US has backed down due to Russia’s threat of nuclear war … threats · London’s silent march in remembrance of the Palestinian …

Macron Raises Prospect of New European Nuclear Weapon – MSN


… nuclear weapon due to the danger posed by Russia which has issued numerous nuclear threats since the start of the war. What People Are Saying.

Nuclear War


New IAEA mission arrives at Russian-held Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, Russia says | Reuters


A new monitoring mission from the U.N. nuclear watchdog arrived on Saturday at the Russian-held Zaporizhzhia nuclear … Israel and Hamas at War · Japan …

Ukraine condemns IAEA nuclear plant visit via Russian-occupied territory | Reuters


Ukraine said on Sunday it condemned a “breach of territorial sovereignty” by employees of the U.N. nuclear … Israel and Hamas at War · Japan · Middle …

How a CIA informant stopped Taiwan from developing nuclear weapons – CNN


Taiwan’s nuclear ambitions. In 1964, just 15 years after the Chinese civil war ended with communist victory, leaving Chiang Kai-shek’s nationalists …

LLAW’s All Things Nuclear WEEKEND NEWS, Saturday, (03/01/2025)

“End Nuclear Insanity Before Nuclear Insanity Ends Humanity” ~llaw

Lloyd A. Williams-Pendergraft

Mar 01, 2025


In order to keep abreast of the weekend nuclear news, I will post Saturday and Sunday’s news, but without editorial comment. If a weekend story warrants a critical review, it will show up on Monday’s posts . . .

If you are not familiar with the weekday daily blog post, this is how the nuclear news post works . . . llaw


There are 7 categories, with the latest addition, (#7) being a Friday weekly roundup of IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) global nuclear news stories. Also included is a bonus non-nuclear category for news about the Yellowstone caldera and other volcanic and caldera activity around the world that play an important role in humanity’s lives. The feature categories provide articles and information about ‘all things nuclear’ for you to pick from, usually with up to 3 links with headlines concerning the most important media stories in each category, but sometimes fewer and occasionally even none (especially so with the Yellowstone Caldera). The Categories are listed below in their usual order:

  1. All Things Nuclear
  2. Nuclear Power
  3. Nuclear Power Emergencies
  4. Nuclear War
  5. Nuclear War Threats
  6. Yellowstone Caldera (Note: There are no Yellowstone Caldera bonus stories available on this weekend’s Post.)
  7. IAEA Weekly News (Friday’s only)

Whenever there is an underlined link to a Category media news story, if you press or click on the link provided, you no longer have to cut and paste to your web browser, since this Post’s link will take you directly to the article in your browser.

A current Digest of major nuclear media headlines with automated links is listed below by nuclear Category (in the above listed order). If a Category heading does not appear in the daily news Digest, it means there was no news reported from this Category today. Generally, the three best articles in each Category from around the nuclear world(s) are Posted. Occasionally, if a Post is important enough, it may be listed in multiple Categories.

TODAY’S NUCLEAR WORLD’S NEWS, Saturday,(03/01/2025)

All Things Nuclear


US might be gearing up for UK-based nuclear program, report says – Air Force Times

Air Force Times

… things Air Force. SIGN UP NOW. Sections. Air Force Times Logo NewsPay … all nuclear weapons from the base, marking the first time since 1954 …

Canada PM-Hopeful Pitches Nuclear Partnership With France and UK In Face Of Trump’s Threats


… nuclear protection against a “predatory” U.S. … ‘You Don’t See All The Things That Led Up To This’: Rubio Defends Trump After Clash With Zelensky.

Iran One Step Away From Building Nuclear Weapons: UN Watchdog | The West Asia Post


… nuclear #israel About Channel: WION The World … ‘You Don’t See All The Things That Led Up To This’: Rubio Defends Trump After Clash With Zelensky.

Nuclear Power


Ageing nuclear plant in Florida at risk from climate crisis, advocates warn – The Guardian

The Guardian

“Turkey Point was the first reactor in the country to apply to run for a total of 80 years, and no one in the world has ever run a nuclear power plant …

Endless thorium supply in China can help make unlimited nuclear power: Survey – Yahoo


“The demand for thorium in nuclear power and nuclear propulsion sectors has brought significant opportunities and challenges to the exploration and …

UK’s mini nuclear power plant competition on track to end in spring | Reuters


The British government’s competition to select companies to develop small modular nuclear reactors (SMRs) is on track to reach a decision in the …

Nuclear War Threats


Macron Raises Prospect of New European Nuclear Weapon – Newsweek


… nuclear deterrence for Europe in response to the threat posed by Moscow. … nuclear threats since the start of the war. What People Are Saying.

Remembering Nuclear Victims 71 Years After The Castle Bravo Test – Countercurrents


We can hope that one of the major threats of nuclear war is being reduced. … threat of nuclear war. “Dear young people who have never …

Green Light Teams: US Nuclear Kamikazes – Grey Dynamics

Grey Dynamics

Their high-level readiness marked the level of military and political tension present during the Cold War and by the threat posed by nuclear weapons.

Nuclear War


France’s Macron is ready to discuss nuclear deterrence for Europe | Reuters


“The French nuclear deterrent must remain a French nuclear deterrent,” she said as she visited the Farm Show in … Ukraine and Russia at War.

Richard Overy’s ‘Rain of Ruin’: The Atomic Bombs Shouldn’t Overshadow the Firebombing of Tokyo

Foreign Policy

The British report concluded with characteristic understatement that defense against a nuclear attack “represented a formidable problem.” Neither …

Trump’s proposal to “take over” Gaza would put Americans at risk of prosecution

Brookings Institution

The International Criminal Court has jurisdiction over anyone who commits war crimes and crimes against humanity on Palestinian territory, regardless …