LLAW’s All Things Nuclear #437 (11/01/2023)

☄️LLAW’s “ALL THINGS NUCLEAR”☄️ #437 (11/01/2023)

“End nuclear insanity before nuclear insanity ends humanity”


LLAW’s COMMENTARY: So the Biden Administration and the U.S. Military wants to manufacture a nuclear bomb that is 24 times more powerful than the two we used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, to end WWII in 1945. There is really no way to compare “Little Boy” and “Fat Man” to today’s nuclear weapons because they are two different kinds of bombs. We already have bombs that are hundreds and even thousands of times more powerful than the atomic bombs we dropped on Japan. So it seems to me the media ought to do what real journalists used to do and that is to check out the ‘facts’ before writing a story that should embarrass the whole media industry with its ignorance, not to forget the inane words of our government. If that’s what Biden or some military general or anyone in his cabinet actually said, then what they said is okay from a journalistic viewpoint – but we need to point out that whoever said such a thing is laughably wrong, and take the time to tell us why.

But that’s not the most important issue, or so it seems to me. The real issue is: “Why on Earth is anyone anywhere building more nuclear weapons?” There is already enough nuclear weaponry to destroy everything on the planet several times over. We have learned, during the Russia/Ukraine war that nuclear power plants will make incredibly powerful nuclear weapons as well. All we have to do is drop a nuclear bomb on a nuclear power plant and we’ve go two weapons of mass destruction for the price of one. What the hell is wrong with humanity?

We ought to be well on the way toward destroying ‘all things nuclear’ rather than moving closer every day to destroying ourselves, which we are evidently absolutely bent on doing. For what reason do we want to do that? As a long-time employee in the nuclear industry, I am in the process of writing a ‘blueprint’ that provides a way for us to come together as a species by destroying everything nuclear and dumping and burying it all back in the open pit mines where uranium originally came from, including not only the nuclear fuel and nuclear waste, but also all of the world(s)’ weapons and power plants and storage facilities together with every other product that belongs to the family of uranium and the nuclear buildings and facilities that exist as soon as physically possible so that no one will ever again be allowed to have anything to do do with anything nuclear.

It can be done, and it must be done, or sooner or later humanity will commit world-wide genocide (it doesn’t matter whether it’s because of nuclear war with bombs designed to be weapons of mass destruction or the failure to understand that our nuclear power plants are nuclear weapons of mass destruction as well. What do we do with the nuclear waste? Dump it all in the oceans as Japan is being allowed to do right now? We can’t let that happen.

We are all essentially freshmen to the idea of understanding nuclear energy and how to clean up the global mess we have already made and each day it gets worse and more prolific while we clamor for more of it without even understanding what to do with the left overs or how to avoid accidents that are actually unavoidable because anything can cause a nuclear accident whether such accidents are man-made or Acts of Nature. A clue for us all is what we’ve done to cause climate change and global warming and all those ridiculous ways about how to save ourselves from CO2 that we continue to insanely pump into the atmosphere while knowing that greenhouse gasses, left unchecked will eventually kill us in a similar way as radiation poisoning. The writing is there profanely written on the walls of every power plant and every refinery – not just fossil fuel (uranium, by the way, is a fossil fuel as well) but every nuclear power plant and every nuclear reactor, too.

It is my hope that, since we are too proud, ignorant, or stupid to take it upon ourselves to do away with ‘all things nuclear’ that there will be intervention from somewhere by someone or something with enough common sense to not allow us to destroy planet Earth right along with ourselves, even though there is another way, if there is enough time left before the ultimate day arrives, to do it ourselves. But it would require the voluntary cooperation of all humankind around the human world(s).

Such is the purpose of this daily Post. We seek a unique world(s)-wide borderless effort for humanity to come together as a planet Earth community in order to save our ken from self-destruction and inevitable extinction if we fail to unite in a single direction peacefully and purposefully. Stay tuned as we make a diligent effort to convince war-mongering world(s) to trade in their weapons for a world of unity and felicity. It will only happen if we can bury the hatchet from now into the undefined infinite future. We all need to join the cause to save ourselves from each other. ~llaw



Whenever there is a link to a Category media news story, if you press or click on the link provided, you no longer have to cut and paste to your web browser, since this Post’s link will take you directly to the article in your browser.

A current Digest of major nuclear media headlines with links is listed below by nuclear Category. There are three bonus Yellowstone Caldera stories available in this post. The latest Sky News coverage of the Russia/Ukraine war is available at the end of the other categorized Posts.

(Just a reminder: If there is no link to a media story of interest you can still copy and paste the headline and lead line into your browser to find the article you are seeking. Hopefully this will rarely happen.)


All Things Nuclear


From Gaza to the Pacific, All Oppression Is Connected – Inkstick Media

Inkstick Media

How the US handles Gaza threatens everything from the Biden presidency to the Pacific’s “zone of peace” ambitions. https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://inkstickmedia.com/from-gaza-to-the-pacific-all-oppression-is-connected/&ct=ga&cd=CAEYACoTNjkwNzg2Mjg4NzMzNDY4MTYxNTIaYjNjNDg2MDIyNWU5NjVmYzpjb206ZW46VVM&usg=AOvVaw0PT2NM_dNjvAoPI3DVRKbA

Israeli military hits Gaza’s largest refugee camp – Little Rock Public Radio

Little Rock Public Radio

The attack on northern Gaza’s Jabalia camp caused widespread damage, injuries and deaths, Gaza officials say. Israel describes Jabalia as a Hamas … https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.ualrpublicradio.org/npr-news/2023-10-31/israeli-military-hits-gazas-largest-refugee-camp&ct=ga&cd=CAEYAioTNjkwNzg2Mjg4NzMzNDY4MTYxNTIaYjNjNDg2MDIyNWU5NjVmYzpjb206ZW46VVM&usg=AOvVaw00i4mXTqKCSV3z6SM8_2nG


Nuclear Power


Climate Central Solutions Brief: Nuclear Energy

Climate Central

Nuclear energy is produced through fission—a process that breaks the bonds between subatomic particles in the nuclei of some weakly-bound isotopes of … https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.climatecentral.org/report/climate-central-solutions-brief-nuclear-energy&ct=ga&cd=CAEYACoTNjkwNzg2Mjg4NzMzNDY4MDc5NDIaOTU5MTZkNWRlYjc1OTI5Mzpjb206ZW46VVM&usg=AOvVaw2kib5MJ6YwoxzHXVu8Q299

3 energy companies compete to build a new nuclear reactor in the Czech Republic – NY1


… reactor at the Dukovany nuclear power station as the country strives to become more energy-independent and wean itself off fossil fuels. https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/ap-top-news/2023/10/31/3-energy-companies-compete-to-build-a-new-nuclear-reactor-in-the-czech-republic&ct=ga&cd=CAEYASoTNjkwNzg2Mjg4NzMzNDY4MDc5NDIaOTU5MTZkNWRlYjc1OTI5Mzpjb206ZW46VVM&usg=AOvVaw2d4RnoCiAgqWNDc4AvOgMU

How well protected are Ukraine’s nuclear power plants – DW – 11/01/2023


A nuclear power plant is more than just a reactor, says Humenyuk. It is a complex facility that consists of safety systems that provides electricity … https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.dw.com/en/how-well-protected-are-ukraines-nuclear-power-plants/a-67271615&ct=ga&cd=CAEYAioTNjkwNzg2Mjg4NzMzNDY4MDc5NDIaOTU5MTZkNWRlYjc1OTI5Mzpjb206ZW46VVM&usg=AOvVaw0ckI8md8qivFza70I3SPhP


Nuclear War


Why Putin toned down his nuclear rhetoric – Financial Times

Financial Times

Russian president unnerved his foes and friends about the war in Ukraine turning into an atomic conflagration. https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.ft.com/content/d98446ac-b56e-4f1d-bfa9-ebaed4e26884&ct=ga&cd=CAEYACoTNjkwNzg2Mjg4NzMzNDY4MjQzNjIaYjhiODY0NWExNDkwZmU3Zjpjb206ZW46VVM&usg=AOvVaw3C9rKfI57fxzvLId3vZbWJ

Opinion: The threat of nuclear war is closer than AU students might think – The Eagle

The Eagle

… nuclear weapons suddenly became vastly more realistic — but in a new way. This time, nuclear war would feature tactical nuclear weapons. Tactical … https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.theeagleonline.com/article/2023/11/opinion-the-threat-of-nuclear-war-is-closer-than-au-students-might-think&ct=ga&cd=CAEYASoTNjkwNzg2Mjg4NzMzNDY4MjQzNjIaYjhiODY0NWExNDkwZmU3Zjpjb206ZW46VVM&usg=AOvVaw2WLN2L6MJ4y5p9VQwfV_1k

A Panicked Case for Nuclear Weapons Modernization – Inkstick Media

Inkstick Media

The US shouldn’t wage a new Cold War, let alone two, despite the latest US strategic posture recommendations. https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://inkstickmedia.com/a-panicked-case-for-nuclear-weapons-modernization/&ct=ga&cd=CAEYAioTNjkwNzg2Mjg4NzMzNDY4MjQzNjIaYjhiODY0NWExNDkwZmU3Zjpjb206ZW46VVM&usg=AOvVaw1H2zty7vW98XseS_oYRciQ


Nuclear Power Emergencies


How well protected are Ukraine’s nuclear power plants – DW – 11/01/2023


“When substations come under fire, the nuclear power plant’s emergency protection is activated,” says nuclear energy expert Olha Kozharna. “Such … https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.dw.com/en/how-well-protected-are-ukraines-nuclear-power-plants/a-67271615&ct=ga&cd=CAEYACoTNjkwNzg2Mjg4NzMzNDY3OTk4MjIaZTg5NDBiYzgxZmVjYjJmNDpjb206ZW46VVM&usg=AOvVaw0ckI8md8qivFza70I3SPhP

US / Regulator Approves Revision To Indian Point Nuclear Station Emergency Preparedness Plan


The Indian Point nuclear power station in New York state. The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission has granted a request by Holtec Decommissioning … https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.nucnet.org/news/regulator-approves-revision-to-indian-point-nuclear-station-emergency-preparedness-plan-11-3-2023&ct=ga&cd=CAEYASoTNjkwNzg2Mjg4NzMzNDY3OTk4MjIaZTg5NDBiYzgxZmVjYjJmNDpjb206ZW46VVM&usg=AOvVaw2raLKjDA8i3D8mWb_RzWu9

Emergency planning changed for Indian Point | The River Reporter

The River Reporter

… emergency declaration. After a nuclear power plant has permanently ceased operations and removed fuel from the reactor vessel, the risk of an … https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=http://www.riverreporter.com/stories/emergency-planning-changed-for-indian-point,123081&ct=ga&cd=CAEYAioTNjkwNzg2Mjg4NzMzNDY3OTk4MjIaZTg5NDBiYzgxZmVjYjJmNDpjb206ZW46VVM&usg=AOvVaw22ZgNlksQyomTJK1kZ88Dj


Nuclear War Threats


Opinion: The threat of nuclear war is closer than AU students might think – The Eagle

The Eagle

The era of constant nuclear threat is not as distant a memory as it may seem. When Russian troops first invaded Ukraine in February 2022, the threat … https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.theeagleonline.com/article/2023/11/opinion-the-threat-of-nuclear-war-is-closer-than-au-students-might-think&ct=ga&cd=CAEYACoTNjkwNzg2Mjg4NzMzNDY4MDgwMzIaZjY4NGUyMzhiYWM3ZTM5Njpjb206ZW46VVM&usg=AOvVaw2WLN2L6MJ4y5p9VQwfV_1k

Why Putin toned down his nuclear rhetoric – Financial Times

Financial Times

… war, an indirect one for now.” In winning … Western analysts warn that Putin’s toned-down rhetoric does not mean the nuclear threat has disappeared. https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.ft.com/content/d98446ac-b56e-4f1d-bfa9-ebaed4e26884&ct=ga&cd=CAEYASoTNjkwNzg2Mjg4NzMzNDY4MDgwMzIaZjY4NGUyMzhiYWM3ZTM5Njpjb206ZW46VVM&usg=AOvVaw3C9rKfI57fxzvLId3vZbWJ

The Axis of Resistance Threat to Israel | The National Interest

The National Interest

… nuclear threat, but it is not far below it.” In a similar vein, then-IDF … War, Israel now faced the threat of a multi-front war. Hamas’s attack … https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://nationalinterest.org/feature/axis-resistance-threat-israel-207126&ct=ga&cd=CAEYAioTNjkwNzg2Mjg4NzMzNDY4MDgwMzIaZjY4NGUyMzhiYWM3ZTM5Njpjb206ZW46VVM&usg=AOvVaw01W_0OVNoADCIHlB49BhX7


Yellowstone Caldera


The complicated history of Ferdinand Hayden and the founding of Yellowstone National Park

Idaho Capital Sun

Yellowstone Caldera Chronicles is a weekly column written by scientists and collaborators of the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory. SUPPORT NEWS YOU … https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://idahocapitalsun.com/2023/11/01/the-complicated-history-of-ferdinand-hayden-and-the-founding-of-yellowstone-national-park/&ct=ga&cd=CAEYACoTNjkwNzg2Mjg4NzMzNDY3OTk3MzIaODRkZDY4NTllNDE2NWM4Njpjb206ZW46VVM&usg=AOvVaw2J0Fw1051pk1IrHFtKJcZC

Yellowstone Volcano Eruption Map: This is the Instant Death Zone If the Supervolcano Will Erupt

Nature World News

Yellowstone is known as a site that sits on top of a dormant volcano, which experts believe to be a supervolcano that is waiting to erupt. https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.natureworldnews.com/articles/59214/20231031/yellowstone-volcano-eruption-map-instant-death-zone-supervolcano-will-erupt.htm&ct=ga&cd=CAEYASoTNjkwNzg2Mjg4NzMzNDY3OTk3MzIaODRkZDY4NTllNDE2NWM4Njpjb206ZW46VVM&usg=AOvVaw3bLFse2Cn3znfaid6Yp5Ss

The complicated history of Ferdinand Hayden and the founding of Yellowstone – Alternet.org


In fact, in 1805 the governor of the Louisiana Territory described a map drawn on a bison hide by an Indigenous American showing a “volcano” on the … https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.alternet.org/yellowstone-national-park/&ct=ga&cd=CAEYAioTNjkwNzg2Mjg4NzMzNDY3OTk3MzIaODRkZDY4NTllNDE2NWM4Njpjb206ZW46VVM&usg=AOvVaw1M1BizueyyQb-15M29pLN-

Sky News Coverage of the Russia/Ukraine war . . .


Ukraine war latest: Russia 'concerned' control is slipping in parts of country, analysts suggest; Putin moving forces in east - 'new wave' predicted


Ukraine war latest: Russia ‘concerned’ control is slipping in parts of country, analysts suggest; Putin moving forces in


☄️LLAW’s “ALL THINGS NUCLEAR”☄️ #436 (10/31/2023)

“End nuclear insanity before nuclear insanity ends humanity”
LLAW’s COMMENTARY: The following opinion piece is from LLAW’s “ALL THINGS NUCLEAR” #425 (10/20/2023), intended to provide background commentary to those who follow our new media outlets unrelated to our former daily Posts (more than a year of them, but only a few will be reposted for this purpose). They will be helpful for new subscribers to follow some of the issues and opinions. There are also several technical Posts that describe how uranium mining, milling, refining, and finally reactor fuel, and waste that will provide new subscribers with a high level understanding of how the nuclear power plant industry operates. Oddly enough it is not significantly different than the military process of building a nuclear bomb, except instead of a nuclear reactor, the military builds a nuclear bomb.
The commentary from October 20 begins here:
What possesses us humans, who in truth know nothing about (or don’t care about) the mayhem and weaknesses of the major nuclear industries – principally known as 1) creators of nuclear weapons of war and 2) as commercial providers of costly, dangerous, and unreliable nuclear generated electricity. We continue to lie to ourselves (or at least listen to and accept the propaganda) that anything nuclear is of sound technology, good for us, cheap, safe, clean, and will last forever, when it is none of the above?
And now we are apparently considering moving (or adding to) ‘All things Nuclear’, of introducing nuclear warheads into outer space. Does that mean when one country’s leaders decide to ‘nuke’ another all it has to do is let the earth do the flying and when the target country is directly beneath them, simply electronically open the satellite’s Bombay doors and drop their bombs with no danger of retaliation – at least from the ground. Wow, that would make the ICBM (missile) obsolete as well as military aircraft! Also, obviously, then, once one country is busy planning on doing that, the rest of the nuclear capable ones will follow instantly in an arms race, many of which we have been going through for eons. It is a ridiculous joke we have played on ourselves since the stone age!
So it is the grand effort of ‘do unto others before they do unto you’ technology that goes right along in typical human warlike stupidity. What if we could just learn to love (or at least honor) one another, shake hands, destroy and bury all of this genocidal nuclear technology, and spend our resources (money) on taking care of the entire human race and our only home instead of trying to eliminate us and our Earth.
Do these ‘pillars of political and corporate power’ know something we don’t know about our future or of planet Earth’s? llolloll! Of course not, unless they, too, are being directed and advised by a higher and more powerful life form! But I doubt such a ‘higher’ life form would deal with humanity in such a potentially violent way. All we are doing is playing a foolish and childish game of playground tag that will end up in what we are referring to in advance called, “The 6th Extinction”.
The last extinction was caused by a meteorite colliding with planet Earth (65+ million years ago) long before humans entered the picture, and after Earth regenerated Herself with living organisms (and eventually humans) She returned to a special place in the cosmos where living things could live, reproduce, and prosper, and we humans became a part of it all.
But, now, looking back just a few centuries, it is plain to see that we cared, not about our only home, but only about what we could take for ourselves, and now the process of ‘playing god’ is instilled in us to the point that we seem to believe that we are superior to Mother Nature, and that we can plunder, pillage, rape, kill, as humans, human parasites or animalistic epiphytes, leaving only a vast wasteland behind even unto the precious oceans and our priceless atmospheres. We are, as Pogo inferred, our own worst enemies. And the hell of it is, we seem to have no presence of mind to change our ways by turning away from approaching oblivion. ~llaw
Whenever there is a link to a Category media news story, if you press or click on the link provided, you no longer have to cut and paste to your web browser, since this Post’s link will take you directly to the article in your browser.
A current Digest of major nuclear media headlines with links is listed below by nuclear Category. There is one Yellowstone Caldera story available in this post. The latest Sky News coverage of the Russia/Ukraine war is available at the end of the other categorized Posts.
(Just a reminder: If there is no link to a media story of interest you can still copy and paste the headline and lead line into your browser to find the article you are seeking. Hopefully this will rarely happen.)
All Things Nuclear
America’s strategic nuclear posture review is miles off the mark | The Hill
The Hill
to supply nuclear fuel for the Dukovany nuclear plant, eliminating dependence on Russia for such fuel. Tags. Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All …
October 31: Pentagon pursues new nuclear bomb. Rockets strike Israeli hospital 4 times.
Happy Halloween, the celebration of all things spooky and the semi-official beginning of the 2023 holiday season. The Federal Open Market …
Nuclear Power
3 energy companies compete to build a new nuclear reactor in the Czech Republic – WOKV
Nebraska lawmakers consider ways to expand nuclear energy production
The North Platte Telegraph
3 energy companies compete to build a new nuclear reactor in the Czech Republic
AP News
Nuclear War
US wants nuclear bomb 24 times more powerful than one dropped on Japan
New York Post
US to build new nuclear gravity bomb – New Atlas
New Atlas
… nuclear weapon inventory with 3,708 commissioned warheads. That’s a small fraction of what it was at the height of the Cold War and only a few … https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://newatlas.com/military/us-to-build-new-nuclear-gravity-bomb/&ct=ga&cd=CAEYASoUMTAyNTgwMzc2NzE0MTQ0NDczMDIyGmI4Yjg2NDVhMTQ5MGZlN2Y6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AOvVaw2P2BOsjrXlRk_GwK0XXIMu
Australia must lobby US for ‘no first use’ of nuclear weapons, says ex-minister Gareth Evans
The Guardian
Nuclear Power Emergencies
Terms for Describing Advanced Nuclear Power Plants | IAEA
International Atomic Energy Agency
Nuclear War Threats
Pentagon pursues new nuclear bomb 24x the power of one dropped during WWII
US wants nuclear bomb 24 times more powerful than one dropped on Japan
New York Post
Health Professionals: Reducing the Risks for Nuclear War – Medscape
… nuclear weapons, the fact that there is a land war being waged in Europe just now, in which various threats have been made coming from the Russian … https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/996959%3Fsrc%3D&ct=ga&cd=CAEYAioUMTAyNTgwMzc2NzE0MTQ0NDQ4OTEyGmY2ODRlMjM4YmFjN2UzOTY6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AOvVaw2erEWZXWwD084nTRlXMYjN
Yellowstone Caldera
Yellowstone supervolcano could be ‘gearing up to explode’ with consequences explained
Daily Express
Sky News Coverage of the Russia/Ukraine:
Analysis: Who is winning the war?
By Philip Ingram MBE, former colonel in British Military Intelligence and NATO planner
In July, the then Ukrainian defence minister Oleksii Reznikov said that he “believes that Ukraine will win the war by next summer and could be admitted to NATO in July 2024”.
The reality of what Ukraine has really achieved on the ground would suggest this was an overly optimistic assessment – but who is winning?
In early June, Ukraine launched its long-expected counteroffensive against the Russian defences having had some significant successes in late 2022 taking back huge areas of ground around Kherson in the northeast and then Kherson in the east of the country. They had tied Russia up around Bakhmut, exhausting the Wagner fighters to the point where they had to be withdrawn from the front line.
With the delivery of fresh Western-trained troops, equipped with Leopard and Challenger tanks, Bradley and Marder infantry fighting vehicles, HIMARS and 155mm artillery, the expectation was they would punch through Russian defences like a hot knife through butter and reach the coast with the Sea of Azov in a few short months.
HIMARS (High Mobility Artillery Rocket System)
HIMARS (High Mobility Artillery Rocket System)
However, they lacked air superiority, attack helicopters, sufficient air defence and, most significantly, enough combat engineering assets to enable the extensive Russian defences to be breached in any significant way. In reality they lacked sufficient troops, tanks, artillery, missiles, and infantry fighting vehicles as well. The went too early against the delivery timetables of Western equipment.
The Russian defences delayed and slowed the Ukrainians down. The Russian use of attack helicopters and well-planned defences showed the vulnerability of Western armour and stopped the Ukrainians making significant progress, meaning that at the start of the autumn mud season, the conditions for Reznikov’s winning remain a long way off.
An emboldened Russia even counterattacked the Ukrainians near Avdiivka in the Donetsk Oblast, but only after receiving 1,000 containers of ammunition and equipment from North Korea.
The current territorial picture in Ukraine has not changed much since June.
Today’s Image of Interest:
Supervolcano could be 'gearing up to explode' with consequences explained
Supervolcano could be ‘gearing up to explode’ with consequences explained
Scientists have long warned abo

LLAW’s “ALL THINGS NUCLEAR” #435 (10/30/2023)

“End nuclear insanity before nuclear insanity ends humanity”
We are almost finished with the nightly Post format changes and media outlet access improvements to “LLAW’s All Things Nuclear”. The next step is to add more free subscribers, concerned readers, issue-active clients, and knowledgeable news affiliates to carry this much-needed anti-nuclear commentary (read on to get the idea) in order to educate our readers concerning the never-ending destructive, Armageddon-like, dangers of all things nuclear until the last living breath of life on planet Earth is inhaled.
However, the media nuclear news we present every day here is entirely unbiased so that you can decide what needs to be done to and you can do to help protect humanity from continuing to proceed without interference toward creating planet Earth’s 6th Extinction all by ourselves with no need for a collision with another cosmic body like the previous extinction 65+ million years ago – long before the human species arrived on the planet.
Presently there is a race to the final end-zone of death between uranium (U235) and the other fossil fuels whether nuclear war and radioactivity or climate change/global warming carbon dioxide (CO2). Should we doubtfully but fortunately find a solution to the CO2 problem (about which nuclear energy will never be a savior no matter who says it will), uranium and all of its products will still be scattered around the planet in the form of nuclear fuel and reactors or as nuclear waste, both of which are here to stay because there is no way to control or rid ourselves of their destructive qualities short of burial of it and all of their various and sundry products back to where it all came from deep in the earth, never to be dug up again. At least CO2 can be controlled, but with enormous difficulty, if we would only set our collective minds to it.
The choice is ours to make, but if we make the wrong choice and continue to use nuclear energy for weapons of mass destruction and for electricity generation, the day will come, sooner or later, that our self-aggrandizing game of believing that we are smarter, more clever, and efficient than Mother Nature will be over. We have made a mess of our beautiful blue-green planet that thrives with all kinds of life, but we have already killed off thousands upon thousands of other living species for our own selfish purposes. Why should we change our ways? Like I said above, the choice is ours to make – but it must be made by all of us, not by a few power-crazy men sitting at the top of our world(s) of political, financial, and military communities, large and small.
I clearly remember one man at the top of the nuclear industry in early 1979 responding to protestors and a nervously concerned planet of human world(s) during the 3-Mile Island nuclear accident, standing up before a meeting of nuclear industry executives and opening his speech, saying, “Let the Bastards freeze to death in the dark!” And you know? If these nuclear industries of all kinds continue to exist along their present path, he will have been exactly right. ~llaw
Whenever there is a link to a Category media news story, if you press or click on the link provided, you no longer have to cut and paste to your web browser, since this Post’s link will take you directly to the article in your browser.
A current Digest of major nuclear media headlines with links is listed below by nuclear Category. There is one bonus Yellowstone Caldera story available. The latest Sky News coverage of the Russia/Ukraine war remains available at the end of the other categorized Posts.
(Just a reminder: If there is no link to a media story of interest you can still copy and paste the headline and lead line into your browser to find the article you are seeking. Hopefully this will rarely happen.)
All Things Nuclear
All Things Investigations: Episode 39 – Submarines and Gag Orders with Kevin Carroll
JD Supra
Radiation ‘a dangerous health hazard so let’s be truly informed about it,’ writes Geary
The Hill Times
Well, What Do You Know? – Inkstick Media
Inkstick Media
What do swarms of autonomous drones, facial recognition, and nuclear test site monitoring have in common? They are all things we were still … https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://inkstickmedia.com/well-what-do-you-know/&ct=ga&cd=CAEYAioUMTQ0MDY1NzYzMTcyMDU2NjUxNTcyGmIzYzQ4NjAyMjVlOTY1ZmM6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AOvVaw1a3YfQUX_TBp3fjnP_KZ2i
Nuclear Power
IAEA Reviews Estonia’s Nuclear Power Infrastructure Development
International Atomic Energy Agency
The plans for nuclear energy are focussed on the deployment of small modular reactors (SMR) as a solution for climate-neutral electricity production … https://www.iaea.org/…/iaea-reviews-estonias-nuclear…
Uranium Demand Hits Decade High As Nuclear Renaissance Gains Traction | OilPrice.com
Oil Price
Estonia nuclear preparations well organised, IAEA mission finds
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Nuclear War
Russia Warns China of ‘Catastrophic’ Nuclear Escalation Threat – Newsweek
Shoigu accused the West of trying to expand the war started by Vladimir Putin in Ukraine to the Asia-Pacific as he claimed that NATO countries are … https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.newsweek.com/russia-china-shoigu-nuclear-warning-1839018&ct=ga&cd=CAEYACoUMTQ0MDY1NzYzMTcyMDU2NjYxODgyGmI4Yjg2NDVhMTQ5MGZlN2Y6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AOvVaw1fBupecvNJOFUkndvsEtN6
Russia’s Shoigu accuses West of seeking to expand Ukraine war to Asia-Pacific | Reuters
America’s strategic nuclear posture review is miles off the mark | The Hill
The Hill
Nuclear Power Emergencies
Fortum coal power plant to act as reserve in emergencies – MarketScreener
FANR reviews Barakah Nuclear Power Plant progress; signs agreement with French …
… Emergency Operations Centre to test its readiness to address a nuclear emergency in cooperation with its national and international stakeholders. https://wam.ae/en/details/1395303215479
Japan P.M. Participates in Drill Assuming Serious Accident at TEPCO’s Kashiwazaki-Kariwa …
The Japan News
… nuclear power plant in Niigata Prefecture. The three-day drill, which … “A declaration of a nuclear emergency has been issued,” Kishida said. “It … https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://japannews.yomiuri.co.jp/politics/politics-government/20231029-146506/&ct=ga&cd=CAEYAioUMTQ0MDY1NzYzMTcyMDU2NjQxNTQyGmU4OTQwYmM4MWZlY2IyZjQ6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AOvVaw1OT_R2pkaFdNmKIDfNy8rs
Nuclear War Threats
Russia Warns China of ‘Catastrophic’ Nuclear Escalation Threat – Newsweek
Accusing the West of escalating the conflict in Ukraine, the Russian defense minister said there was a threat of a “military clash between nuclear … https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.newsweek.com/russia-china-shoigu-nuclear-warning-1839018&ct=ga&cd=CAEYACoUMTQ0MDY1NzYzMTcyMDU2NjUxODUyGmY2ODRlMjM4YmFjN2UzOTY6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AOvVaw1fBupecvNJOFUkndvsEtN6
OpenAI readying team to prevent AI from starting a nuclear war – Computerworld
Iran Update, October 28, 2023 | Critical Threats
Critical Threats
… War (ISW) … Nuclear Research Center is based outside of Dimona in southern Israel.[iii] Iran and its Axis of Resistance have threatened to attack … https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.criticalthreats.org/analysis/iran-update-october-28-2023&ct=ga&cd=CAEYAioUMTQ0MDY1NzYzMTcyMDU2NjUxODUyGmY2ODRlMjM4YmFjN2UzOTY6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AOvVaw0XxJpQgzQoTiBg0kYmFGOv
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Sakurajima Volcano Volcanic Ash Advisory: ERUPTED AT 20231029/1616Z FL070 EXTD N …
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Sky News” Coverage of Russia/Ukraine war:
Ukraine war latest: Putin 'ready for talks' on post-conflict settlement; Russian man arrested for 'passing secrets to Ukraine'
Ukraine war latest: Putin ‘ready for talks’ on post-conflict settlement; Russian man arrested for ‘passing secrets to

Unaware: Up in the Night

To me this tale is pretty ugly, but also fascinating in a way that makes me want to tell it all to others because I doubt that many cancer survivors talk about the mind and body changes they go through, except maybe among themselves. Or they talk about losing their hair, or their hatred of chemotherapy or radiation treatments, keeping the pain, suffering, and mental aberrations to themselves.
I certainly had no idea what was wrong with me (like writing upside down and backwards, for instance, and thinking that was okay, but irritating). I lost three pairs of hard contact lenses in just a couple of weeks, but had never lost a single lens in the previous sixty years of wearing them. I began mixing up which ones went in which eye, or whether I was taking them out in the evening or putting them in in the morning. Stuff like that!
Until I was diagnosed with cancer; I just thought I was losing my sharp mind and body weight to old age. This went on for months until I consented to a CT scan that showed the cancer. By that time I had lost the balance in my body chemistry and was unable to think coherently and was even having hallucinations before I was hospitalized — and then it all got worse.
Some of the doctors and nurses were doubtful I would or could overcome my illness, but I refused to admit I was even ill — insisting that my hallucinations and my physical health were just fine and it was the medical people who were wrong. There were two, though — one doctor and one nurse — who let me play my games and stood behind me, and I think I owe them my life because they gave me hope.
I felt I was living in two worlds, and the hallucinatory one was the the “real” one. Coming out of that belief was the most difficult decision I have ever made, and I almost didn’t. Some of the medical people know the hell I went through just to admit the actual world I lived in was the actual one. To me the second world was preferable to this one until I finally figured out that I was being badly manipulated by extremely malevolent characters that were pretending to be fun, kind, and helpful to me. And these characters were actual living breathing human beings, some of them medical professionals, some of them patients with all kinds of horrid diseases, some of them administrative employees, and some just hospital visitors. Some of them were magical people who could create and walk through doors and even rooms and whole floors at the hospital. They had me convinced that they were living in a better world than I was. Until they didn’t.
Somehow I escaped from their world, and I clearly remember every insane minute of it. In my mind it was a Mad Max thriller, and I was sure the medical care I was receiving had nothing to do with the beginning of my recovery. Often, I wasn’t even aware of the meds, equipment, and the care and even my own presence or theirs. The doctors and nurses were just little children playing with various kinds of toys.

. . . and it all goes on from there to now, including the conscious details, which were worse than any nightmares I could ever wish upon any person, including myself. I still occasionally have remnants of the memories.

This moniker (Unaware) seems to fit the early days of my cancer — not knowing how long I had it before it was diagnosed., ignoring the possibility, ignoring my Oncologist’s phone calls, and denying it even as I was in the Emergency Room in the process of being examined and admitted. So one could say that I was at first unaware, and then “up in the night” for thinking so when all the evidence was against me. llolloll! 🙃
But part of my refusal to give in to the very idea that I could have cancer probably went a very long way toward my eventual decision to never give in to the disease, no matter what! I will always believe that my resolute constitution about (much of it delusional early on) that helped considerably in my winning enough of the battles to win the war. I was fighting a rabid, mean, cruel, and vicious foe, so eventually I did everything the medical people told me to do and more.
And then there were the people like my daughter, you, Amy, and seemingly endless others, including my doctors and nurses, whose good karma and constant encouragement kept me resolute and charged up enough to move forward on the offensive every single day even though there were many days when I just wanted to lay down on the uninhabited desert sand somewhere and wait for death to come.
Thank you, for all the support and hope you gave me — especially considering your terrible life experience with the cancer-caused death of your own sister. You gave me the heart to keep on keepin’ on. Sending you love and gratitude for all that!
. . . But then there remains these dreams when I’m asleep, but I’m well enough now to know what they are, and that gives me comfort when I am awakened from them in a cold sweat.
Corrie Anne was the one who rescued me physically from my cancer stay during the first weeks of my intensive care in the hospital. She spent nearly a month helping me relocate and settle into an oddly different kind of lifestyle while I fought the cancer that was trying to consume me before I could consume it. I never could have made it through those days without her help, and for that I am uniquely indebted to her for the remainder of my days. She may not know it, but she is the most important person in my life and will no doubt remain on that pedestal for as long as we both remain alive.
Thanks to you, Any my dear, and all the others, for inspiring me to write this wild and crazy story to in turn inspire you to read, know, and understand what certain kinds of cancer can do to the human body and our mind, and, if it loses its war with you, you are proud and happy to remain alive, but you will never be the same individual who you once were.

‘Kore-Kunte: Princess of the Rockies’

Salish/Kootenai Tribal Meeting Hall in Pablo, Montana

(An excerpt from the opening chapter of the “Koré Kunté” novel and the series,  Sophy’s War: Parallel Worlds of the Moon)

(In Progress) ~ a novel by Lloyd Albert Williams

 A young Kootenai Indian princess, the lone survivor of a covert U.S. black-ops mass murder on an American Indian reservation, strikes back with angry vengeance against the authoritarian neo-fascist federal government. (Volume 6 of the Sophy’s War: The Parallel Worlds series.)


“Hello, I’m Koré-Kunté Caterain,” Kunté said, walking toward them, her baby brother’s dirty diaper and towels wadded in her hand. “I’ve seen all of you before at football or basketball games—except you.”  She smiled at a tall thin dark-complected boy who wore a warm friendly grin all his own, and she wondered why she’d never seen him before, for she surely would have noticed and remembered—her attraction to him being instant, intimate, and strong. Their eyes met with a mutual affinity that disclosed their attraction to each other and Kunte felt an erotic rush of warmth somewhere between her thighs.

“I’m Klute Cato,” the young man said amiably, his dark eyes penetrating hers so strongly that Kunte could feel their intensity. “You haven’t seen me before ‘cause I’m new here; I’m from Kalispell—between Big Fork and Kalispell, actually. If I’d seen you before we’d already know each other, that’s for sure.

“We’re here because the government took my folks’ farm, and we found a little place over here about five miles east of town. These guys told me about you, and they’d heard about the tribal meeting today, so we came here ‘cause I wanted to meet you. Would the tribe get mad if we were to eavesdrop on your meeting?  I’m awful curious about what the government’s doing to all of us, and I’ve read they’re taking the reservations and tribal lands away from the Indians. That sure doesn’t seem right, just as it didn’t seem right that they made us move off our place. My parents have owned it forever and their parents before them, and now it’s gone—just like that. I’d like to speak with your father too, afterwards, if I could—if he can spare just a few minutes for me. Maybe you could introduce him to me later. I saw your mother just now, and I see why you are so pretty.”  Klute blushed self-consciously, embarrassed by the flattering words that he couldn’t help but add as he completed his request to her.

In that moment, listening to the intense young man, Kore-Kunte fell in love for the first time in her life, the boy having captivated her in every way, but the strongest emotion she felt from him was compassion—his burning desire to do something—to help, perhaps to try to stop the unrestrained aggression of the federal government. Suddenly flustered and self-conscious. Kunte was in some unknown kind of mind-dizzying love.

Blushing, too, in concert with Klute over his compliment, she looked around for a trash can to dispose of the dirty diaper and the towels. “I’ll introduce you to my dad,” Kunte said softly, “after the meeting. Okay, Klute?”  She stuck out her hand, wanting to touch him; he took it and they shook hands politely. “Nice to meet all of you,” Kunte said, hurrying away. “I start high school this fall, so I’ll see all of you around, I guess.”  She glanced back at them, a special smile for Klute, as they all stared after her.


Kunte’s father, Chief Louis Caterain, conducted the meeting, the purpose of it to adopt a resolution to reject the U.S. government’s use of eminent domain and martial law to confiscate tribal and private lands, livestock, and other property from the people indiscriminately, and to ratify the resolution with the consent and support of the tribes. Kunte sat next to her mother, holding little Charlie on her lap, listening carefully to the proceedings, occasionally glancing back over her shoulder to her right to where Klute sat with his friends, his eyes making contact with hers every time, filling her with a deep desire to be sitting there beside him, to be his soulmate, perhaps his lover—for sure his lover, rather. She smiled at him each time and he smiled back, and her heart soared with each smile. She’d not felt this way before, and she was overcome with a kind of joy that filled her whole body with hope and peace – two emotions that had been missing from her and everyone around her for a while. She was sure the feeling was love and she didn’t want it to ever go away. In her mind she tried to will Klute to come sit by her – she could make room between herself and her mother. Looking back at him once more, she tried to send the message with her eyes, and though he grinned at her with curiosity or amused interest as if he wondered what she wanted, he stayed put where he was – sitting next to his pretty blonde friend – the one with the open button on her cutoffs., Kunte forced herself to turn her attention back to her father, listening.


“The actions of this government cannot be tolerated nor allowed to stand, and as individuals, communities, counties, states, and tribal nations, we must go on record by word and deed that we as a people will not allow such an oligarchy to dictate to us, nor will we tolerate fascism and autocratic government.

“We will set the standard for the Indian nations with a model to all – for the American people, too – and we ask that you support the proposal we will offer to you this morning. There are three main declarations in the proclamation. Simply stated they are, first, that we reject the martial law and the authority of the federal government of the United States and will no longer observe or obey those laws; two, that we will oppose by our own law and action any trespass of the United States government for any reason detrimental or contrary to the generally accepted functions of health, safety, and welfare of this sovereign nation’s people, and, three, that the Salish Kootenai and Flathead Indian Reservation is now and forever a free and independent nation, self-governing, and accepts no jurisdiction of any kind by any other government – federal, state, county, or municipal. We declare ourselves to be an autonomous, free, and independent nation and people, and shall independently and selectively choose our partners and associates in commerce, government, and all other civic, social, and spiritual affairs.”

A huge resonant cheer rose instantly from the hall, and everyone jumped to their feet to applaud and chant their agreement and approval. The community center was packed to standing room only, and the noise was instantly deafening, terrifying little Charlie, and he tugged at Kunte’s breasts, screaming and crying. She held him close to her and kissed him, rocking him in her arms, trying to comfort him.

Above the din, Kunte heard a disconcerting noise behind her and felt a cool draft, then saw her father’s eyes grow wide with surprise, then fear, then shock as he stood at the podium staring toward the back of the room. Other members of the tribal council quickly stepped toward him as if to surround him or protect him, and, Kunte turned to look toward the back of the hall where she saw with her own degree of shock and fear a dozen or more armed men dressed in black unmarked uniforms burst into the room. Bearing automatic weapons, they opened fire within the packed community hall, shooting indiscriminately, spraying their fire everywhere, waving and strafing their weapons, randomly shooting – trying to kill – everyone in the building. Around her people fell like late autumn flies, blood and flesh flying everywhere, the cheers turning to screams and the screams to moans and cries and sobs, and then to silence. Kunte’s  eyes were wild, searching, trying to find someone, anyone, to help or save.

Kunte felt the impact of bullets against her, against baby Charlie, and she saw with indescribable terror her mother’s head explode like a bomb, blood, flesh and bone flying through the air in slow motion, covering her and Charlie, and then there was nothing but a piercing pain above her left eye as she felt herself falling like she was dreaming, floating, drifting – perhaps moving on to another time and place in another world. And then there was only darkness.


When, Kunte opened her eyes, she winced with terrible pain and nearly passed out again. The left side of her head was pounding with every beat of her heart like it was being beaten on with a pickaxe, and she wasn’t sure she could see out of her left eye or even if it was there. She struggled to raise her hand to her head and felt her hair soaked in thick, sticky, blood. Suddenly she realized she was still holding Charlie in her arms, his little body pressed hard against hers, as she lay prone on her back on the floor. She knew at once that he was dead, and she wanted to scream, but she was afraid to and the pain in her head was too great to allow it anyway. She struggled to move her head toward the body next to her – the body of her mother. In horror,, Kunte saw that her mother’s face was gone, and she vomited all over herself and Charlie’s body, tears pouring from her eyes.

For a long time she lay where she was, afraid to move, listening for movement or voices or any sounds at all, but there were none. But still she waited, wondering if she was dying or if she was already dead. If she wasn’t, she wanted to be. Was she lying here bleeding to death?”  She hoped so. It was over now – her world and the world of all those around her – her father and mother and brother included – forever over for all of them. Even for Klute, she thought, the boy she’d known and loved for maybe twenty minutes.

Why was it so quiet she wondered, and what had happened to cause this god-awful mass murder?”  She recalled the men in the black uniforms with the automatic weapons and the black facemasks they wore, the black beret-style hats, the black britches bloused in black boots, the glint of hubris and hatred in their eyes. Struggling, she sat up, her head spinning, the pain insufferable, and she vomited again, still clutching Charlie’s cold body against her breasts. Kunte closed her right eye with a great painful effort and saw that her vision blurred badly, but that she could see alright with the right one open. She realized her left eye was damaged but still there. Tasting her own blood thick in her mouth, she pushed her fingers up under her matted hair near her left temple and felt the wide, deep tear in her scalp, running her fingers along it, feeling the softness of the open flesh, grimacing with the mind-wrenching pain.

She struggled to her feet, holding on to Charlie, staggered and fell to her knees, then struggled up again. She peered around in the dim light, looking for movement, listening for breathing, from any one of the hundreds of bodies in the meeting hall. There was none. Stepping over people she went to the lectern where her father lay behind it on his back, dead like everyone else. Sitting down hard on her butt next to him she began to sob and then to cry, shaking uncontrollably, squeezing Charlie harder and harder against her chest. How long she cried she didn’t know, but eventually she leaned toward her dead father and kissed his forehead, then closed his eyelids with her fingertips, fury suddenly raging in her, consuming her. She forgot about the pain and felt the rage, the overwhelming need to avenge this brutal senseless massacre.

Standing again she carried Charlie back to the remains of their mother and got down on her knees in front of her. Unbuttoning her mother’s bloody blouse, she exposed her blood-covered breasts, then lay Charlie next to her, carefully putting his lips over a nipple, adjusting his small body against his dead mother’s so he would remain in place until someone or something moved them apart. Then, Kunte stood up again and made her way over the bodies and the debris to the rear of the large room, looking for Klute. He was there, barely recognizable, his neck nearly severed by the machine-gun fire, lying on his side over the body of the girl he’d been with.

In a mindless stupor, her eyes dry now, she stared at the closed double doors from where the covert insurgents had assaulted them, murdering everyone in the building except, miraculously, her. Surely they had checked her, and believed she was dead too, or else she wouldn’t be standing here still alive. Somehow she sensed who they were – or at least who and what they represented – and her hatred was born then – a hatred that would never falter, along with a fury that would never recede for as long as she remained alive. She would dedicate the rest of her life to avenge the loss of her family and all the others who suffered the same terrible loss, and she would avenge every death in this great room. If she could somehow just escape from this place.

For several minutes she stood over Klute’s body, debating whether to open the door and go out into the parking lot, but for now it was quiet out there, and though she had no idea how long she’d been unconscious, she knew that soon people would come – law enforcement people, media people, curious people – and if she were to be discovered here she would be taken into some kind of custody, and she didn’t want that at all – could not stand for that at all. She felt for the car keys in the hip pocket of her skimpy cutoffs; they were there, and she pulled them out, clutching them in her hand, and went to the doors, pushing them open a few inches. The parking lot was full of the vehicles of the victims, and she saw two black military tanks blocking the entrances – and exits – to the lot and the community hall. Two black Humvees, or Hummers,  sat at the curb on either side of the tanks. Kunte could see two men in black uniforms sitting in each Hummer, their heads laid back against the headrests like they were sleeping or resting.

Peering out between the doors,, Kunte checked the position of her mother’s silver Durango, parked near the edge of the lot about halfway to the exit where the tanks and Hummers were parked, separated from the concentration of vehicles because she’d anticipated having to change Charlie’s diaper, so she’d parked close to the row of grass and trees between the parking lot and the street. If someone were to see her run across the lot toward the SUV, she would have no chance to escape, but if she could get there undetected she could drive over the curb across the narrow strip of lawn between the trees and the street, then drive like hell trying to distance herself from her pursuers. She knew the Hummers couldn’t keep up with the Durango – few vehicles could. But where would she go.”  She’d have to lose them quickly, for they would radio for help, and there were, no doubt, helicopters nearby, too.

Traffic, though, was flowing normally on the streets and the highway, and that gave, Kunte confidence. She knew she couldn’t go directly home, and that she couldn’t be separated or isolated from other traffic where running her down would be easy. She thought about just walking over to one of the Hummers and accosting them, trying to wrest one of their rifles from them and just blow their fucking heads off, but she knew that was foolish to even consider. She’d be dead before she got halfway there. Kunte closed the doors and made her way to the back of the hall and opened the rear door a few inches, looking out in the opposite direction.

Two more Hummers sat at the curb of the street behind the community hall where there was a delivery entrance from the street. Kunte realized they and the ones in front were blocking access to the community hall, and with all the cars sitting quietly in the parking lot it appeared that the meeting was still going on. No one would think otherwise, and she recalled how soft the sounds of machine guns had been, the screams much louder. Kunte had to get to the Durango and make a run for it, and she knew she had to do it soon, but how could she cross the parking lot without being seen?  Her head was racked with pain and she was having difficulty focusing her eyes, feeling weak, nauseous and dizzy, like she might pass out at any moment. She closed the rear door and went back to the front, unsure of what to do.

Looking out again she saw several trucks – all black with canvas-covered beds approaching the tanks. There were eight of them, and as they pulled into the street the men in the Hummers got out and walked over to the lead truck, which had stopped next to the tanks that blocked the entrance to the parking lot. “Jesus, they’re coming to get the bodies,” Kunte said aloud through her grim tightly closed lips, realizing they were going to load up the trucks with all of the dead bodies from the community hall. Knowing she had very little time now, she bolted out the double doors and ran straight for the Durango, afraid to look toward the men in the black uniforms, her legs pumping furiously, her blood-wet black hair flying out behind her where it wasn’t matted to the side of her head, the keys clenched in her bloody fist.

A hundred feet from the Durango she pressed the door-lock release on the keyring and with relief she saw or heard the door locks lift. She took a wild glance toward the trucks, tanks, and Hummers, and saw the men on the ground turn their heads in her direction, saw one of them pull a pistol from his shoulder holster and lift the barrel toward her. She felt the breeze and heard the whiz of the bullet before she heard the report of the shot, and then a second round zipped past her, but, Kunte was at the Durango. She jerked open the door and leapt in, jammed the key in the ignition, floored the accelerator as soon as the engine fired, and slammed the tires into the curb, jumped it, ran over the strip of grass between the locust trees, over the street curb and peeled off toward the highway heading south to the east-west street – directly toward where the military vehicles were parked. She saw the men running to their Hummers as she careened east on the street behind them, catching pistol shots in the metal body of the Durango. The rear window shattered, and she felt a bullet hit the backrest of her seat with a dull thud.

At the highway she ran the stoplight and turned north toward Polson, having no idea where she was going, her only thought being to run away as fast and as far as possible. She tore north through Pablo, driving in the turn lanes at 120 miles an hour by the time she passed the Kootenai/Salish community college.

Kunte turned on her flashers, the fog lamps, and headlights, and north of town in the short stretch between Pablo and Polson, she pushed the hemi to its limit, the speedometer pegged out at one hundred and forty . Beginning to wonder how she was going to avoid getting caught or killed, she knew she had to get out of sight as soon as possible and find a way to avoid being located by ground or air searches. Her head was throbbing, torturing her with every beat of her heart, and she couldn’t focus her eyes properly, her vision doubled and blurred. She puked again, all over herself, and pissed herself, too, swearing like a big-rig driver. Tears of pain and anger ran down her cheeks, further blurring her vision.



January Debut: Amy Indira Dio Ramdass UPDATE

Amy Indira Dio Ramdass

Coming Soon

“Amy’s Worlds!” on “LLAW’s Worlds!” 

Postings from Amy’s own delightful and unique Goddess Thoughts, including charming selections from her hundreds of appealing and inspiring poems published in her large book of the same name, along with short-story accounts of many of her delightful and hilariously fantastical relationships, run-ins, and the remarkably humorous reactions of her own, as well as her muse-like critical “Editor” of Amy Dio’s tales and conversations with her personal world of ancient (and often not so old) gods and goddesses, angels and fairies, of mythology and fantasy and how to this day we are influenced by the “reality” of a wonder-filled world of magic, mystery, and memories from the pantheons of the gods and goddesses from the days of yore.

Amy Dio in her garden with Aphrodite

Amy Indira Dio Ramdass is  a mythology/goddess poet and an author of mystery/romance novels, including not only her big beautiful book of “Goddess Thoughts”, but also her delightfully enchanting, but chillingly sinister, debut novel “River Bound Secret Swept”, a magical yet mysterious tome of a story, full of romance and intrigue, set in the tropical beauty of her own native Guyana, and on to Houston, Texas, and her own adopted Toronto, Ontario, Canada. She is working on her second novel, draft titled “Avatara”

Previously Published by Amy I. Ramdass. . .

Amy is a highly respected and well-followed expert on the ancient deities and pantheons of Greek and Roman philosophy and mythology.

You can find her at her own principal website at https://www.facebook.com/amy.i.ramdass

# ##

Update on Projected Progress Toward Novel Publications of Lloyd Albert Williams

This recent post on Facebook provides most recent information on the status of my novels. . . Click or press my facebook link below.)

Lloyd Albert | Facebook

A Lament to my Uncle Albert and his Lonesome Land

The Lonesome Land: Trail’s End

The End of the Trail, sculpture by James Earle Fraser (1894) The year of Albert’s birth

Note~ This poem has been modified from an original poem, “Lonesome Land”, by my uncle Albert Pendergraft (1894–1944). See the brief commentary on Albert’s life and the original composition following the poem.
(Rewritten, revised, expanded and edited by Lloyd Albert Williams.)

Dedicated to Albert and his Lonesome Land with love and hope . . .

You’re a Lonesome Land a virgin land
Beautifully exposed free and bare
You’re an untamed still wild Lonesome Land
But a proud land demanding yet fair

When I pause on some sun-blistered hill
And gaze far o’er your broad boundless range
Where the brisk restless winds never still
And swift sunlight and cloud shadows change

There’s a song in my heart and an ache
A longing indefinitely sad
With contentment that sorrow can’t take
And my troubles seem gone and I’m glad

In the night while the hours slowly pass
When the wolves wail their long lonely cry
And the wind whispers low in the grass
As the stars circle silently by

Your feminine spirit holds me fast
In a spell that cannot be undone
While the days of my lifetime shall last
You have blessed me and made me your son

Then softly to me drifts your sweet voice
When I’m so weary and far away
Faintly I hear you and I rejoice
For you are calling me home to stay

More often now I hear your calm call
While I so long but sated do roam
And my eyes fill with tears that might fall
Were it not that you’re calling me home

Your voice promises comfort and peace
When I rest on your nurturing breast
Then all my cares and sorrows shall cease
And my somnolent soul shall find rest

Give me strength till my battles are won
While along life’s lonely trails I plod
Then at last when my journey is done
Let me sleep for all time ‘neath your sod

Let my spirit roam free in your hills
And keep watch as the ages pass by
Till the clamor of humankind stills
When mere men and their follies shall die

Till the heavens and earth have grown old
And the endless dark night has drawn on
When the sun in your path has grown cold
And the days of creation are gone


(The original 1944 poem has been privately retained for posterity)

About Albert and the original poem:

Albert Pendergraft was one of my several uncles, and I was given his given name as my middle name, but I remember meeting him only once, when I was just two or three years old on the main street of Worland, Wyoming. I remember he gave my older brother and me each a silver dollar and he bought us a wagon to share.

At the time he was a ditch rider for some of Wyoming’s Big Horn River basin counties. Albert committed suicide in 1944, leaving behind a poem he called “Lonesome Land”, presumably as a self-penned epitaph, although it was written in more of a lyrical ballad kind of song-writing, repeating the title “Lonesome Land” every other line in each verse. A ditch rider’s life is a lonely life, so the original poem, or ballad, may have been generated over time by singing it along the trails he rode, which, if so, made it a much simpler poem than this recent rewritten revision, although the meaning of the original poem and a few phrases of the more memorable lines have not been changed, but all of the stanzas have been altered for length, meter and the rhyming scheme, including four new stanzas that I have added. ~llaw

Racial Ignorance is Not Bliss

Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri – 1961

When I was drafted into the U.S. Army in the spring of 1961 at age 19, I, having grown up in Wyoming, had maybe laid eyes on a black person a half dozen times in my entire life, and certainly I’d never had occasion to speak with one with the exception of a couple of black kids from Rock Springs, Wyoming, who were also involved in the state’s competitive high school sports programs.

The Army sent me to Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri, for basic training. There I met a few black recruits and got to know and befriend some of them who were assigned to the Post’s baseball team as I was, plus a couple of barracks-mates. After basic training I was sent to “Advanced Infantry Training” in Ft. Gordon, Georgia, where I found some “gung-ho” blood in me and decided I wanted to join the “Special Forces Rangers”, and was soon scheduled to be transferred to Ft. Benning for that training.

One day at Ft. Gordon I walked over to the base PX alone, entered, and saw two uniformed young black men sitting together at a table enjoying a beer. I thought about grabbing a beer and sitting down at their table with them, since the three of us were the only visitors to the PX at the moment. But then I noticed their name tags, and that they both had the same last name as I did, plainly printed in black letters on a white background on their uniform shirts. I was shocked, to say the least, and I had no idea what to do. Obviously they had seen my very rare northern British Isles’ name as well, and they were staring at me, too, probably much like I was at them. I don’t know how long the staring contest went on, but I sensed that there was no animosity between us, yet I still was at a total loss about what to do next — like introduce myself? Go grab that beer and then introduce myself? I was embarrassed beyond words at my silent and staring behavior, and eventually I just turned around and walked out of the PX, shaken beyond sensibility, realizing somewhere in my distracted mental confusion that somewhere, sometime, the heritage of my related family must have included southern American slave owners.

From the personal shame of that moment, as I came to understand later, was what it was that caused my confusion of that accidental meeting and my thoughtless decision to walk away without so much as a hand-wave or even an acknowledgement of their presence. That feeling of embarrassment over a racial issue that should never have occurred has never left me, and, given my age today, never will. But, during the long span of my life, I have always honored and appreciated all the minorities who became intertwined with me during my lifetime and all of its adventures, and many of them (black, brown, yellow, and red) became very good and close friends, even though after my military days, back in Wyoming there weren’t many of any minority to choose from. But as I moved on in life and met minorities in more motley surroundings around the country, my cordiality, comfort with, and love for minorities has never waivered.

EUSA 4th Cav Division (Korea)

It turned out that I never went to Ft. Benning because the Korean War was winding down, essentially over, and my administrative talents and other white-collar abilities, even at nineteen, where I had already worked for a couple of years at a Wyoming bank during high school and after graduation, the Army decided I was more urgently needed in Korea to specialize in the interviewing and evaluating process of rotating all kinds of Army military personnel back to posts and bases in the United States, and that after a year-long tour in Korea, I could go back to Ft. Benning if I wanted to. I never went back.

But, far more importantly, at the headquarters company of the 4th Cavalry division in Korea, I met a balding black Army administrator who I thought of in those days as my personal “Uncle Remus”, a gentle man perhaps twice my age, who constantly smoked an old bent briar-root pipe. He would eloquently fill me with a plethora of valuable axioms of life that personally benefitted me throughout my personal and professional life for years later. Every evening after work he and I would meet at the bar for a welcome beer or two, or even three, and we would discuss the world-wide subject of human life and how to bear it. I knew him, and only remember him today, as “Smitty”.

South Korea, 1961, just South of DMZ with North Korea

To this day I think Smitty was, in many ways, the best friend I’ve ever had, even though I only knew him for that one long year in South Korea, just a couple of miles south of the North Korean border. Also to this day, I know he is the only man (or woman, I believe) until now who I ever told about my thankfully short, but awkward, meeting up with two black brothers who bore my own exact surname. Smitty was the guy who made me realize and reconcile in my mind that I simply was not yet mentally prepared in my young life to understand the momentous shock of that uniquely rare and strange experience. Smitty was right. Yet, still, I wish I had had the courageous wherewithal to get that beer, another round for them, and walk over to their table, introduce myself, and have a friendly conversation. ~llaw

A Sorrowful Apologetic Word on “My Cancer Story”

This final update will be my last regarding my long-promised “Up in the Night: My Cancer Story”. It’s not going to happen! Due to potential legal problems caused by particularly unique and serious incidents and events during my hospitalization associated with certain doctors, nurses, and hospital staff that are controversial, and, in some cases, descriptions of my hallucinatory state of mind during the early stages of my cancer, I have been summarily advised by my attorney in this matter to absolutely refrain from publishing this story in any form to public, or even personal friends and any other potential readers. I certainly understand this, and will comply with my lawyer’s legal advice.

Just know that this dreadful cancer, a fibrous lymphoma-like series of tumors in my stomach lining and pelvis are long gone, and I am on a lengthy but straight and steady highway to full physical and mental recovery from the extremely debilitating affects of both the monstrous cancer and the chemotherapy, blood transfusions, and other medical treatments, not the least of which was recovering my lost memory. For a few long weeks early on, I had little or no recall of time, locations, names, or just plain reality, although I unsuccessfully insisted and pretended that I did. But I could not answer the simplest of queries when doctors asked me questions like where I was, what city or state did I live in, and the name of the U.S. president whom I had spent years writing negatively about.

All of that is behind me now, but I am sorry that I cannot divulge my full story to others, even if it could only help one other person to successfully win his or her war against this most aggressive and horrible of diseases. I am so sad and sorry my tale and its telling concluded this way. ~llaw