My thoughts and comments tonight are in response to a friend’s concern that there is nothing that we can do to change the course of human destiny. Following is what she wrote in response to my Post #525 from last night, sans her name because I don’t have her permission to Post it here tonight, but it is also available on m Substack comments from last night. ~llaw
She: Lloyd, This is very discouraging. I am gratified to have information about what is really going on, however, bad news is what it comes to. Countries and their leaders will do what they will. When it comes to the crunch, individuals aren’t those in power. Russia will do what it will to Ukraine, Israel will do what it will to Gaza., etc. I so wish the world would look more hopeful. Besides reading your post, I read this morning that artists, if they protest, are being punished by having their shows cancelled. I’m referring to artists specifically protesting Netanyahu’s turning Gaza into rubble and thousands of Palestinians being killed and starved. This censorship is in the United States where we allegedly have free speech. I don’t see what our options are.
Me: I hear you loud and clear, my dear friend And I understand, and in my heart I know what I would like to witness and live to see, will never happen. But it really could be done if billions of people actually cared and understood their plight and their destiny. Only a rag-tag few of us will ever realize that world peace and harmony is possible. I am no Martin Luther King nor Nelson Mandela. And of course even Jesus Christ died in vain. So realism is as useless as the dreams these men had.
But I will still provide information and comment on genuinely wrongful issues that will never be anything more than a wish. My true hope is that there is something lurking, waiting, in the background, a power we are not aware of that will force the hand of these despots who rule with hatred and malice and for their own self-aggrandizement. I have every intention to turn my commentary into fiction asap, and I’ve mentioned that in a few of my posts, telling a story which is already written in my mind and a lot of it exists in script by hand on paper . . . ~llaw
There are 6 categories (including a bonus category at the end for news about the Yellowstone caldera and other volcanic and caldera activity that also play an important role in humanity’s lives) as do ‘all things nuclear’ for you to pick from, usually with up to 3 links to the most important media stories in each category, but sometimes fewer and occasionally even none (especially so with the Yellowstone Caldera). The Categories are listed below in their usual order:
All Things Nuclear
Nuclear Power
Nuclear War
Nuclear Power Emergencies
Nuclear War Threats
Yellowstone Caldera (There are 2 Yellowstone Caldera bonus stories available in tonight’s Post.)
Whenever there is an underlined link to a Category media news story, if you press or click on the link provided, you no longer have to cut and paste to your web browser, since this Post’s link will take you directly to the article in your browser.
A current Digest of major nuclear media headlines with automated links is listed below by nuclear Category (per above). If a category heading does not appear, it means there was no news reported from this category today. There are 2 Yellowstone Caldera bonus stories available at the end of this Post.
(A reminder, just in case: When linked, the access to the media story will be underlined. If there is no link to a media story of interest you can still copy and paste the headline and lead line into your browser to find the article you are seeking. Hopefully this will never happen.)
… nuclear crisis and the Fukushima earthquake and nuclear disaster. See stories by Anthony Kuhn · On The Air · All Things Considered3:30 PM–6:30 PM. Up …
True, Tehran is probably only a few years away from building nuclear warheads for ballistic missiles. But as its economy tanks, the regime may suspect …
Lai’s fresh mandate allows him to renew the national dialogue on nuclear energy. The global energy crisis and climate emergency prompted 22 countries, …
Tonight’s Post tells you more about my background and why I am anti-nuclear in every respect possible. It should not have ever been discovered, or when discovered never allowed to be used, but left in place in the ground exactly where it came from.
We need more subscribers to “All Things Nuclear”. It is easy and it’s free; just go to one of my daily posts and you will be invited to subscribe. All you need is an email address.
The nuclear situation is becoming extremely more dangerous daily, both from the threats of nuclear war as well as the ridiculous belief that more nuclear power plants are necessary because they are cheap and clean. Neither of those statements are true. The exact opposite is true.
Anything nuclear is a threat to all life on planet Earth and all things nuclear must be entirely removed forever from our existence in both the world’s militaries’ and the commercial power industry’s operations.
I speak from parts of three decades in the commercial nuclear power business, from the mining and milling of uranium, the fuel source, to the selling of the unrefined fuel (U308) to the industry, both in the USA and to other countries. I left the commercial nuclear energy business not long after the ‘Three-Mile Island’ disaster in late 1979 when most nuclear industry corporate leaders, began their desperate war chant to survive, “Let the Bastard Freeze to Death in the Dark”. We were wrong then and we are wrong now. I am truly ashamed, even in my old age, to have worked for many years as a responsible part of the nuclear industry.
So experience and common sense tells me that we are playing with a power source that we don’t fully understand, know how to use properly or safely, and gives the world(s) militaries and/or the commercial nuclear power generating businesses the intentional and/or accidental power of mankind to destroy virtually every living thing on the planet, including Mother Earth herself.
You ask, “Well, what can we do about it?” The probable best and only answer is for humanity to unite in a common global demand directed at the diverse world(s} of our nations’ leaders to “cease and desist and destroy” all things nuclear. Three and a half decades ago the down under country and territory of New Zealand banned by imposing this Act against all things nuclear: The New Zealand Nuclear Free Zone, Disarmament and Arms Control Act 1987 is arguably the strongest anti-nuclear weapon domestic legislation in the world. It bans nuclear weapons and propulsion from New Zealand’s land, sea and airspace out to the country’s 12-mile territorial limits.
The rest of the world(s) must do the same to ensure our own, and other living creatures’, survival as a species. “We the People” are the only known faction that can make this happen. It will take unity from at leas 2.5 billion adults around the world. The Internet can help us do that — nothing else can . . . ~llaw
There are 6 categories (including a bonus category at the end for news about the Yellowstone caldera and other volcanic and caldera activity that also play an important role in humanity’s lives) as do ‘all things nuclear’ for you to pick from, usually with up to 3 links to the most important media stories in each category, but sometimes fewer and occasionally even none (especially so with the Yellowstone Caldera). The Categories are listed below in their usual order:
All Things Nuclear
Nuclear Power
Nuclear War
Nuclear Power Emergencies
Nuclear War Threats
Yellowstone Caldera (There are 2 Yellowstone Caldera bonus stories available in tonight’s Post.)
Whenever there is an underlined link to a Category media news story, if you press or click on the link provided, you no longer have to cut and paste to your web browser, since this Post’s link will take you directly to the article in your browser.
A current Digest of major nuclear media headlines with automated links is listed below by nuclear Category (per above). If a category heading does not appear, it means there was no news reported from this category today. There are 2 Yellowstone Caldera bonus stories available at the end of this Post.
(A reminder, just in case: When linked, the access to the media story will be underlined. If there is no link to a media story of interest you can still copy and paste the headline and lead line into your browser to find the article you are seeking. Hopefully this will never happen.)
All Things Considered. Next Up: 7:00 PM The World. 0:00. 0:00. All Things … Aftermath of a nuclear explosion / Slip through a trap door. 5. Contest in …
Energy Minister German Galushchenko said in televised comments that all four new reactors would be at the Khmelnytskyi nuclear power plant in western …
The continuing gaps and lapses in policies and practices within the electricity power sector in particular, and in the larger energy sector in general …
Uranium has been hot this year, industry experts say. The trouble is there may not be enough to go around.
The squeeze on the metal, found in rocks and seawater, intensified recently after 22 countries, including the US, recently signed a pact at the UN Climate Change conferenceto triple their nuclear power capacity by 2050.
“There’s no other way to meet those net-zero carbon goals other than nuclear energy,” said Nicole Galloway Warland, managing director of Thor Energy (THORF), an exploration company with projects in Utah and Colorado.
The backdrop to all this is, of course, is the march towards cleaner energy. But the rise of EVs and the anticipated power demands of artificial intelligence computing are also going to create a demand crunch for clean electricity — and nuclear is seen as a power source, unlike oil or coal, without the downside of carbon dioxide emissions.
That means the demand for uranium, the underlying fuel for nuclear plants, will be on the rise for years to come, experts and miners contend.
“Where is that uranium going to come from?,” asked Galloway Warland. “There’s not enough to go around. There’s a supply deficit.”
Earlier this month, the world’s largest uranium miner, Kazatomprom (KAP.IL), warned it will likely not meet its production targets in the next two years because of mine construction delays and a lack of sulfuric acid needed for uranium production. Uranium prices shot up to 2007 levels this month, sitting above $106 per pound.
Uranium-related stocks have also been on fire.
Shares of Canadian giant Cameco (CCJ) have gained 83% over the past year. Kazatomprom, which trades on the London stock exchange, is up more than 60% over the past six months. Shares of US-based Energy Fuels (UUUU) are up about 25% during the same period.
‘Uranium is becoming a household name’
A psychological shift surrounding nuclear is clearly helping fuel the market frenzy.
Nuclear power has been out of favor for years.But the Fukushima, Japan, nuclear disaster in 2011 prompted governments to scale back plans and shut down reactors. For much of the last decade, little investment went into the industry. Climate change, however, has changed attitudes.
“Nuclear power now has been realized as the new, vogue way of providing all this baseline power,” Duane Parnham, executive chairman and CEO of Madison Metals (GREN.CN), told Yahoo Finance.
“Uranium is becoming a household name,” he added.
Silicon Valley celeb billionaires, for example, have talked up the benefits of nuclear energy. Last year Sam Altman, the chief executive behind ChatGPT, announced his special purpose acquisition company would take nuclear energy startup Oklo public. And, of course, Tesla (TSLA) CEO Elon Musk weighed in. He tweeted last year that “The world should increase use of nuclear power!”
There are 6 categories (including a bonus category at the end for news about the Yellowstone caldera and other volcanic and caldera activity that also play an important role in humanity’s lives) as do ‘all things nuclear’ for you to pick from, usually with up to 3 links to the most important media stories in each category, but sometimes fewer and occasionally even none (especially so with the Yellowstone Caldera). The Categories are listed below in their usual order:
All Things Nuclear
Nuclear Power
Nuclear War
Nuclear Power Emergencies
Nuclear War Threats
Yellowstone Caldera (There are 3 Yellowstone Caldera bonus stories available in tonight’s Post.)
Whenever there is an underlined link to a Category media news story, if you press or click on the link provided, you no longer have to cut and paste to your web browser, since this Post’s link will take you directly to the article in your browser.
A current Digest of major nuclear media headlines with automated links is listed below by nuclear Category (per above). If a category heading does not appear, it means there was no news reported from this category today. There are 3Yellowstone Caldera bonus stories available at the end of this Post.
(A reminder, just in case: When linked, the access to the media story will be underlined. If there is no link to a media story of interest you can still copy and paste the headline and lead line into your browser to find the article you are seeking. Hopefully this will never happen.)
… Energy Agency’s (IAEA) five safety principles for the plant … power supply in case of emergencies or external network issues. iaeanuclear powerrosatom.
8:10 · Go to channel · Horrible Today: Lava Dome Eruption in Yellowstone Caldera was more dramatic than scientists expected. USA UPDATE New 3.7K views.
Go to channel · Horrible Today: Lava Dome Eruption in Yellowstone Caldera was more dramatic than scientists expected. USA UPDATE New 3.7K views · 10: …
“Nuclear power is a safe, clean source of energy, making it a critical part of the clean energy transition, but nuclear waste remains a concern.” ~ Oil Price Oil and Energy News
The statement above is a headline and lead-in to an article by Oil Price today. It plainly demonstrates the serious problems with natural resource language and misleading propaganda. These news organizations seem to magically talk out of both sides of their mouths at the same time. If nuclear energy and its waste is a concern, how can it be safe and clean at the same time? I see this kind of vailed ambiguity all the time in nuclear energy news. It is disgusting and it is intentionally deceiving.
I see constantly see underestimated costs and timeliness of both creating and operating a nuclear power plant. The latest new one, in Georgia, had an overrun in their 1st of 2 units of Georgia nuclear rebirth arrives 7 years late, $17B over cost. And who has to pay for it? The public consumers. Nuclear energy is neither safe nor clean and it is definitely not cheap. ~llaw
There are 6 categories (including a bonus category at the end for news about the Yellowstone caldera and other volcanic and caldera activity that also play an important role in humanity’s lives) as do ‘all things nuclear’ for you to pick from, usually with up to 3 links to the most important media stories in each category, but sometimes fewer and occasionally even none (especially so with the Yellowstone Caldera). The Categories are listed below in their usual order:
All Things Nuclear
Nuclear Power
Nuclear War
Nuclear Power Emergencies
Nuclear War Threats
Yellowstone Caldera (There are 3 Yellowstone Caldera bonus stories available in tonight’s Post.)
Whenever there is an underlined link to a Category media news story, if you press or click on the link provided, you no longer have to cut and paste to your web browser, since this Post’s link will take you directly to the article in your browser.
A current Digest of major nuclear media headlines with automated links is listed below by nuclear Category (per above). If a category heading does not appear, it means there was no news reported from this category today. There are 3Yellowstone Caldera bonus stories available at the end of this Post.
(A reminder, just in case: When linked, the access to the media story will be underlined. If there is no link to a media story of interest you can still copy and paste the headline and lead line into your browser to find the article you are seeking. Hopefully this will never happen.)
‘Doomsday Clock’ signals existential threats of nuclear war, climate disasters and AI … It cited nuclear threat in Russia’s war on Ukraine as well as …
OMG! So now we ‘have to have’ floating transportable mini-nuclear power plants drifting up and down our shorelines? I can think of all kinds of unmerciful accidents and/or terrorism spreading radiation up and down populated coasts everywhere. My thoughts immediately drift to the military use of such a nuclear plant, much like the Russian military controlling the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant that has become “the center of an ongoing nuclear safety crisis, described by Ukraine as an act of nuclear terrorism by Russia”, but with the added danger of portability. Our nuclear insanity is on the verge of essentially annihilating life on planet Earth.
Read the article and weep. Russia apparently has the only operational ‘floating nuclear power plant’, but apparently more are in design or being built. And whomever was it who said this about that?: [This is] a sector that has gained traction recently due to the global need for new nuclear capacity. Only the nuclear power industry itself would say that. And Russia controls upwards of 80% of that market. This whole issue of nuclear power plants everywhere including outer space is pure unadulterated insanity. We seem to be on an unlimited mission to annihilate ourselves sooner rather than later. Mercy! ~llaw
Westinghouse has partnered with Canadian firm Prodigy Clean Energy to develop a transportable nuclear power plant (TNPP) featuring an eVinci microreactor. The ambitious project aims to launch its first venture in Canada by 2030.
The TNPP will integrate one or more 5-MWe eVinci microreactors into a Prodigy Microreactor Power Station, a specialized floating facility likely situated along shorelines. It’s designed to be pre-fabricated and easily transported to various locations, providing dependable power and heat to remote areas, data centers, defense installations, and islands.
Prodigy Clean Energy is entering the global floating nuclear power plant (FNPP) market, a sector that has gained traction recently due to the global need for new nuclear capacity. FNPPs, traditionally used in naval and icebreaker applications, are now seen as a solution for powering remote and off-grid areas, supporting renewable energy grids, and supplying energy-intensive industries. The Akademik Lomonosov in Russia is currently the only operational purpose-built FNPP, but several other designs are in advanced stages of development.
Prodigy’s approach uniquely combines nuclear, maritime, and transport industry expertise to create a standardized, scalable, and fully transportable nuclear power plant system. The company is focusing on two main programs: the Microreactor Power Station and the Grid-Scale Station. Prodigy has already partnered with NuScale Power for a grid-scale marine TNPP project and is working with Kinectrics for nuclear safety analysis.
The eVinci microreactor, a Westinghouse design introduced in 2017, is a fully passive, heat pipe–cooled system using TRISO fuel and alkali metal heat pipe technology. It operates without water and can run for over eight years without refueling. The Saskatchewan Research Council in Canada plans to pilot an eVinci microreactor by 2029, subject to regulatory approvals.
The development and deployment of FNPPs pose complex challenges, including regulatory and legal hurdles. Companies like Danish firm Seaborg are exploring innovative solutions like the Compact Molten Salt Reactor power barge. Meanwhile, Russia continues to advance in the FNPP sector with its Optimized Floating Power Units and the RITM-200M reactors.
There are 6 categories (including a bonus category at the end for news about the Yellowstone caldera and other volcanic and caldera activity that also play an important role in humanity’s lives) as do ‘all things nuclear’ for you to pick from, usually with up to 3 links to the most important media stories in each category, but sometimes fewer and occasionally even none (especially so with the Yellowstone Caldera). The Categories are listed below in their usual order:
All Things Nuclear
Nuclear Power
Nuclear War
Nuclear Power Emergencies
Nuclear War Threats
Yellowstone Caldera (There are 3 Yellowstone Caldera bonus stories available in tonight’s Post.)
Whenever there is an underlined link to a Category media news story, if you press or click on the link provided, you no longer have to cut and paste to your web browser, since this Post’s link will take you directly to the article in your browser.
A current Digest of major nuclear media headlines with automated links is listed below by nuclear Category (per above). If a category heading does not appear, it means there was no news reported from this category today. There are 3Yellowstone Caldera bonus stories available at the end of this Post.
(A reminder, just in case: When linked, the access to the media story will be underlined. If there is no link to a media story of interest you can still copy and paste the headline and lead line into your browser to find the article you are seeking. Hopefully this will never happen.)
… power could lead to a disaster at the Moscow-controlled nuclear plant. Emergency diesel generators are now “the last line of defense against a nuclear …
… threats, while very dangerous, can likely be managed without a massive … Pointing to the need to focus anew on the extinction threat of nuclear war …
10:20 · Go to channel · Another Large Earthquake Shakes Yellowstone Caldera, Thin One In Chile, Magnitude 5.0. Mary Greeley News New 5.2K views · 19: …
Buffalo grazing near geo-thermal geysers releasing underground steam in Yellowstone National Park. Do we have enough common sense to harness it?
Yellowstone National Park is larger than Delaware and Rhode Island combined, and the Park contains over 500 geysers — more than half of all geysers in the world. We need to harness some of that steam, which could allow us, with the help of others to spread pure energy around the world, allowing us to forget about ever having used the filthy waste of greenhouse gasses from fossil fuels, including the radioactive uranium/nuclear version. Such a system of tapping into these calderas has been studied by NASA, universities, and teams of scientists, and the possibility of doing just that has been proven, at least on paper and in reality in smaller geo-thermal projects around the world, to be massively feasible. All we need do is to change our sources of fuels from poisonous killers to hydro-thermal steam. It should be easy to do, but it won’t be because of politics and, of course, the almighty dollar.
The question is, will the existing infrastructure, political stooges, and corporate magnates allow it to happen or would they rather continue in the same old suicidal way to certain extinction ways for the sake of politics and money over common sense? We presently fail to realize that much of our existing infrastructure, such as utility power plants, buildings and facilities, equipment, and especially our grid systems could still be of value to a brand new international industry of mining and refining volcanic steam that may be renewable beyond our wildest dreams. If there’s a will, there’s a way, somebody said once upon a time . . .
And doing so might provide another benefit to humanity and other life on planet Earth. Releasing more steam from these calderas, particularly Yellowstone, could relieve dangerous pressure within volcanic calderas that otherwise could create massive eruptions that could easily kill millions of people if the pressure is allowed to grow indefinitely as it does now. The possible dangers as well as the possible benefits are particularly important at Yellowstone, which alone could provide heat and electricity to the entire North American continent with enough left over for other continents in urgent need for centuries to come, and perhaps then some. ~llaw
There are 6 categories (including a bonus category at the end for news about the Yellowstone caldera and other volcanic and caldera activity that also play an important role in humanity’s lives) as do ‘all things nuclear’ for you to pick from, usually with up to 3 links to the most important media stories in each category, but sometimes fewer and occasionally even none (especially so with the Yellowstone Caldera). The Categories are listed below in their usual order:
All Things Nuclear
Nuclear Power
Nuclear War
Nuclear Power Emergencies
Nuclear War Threats
Yellowstone Caldera (There is one Yellowstone Caldera bonus story available in tonight’s Post.)
Whenever there is an underlined link to a Category media news story, if you press or click on the link provided, you no longer have to cut and paste to your web browser, since this Post’s link will take you directly to the article in your browser.
A current Digest of major nuclear media headlines with automated links is listed below by nuclear Category (per above). If a category heading does not appear, it means there was no news reported from this category today. There is one Yellowstone Caldera bonus story available at the end of this Post.
(A reminder, just in case: When linked, the access to the media story will be underlined. If there is no link to a media story of interest you can still copy and paste the headline and lead line into your browser to find the article you are seeking. Hopefully this will never happen.)
Tsunami-hit Japanese nuclear reactor gets restart approval., 2020. Japan court: Nuclear plant’s tsunami safeguards inadequate. by Mari …
While the use of nuclear weapons has long been seen as unrealistic given the threat of escalation, Russia, “knowing that the West is casualty and risk …
Smithsonian Magazine
The Bulletin cited a number of potential nuclear threats facing the world today. For one, Russia could possibly use nuclear weapons in their war …
One of the most incredible things about Yellowstone National Park is that it is actually an active volcano. Within the park is a huge caldera which is …
Well, what to say about the major ‘All Things Nuclear’ news for today? Nothing but the media passing along the “Bulletin of Atomic Scientists” (which I have beaten to death over the last 3+ Posts) keeping the Doomsday Clock at 90 seconds with the exception of two articles about Trudeau wrongly using the Federal Emergencies Act against truckers, two stories about the future of ‘fossil fuels’, a couple of nuclear power plant growth, delays, and a couple of concerns, influences from the Russia/Ukraine war. So that leaves only the “Yellowstone Caldera” bonus category, which is an old Art Bell “Cost to Coast” show from May of 2004 that tells us how a Yellowstone eruption could cause a new ice age of which I did not bother to look at the details other than this:
Researcher Robert Felix, who argued that the planet was on the precipice of another ice age. He explained that this could come about as a result of increasing ocean temperatures adding significant moisture to the air followed by the explosion of the Yellowstone caldera, which would reduce the global temperature by 20 degrees, causing significant snowfall around the planet. (The link is Posted below in the ‘Yellowstone Caldera’ category, in case you would like to listen . . .)
Tomorrow will be another day, of course, so we’ll leave today at that . . . ~llaw
There are 6 categories (including a bonus category at the end for news about the Yellowstone caldera and other volcanic and caldera activity that also play an important role in humanity’s lives) as do ‘all things nuclear’ for you to pick from, usually with up to 3 links to the most important media stories in each category, but sometimes fewer and occasionally even none (especially so with the Yellowstone Caldera). The Categories are listed below in their usual order:
All Things Nuclear
Nuclear Power
Nuclear War
Nuclear Power Emergencies
Nuclear War Threats
Yellowstone Caldera (There is one Yellowstone Caldera bonus story available in tonight’s Post.)
Whenever there is an underlined link to a Category media news story, if you press or click on the link provided, you no longer have to cut and paste to your web browser, since this Post’s link will take you directly to the article in your browser.
A current Digest of major nuclear media headlines with automated links is listed below by nuclear Category (per above). If a category heading does not appear, it means there was no news reported from this category today. There is one Yellowstone Caldera bonus story available at the end of this Post.
(A reminder, just in case: When linked, the access to the media story will be underlined. If there is no link to a media story of interest you can still copy and paste the headline and lead line into your browser to find the article you are seeking. Hopefully this will never happen.)
It cited nuclear threat in Russia’s war on Ukraine as well as the Oct. 7 attack in Israel and war in Gaza, worsening climate-related disasters and the …
Well, as I expected the Doomsday Clock stayed where it was, despite the expectations that it would be moved back to 2 minutes. If any of you cared enough to watch the Announcement this morning, you were treated to an expert panel of folks who knew what- and and where-of they spoke. It was truly an impressive presentation.
I can only feel sorrow for those of you who weren’t able to watch it live, but I am reposting it here just in case there were issues that prevented you from watching it or that you’ve changed your mind about the absolute dangers involved in not only ‘all things nuclear’, but also how it relates negatively to ‘AI’, and how fossil fuel energy (all of it including uranium) must go away forever. There is no hope for nuclear power plants to built, and the existing plants must all be shut down because they are a more immediate accidental death threat to all life on Mother Earth than even CO2 and other greenhouse gasses from other fossil fuels, e.g. coal, oil, gas, etc. Also, the possibility exists that both industries could join forces to exterminate most life on Earth much sooner than the “experts” tell us.
And, just know also, that nuclear powered energy will never replace other fossil fuel power plants, partly because the industry is going backward in percentage of power production, and catching up to a useful (if there is such a thing) will never happen because the industry provides less than 10% of electrical production, and new power plants will 15 years to two decades just to come online and if a few of them are lucky enough.
Human and other life remains hanging by the thinnest of threads, but there are a couple of ways we could be bailed out that I’ve been harping about for 519 consecutive days now. All it will take is a change of heart by the masses telling our so-called ‘leaders’ and an accompanying new understanding of what life is all about. “We ain’t gonna stand for it anymore!”.
My lovely little Avatar, Juice, posted the following statement in support of that this morning on Facebook: “ Love, Felicity, Care and Peace go together! Hatred, Chaos, Apathy, and War also go together, sadly. If you have to make a choice, which way of life would you choose? We do have a choice . . . and you and I know who those are who choose the authoritarian way. They are our our self appointed, chosen, or elected leaders. Let’s get rid of them all in this new year . . .” ~llaw
Here’s an explanation with a link to the full statement of Science and Security Board of the “Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists” if you missed it this morning. If you are interested in the Statement only, the link is in the last paragraph of this “Bulletin” Post . . .
A moment of historic danger: It is still 90 seconds to midnight.
The members of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists’ Science and Security Board have been deeply worried about the deteriorating state of the world. Last year, we expressed our heightened concern by moving the Clock to 90 seconds to midnight—the closest to global catastrophe it has ever been—in large part because of Russian threats to use nuclear weapons in the war in Ukraine.
Today, we once again set the Doomsday Clock at 90 seconds to midnight because humanity continues to face an unprecedented level of danger. Our decision should not be taken as a sign that the international security situation has eased. Instead, leaders and citizens around the world should take this statement as a stark warning and respond urgently, as if today were the most dangerous moment in modern history. Because it may well be.
But the world can be made safer. The Clock can move away from midnight. As we wrote last year, “In this time of unprecedented global danger, concerted action is required, and every second counts.” That is just as true today.
Read the full statement from the Science and Security Board and learn more about the Doomsday Clock:
There are 6 categories (including a bonus category at the end for news about the Yellowstone caldera and other volcanic and caldera activity that also play an important role in humanity’s lives) as do ‘all things nuclear’ for you to pick from, usually with up to 3 links to the most important media stories in each category, but sometimes fewer and occasionally even none (especially so with the Yellowstone Caldera). The Categories are listed below in their usual order:
All Things Nuclear
Nuclear Power
Nuclear War
Nuclear Power Emergencies
Nuclear War Threats
Yellowstone Caldera (There no Yellowstone Caldera bonus stories available in tonight’s Post.)
Whenever there is an underlined link to a Category media news story, if you press or click on the link provided, you no longer have to cut and paste to your web browser, since this Post’s link will take you directly to the article in your browser.
A current Digest of major nuclear media headlines with automated links is listed below by nuclear Category (per above). If a category heading does not appear, it means there was no news reported from this category today. There no Yellowstone Caldera bonus stories available at the end of this Post.
(A reminder, just in case: When linked, the access to the media story will be underlined. If there is no link to a media story of interest you can still copy and paste the headline and lead line into your browser to find the article you are seeking. Hopefully this will never happen.)
Under the Nuclear Regulation Authority’s Guide for Emergency Preparedness and Response, residents in the urgent protective action planning zone (UPZ) …
Be sure to watch the 2024 Doomsday Clock adjustment tomorrow morning if you can! It is live on Facebook beginning at 7:00 a.m. Pacific Time. I have read that the clock will be reset to 2 minutes to midnight, but given the ‘deterrence’ challenges and the verbal threat conflicts going on the past few weeks, perhaps the time will stay the same 90 seconds to midnight. We shall see tomorrow . . . ~llaw
There are 6 categories (including a bonus category at the end for news about the Yellowstone caldera and other volcanic and caldera activity that also play an important role in humanity’s lives) as do ‘all things nuclear’ for you to pick from, usually with up to 3 links to the most important media stories in each category, but sometimes fewer and occasionally even none (especially so with the Yellowstone Caldera). The Categories are listed below in their usual order:
All Things Nuclear
Nuclear Power
Nuclear War
Nuclear Power Emergencies
Nuclear War Threats
Yellowstone Caldera (There no Yellowstone Caldera bonus stories available in tonight’s Post.)
Whenever there is an underlined link to a Category media news story, if you press or click on the link provided, you no longer have to cut and paste to your web browser, since this Post’s link will take you directly to the article in your browser.
A current Digest of major nuclear media headlines with automated links is listed below by nuclear Category (per above). If a category heading does not appear, it means there was no news reported from this category today. There no Yellowstone Caldera bonus stories available at the end of this Post.
(A reminder, just in case: When linked, the access to the media story will be underlined. If there is no link to a media story of interest you can still copy and paste the headline and lead line into your browser to find the article you are seeking. Hopefully this will never happen.)
The plans for nuclear energy are focussed on small modular reactors (SMRs), which are attracting growing global interest due to their ability to meet …
The operator says electricity supply for the spent fuel pools and other important facilities is secure as it has emergency diesel generators and power …
… war in Ukraine is driving militarization and increased support for NATO nuclear … Threats to use nuclear weapons are not very credible,” Erästö said.
A heartbreaking story from and about the people who have experienced this sad tale from beginning to a very much still open end. It is about those who lived downwind during the nuclear bomb testing at the Nevada Test site from 1951 to 1992.
We are commonly told by governments and the nuclear industry that atmospheric radiation is not a serious health risk. I cannot believe that anyone could possibly believe such a lie and the constant propaganda that humanity is subjected to. What do you think our world(s) of all living things, including Mother Earth herself, would be like during and after a nuclear war? ~llaw
The official trailer of the documentary is linked to the Documentary trailer at the end of the article.. (Click on the link to watch the trailer.)
Documentary ‘Downwind’ shows deadly consequences of nuclear testing on tribal lands
Western Shoshone Principal Man Ian Zabarte, who lost his family members to diseases caused by radiation exposure, says it amounts to racism against Native Americans that the U.S. government detonated more than 900 atomic bombs on his ancestors’ land in secret from 1951 to 1992.
“This is a very serious issue and that’s why I can’t let it go. I can’t move on. People say, ‘oh, why don’t you just let it go?’ Because it’s killing my family. It’s killing my land. It’s killing my people. And that will not stand. It’s being done in secret. And killing Indians in secret will not stand,” said Ian Zabarte, Principal Man of the Western Bands of the Shoshone Nation of Indians, who is pictured in a still from the documentary ‘Downwind’ about radiation poisoning from U.S. nuclear tests.Douglas Brian Miller/Downwind
On Jan. 7, the film “Oppenheimer” snagged five Golden Globe awards. It’s a blockbuster directed by Christopher Nolan about the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan in 1945.
But flying under the radar is a documentary called “Downwind,” another movie about nuclear weapons.
Mark Shapiro is the co-director of “Downwind,” he lives in Portland.
Ian Zabarte from Las Vegas is the Principal Man of the Western Bands of the Shoshone Nation of Indians, and is featured in the documentary.
They joined OPB’s “Weekend Edition” host, Lillian Karabaic, to discuss “Downwind” and the tragedy that inspired the documentary.
The following transcript has been edited for clarity and length.
Mark Shapiro: So we came across a pretty remarkable story. We found out that during the Cold War and into the nineties, from 1951 to 1992, the United States detonated 928 nuclear weapons at the Nevada Test Site, which is about an hour from Las Vegas. And we found that to be remarkable, and the radiation from all those tests impacted communities downwind.
Lillian Karabaic:You co-produced this documentary with Douglas Brian Miller. The documentary came out last summer around the same time as “Oppenheimer.” Can you tell me how you both came up with the idea to make the film and explore that connection?
Shapiro: Both of our families had cancer in our families and were impacted deeply by cancer. And, we felt like this shouldn’t be breaking news, that people should really know that for 40 years in one location, they tested a hundred nuclear weapons larger than Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined in some cases, and then over 800 underground weapons tests that also vent into the communities. And I think the biggest thing that surprised us, too, was this giant swath of land the size of Rhode Island, 1,350 square miles, is deeded Shoshone land. So that was another topic that we thought the government really took part in an unforgivable era, and we wanted to expose that.
Karabaic:Ian, one of the things that Mark just mentioned was that the Nevada Test Site sits right on your ancestors’ land, and the U.S. government launched more than 900 tests there. How could that happen?
Ian Zabarte: Well, the United States entered into treaty relationships with the Western Shoshone, the Western bands of Shoshone Nation of Indians in 1863. And that was a time when America’s need was great. So we all ourselves with the union, with the North, to help prosecute the war against the South, our lands, and our resources continue to make this nation the great land it is. Our lands bind this nation together, not just Shoshone, but all tribes and the treaties we entered into.
So, what happened was the United States came into our country in secret. They developed the US nuclear facilities, and they came to our country to test the bombs that they built, and they did this in secret. They didn’t ask our consent. They didn’t tell us what was happening, and we didn’t know the problem. That secrecy is counter to democracy, and we’re all not just the Shoshone; we’re all downwinders, and we’re all living with the burden of the adverse health effects that are known to be plausible from exposure to radiation, in this case, from radioactive fallout.
Karabaic: So one of the things you mentioned is that it’s so secretive. They didn’t tell you they were doing these tests, even if they had treaty access to the land, they certainly didn’t for doing nuclear tests. When did you start to realize the impact of the nuclear tests on your community?
Zabarte: When I was about 18 years old, I returned to the reservation, which is centrally located in the Great Basin, and I saw my family dying, and I didn’t understand why they were dying. My grandfather’s skin fell off. And as we began to understand that the nuclear weapons testing and the fallout came through our communities, I was angry and confused about how this could happen just like everyone else’s. How could this happen?
At the same time, the United States Bureau of Land Management was blaming Shoshone livestock [and] Shoshone ranchers for destruction of the land that was caused by nuclear weapons testing, blaming our livestock, blaming the Indians for destroying the land for the destruction caused by the fallout.
Karabaic:That’s really terrible. One of the things that I saw in the documentary was that the Atomic Energy Commission picked this Nevada Test Site to detonate more than 900 atomic bombs because they said the people living near the site were a “low-use segment of the population.” What came to your mind when you learned about that?
Zabarte: Well, what came to my mind when I learned about that and you start looking further into what they do, they also talked about how they had all of the names for all of the tests selected and picked so that they were not offensive, but 20 of the tests were named for Native American tribes, just like American helicopters are named for the battles wars with Indians that they fought. As I said, we made this nation the great nation it is. We were not conquered. We have five peace treaties with the United States. Our lands bind this nation together.
And what we’re really dealing with is other Americans who think it’s OK to violate, abuse, and exploit Native Americans, and that is racism. This is a very serious issue and that’s why I can’t let it go. I can’t move on. People say, “Why don’t you just let it go?” I said, “Because it’s killing my family. It’s killing my land. It’s killing my people. And that will not stand. It’s being done in secret. And killing Indians in secret will not stand.”
Karabaic:The ongoing effects of suffering, the health effects and dying from this, the U.S. government said, “oh, OK.” And implemented this Radiation Exposure Compensation Act in 1990, and the amount they said was worth compensation for all the health effects was $50,000. Do you think that $50,000 is enough compensation for those who are downwind?
Zabarte: No, it is not. And as I said, we’re all downwinders, and you just don’t know it.
Karabaic: I’d like to play a snippet from the documentary. Here’s Darwin Morgan. He served as the public relations director for the Nevada Test Site from 1996 till 2021. Take a listen.
Darwin Morgan [clip]: We were able to win the Cold War with what we did at the site. It contributed greatly to the winning of the Cold War. You saw that Russia wasn’t able to match what we were doing. And so when it all came to the end, what we did at the Nevada Test Site helped win the Cold War helped assure the security of the United States, the people of the United States. And so nuclear testing contributed to that.
Karabaic: Mark and Ian, what would you take from what Darwin Morgan said?
Shapiro: I think it’s interesting because we talk about the challenges of war and how you handle war, what you’re going to do to prevent war, and I think that Mr. Morgan was talking about the idea that it was served as a deterrent for other countries, not to detonate nuclear weapons. I just think as I look back and Mary Dixon in our film talks about how many nuclear tests are too many. A lot of people think, obviously even the first test in New Mexico was too many. But to continue to do that 928 times when the United States can serve as a model for the rest of the world, it’s irresponsible and unforgivable in my opinion.
Karabaic: Given the popularity of a movie like “Oppenheimer,” what kind of impact do you want to see “Downwind” have on society?
Shapiro: I think there are some things that need to be addressed immediately, including, you mentioned the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act. It’s scheduled to sunset in June of this year. So the $50,000 compensation, those amounts won’t be available after June this year unless Congress, they extend the bill, which we hope will happen. As Ian mentioned, is $50,000 enough? I don’t think so. Most people don’t think so, but it’s a start.
The Nevada Test Site is still operational and doing research. They’re still doing things at the Nevada Test Site. So that’s something that I think is unforgivable, given the fact that it’s not American land; it’s Shoshone Nation land, so that needs to be addressed. But we look at our film as the people impacted in the wake of “Oppenheimer,” and as Ian mentioned, we’re all downwinders.
Karabaic: Yeah. Thank you both for joining us. There are a lot of people who have been kept in the dark for a really long time about the impact on Indigenous communities and all of us. I hope that more folks know this history.
Mark Shapiro is the co-director of the documentary “Downwind.” Ian Zabarte is the Principal Man of the Western Bands of Shoshone Nation of Indians. The documentary is streaming online on Peacock,Prime Video, Apple TV, and other streaming services. Thanks for joining us today.
Shapiro: Thank you, Lillian. We really appreciate you having us here.
Zabarte: Thanks again. I appreciate your time.
Click on the link just below to watch the “Downwind” documentary:
There are 6 categories (including a bonus category at the end for news about the Yellowstone caldera and other volcanic and caldera activity that also play an important role in humanity’s lives) as do ‘all things nuclear’ for you to pick from, usually with up to 3 links to the most important media stories in each category, but sometimes fewer and occasionally even none (especially so with the Yellowstone Caldera). The Categories are listed below in their usual order:
All Things Nuclear
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Nuclear Power Emergencies
Nuclear War Threats
Yellowstone Caldera (There are three Yellowstone Caldera bonus stories available in tonight’s Post.)
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A current Digest of major nuclear media headlines with automated links is listed below by nuclear Category (per above). If a category heading does not appear, it means there was no news reported from this category today. There are three Yellowstone Caldera bonus stories available at the end of this Post.
(A reminder, just in case: When linked, the access to the media story will be underlined. If there is no link to a media story of interest you can still copy and paste the headline and lead line into your browser to find the article you are seeking. Hopefully this will never happen.)
Zabarte: Well, what came to my mind when I learned about that and you start looking further into what they do, they also talked about how they had all …
Meanwhile, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) warned that Russian troops have planted mines around Europe’s largest nuclear … all of those …
If the war ended in a way in which Russia could claim some measure of victory, that would normalize nuclear blackmail as an instrument of statecraft, …
… nuclear arsenal and by repeated threats of nuclear war against Washington and Seoul. … nuclear attack. In eliminating the idea of a shared sense of …
13:13 · Go to channel · Yellowstone Caldera Magma Affected, Rises After Large 6.1 Earthquake At Mariana Islands. Mary Greeley News New 3K views · 21: …