Opinion | How to Get Rid of Trump, Now

Two years of hell has taken its toll on our flag, our country and you and me. . .

The difficult problem of removing Trump, et al, from the White House presently lies solely on the hunched shoulders of  our elected representatives in congress. Until they are somehow persuaded to listen to the people, there is little chance of removing Trump from office unless Special Counsel Mueller and the judicial system indict him and find him guilty of his  many  atrocious felonies, and sentence him to prison.

The second possibility of booting Trump  from office via political impeachment won’t  work because the Republicans will not vote to impeach him and there are not enough Democrats to fill the Republican void. Also, there is no guarantee that impeaching Trump will result in removing him from office.

The third possibility is that Trump will resign, and that may well happen very soon. The pressure on him (that he has brought solely upon himself despite his constant whining and tweeting otherwise) is closing in around him, his foolhardy children and other sycophants, and those facts may well do him in. The incoming Democratic House of Representatives will pile subpoenas upon subpoenas of investigative hearings upon investigating hearings on him, as well as the whole complicit rest of them, until Trump simply cannot lie his way out of his corner any longer, bringing to bear immense public pressure, a burden that even Trump, with his delusional  egomaniacal mind, cannot cope with any longer.

Accordingly, in my opinion. a combination of Mueller justice, Democratic politics, and public pressure will prevail in ousting Trump, by resignation, from the presidency sometime in the first half of 2019, and Trump may very well still wind up in prison where he no doubt belongs. ~llaw (12/19/18)


The “Me Too!” Blue Wave

This political cartoon in the Reno Gazette Journal this morning did my old heart good! If the election wasn’t a high-tide blue wave for Democrats, it certainly was a tsunami of a “Me Too!” blue wave as liberal women “grabbed” congressional seats away from cowardly old Republican male incumbents who were deathly afraid of Trump.

Trump should be running scared from now on. He knows the Resistance will force him to pay the price for his white supremacy nationalism, bigotry, racism, xenophobia and misogyny ~llaw

Why the 4th Estate, the 4th Reich, and the Environment are Closely Related Crises

Apollo’s Muses. Calliope, the muse of eloquent epic poetry and writing, is under attack in today’s world. . .

Writing allows us to more precisely and eloquently express ourselves, humorously or seriously, with neutrality or prejudice, happily or angrily, or even indifferently or passionately concerning those categories of issues we like and love, or disdain and hate, The latter includes journalistic opinions concerning and considering all the current administration’s political high crimes and misdemeanors such as cronyism, conspiracies, corruption, collusion, covert crime, and perhaps treason, placing America and the world in a dangerous and desperate place that threatens our questionable culture and social fabric as people —presumably civilized human beings.

Then, too, there is Gaia’s world for us to protect and advocate for, because Mother Earth is life’s common home at a time when we humans are ravaging Her once pristine habitat to the point that we, our children, and our fauna and flora friends may soon no longer be able to survive on this human-polluted planet — and there is nowhere else to go. There are already huge ocean dead zones along the continental coastlines, particularly along America’s eastern and southern coasts and along the northern Mediterranean coast, where no sea life can survive, and obviously, environmental death is rapidly coming ashore. We all have an obligation to protect the natural environment that was gifted to us so long ago in the latter stages of creation. Yet we, the self-proclaimed intellectual ones, are demeaning, damaging, despoiling, and even destroying the only home we have. We call it progress, but it is really just mankind’s parasitic gluttony and greed. Extinction is not a pretty word, and it is sad that we continue to forever fail to learn from our mistakes of the past. When we become too much for Mother Earth to be comfortable with, She will shake off our parasitic pandemic like water off a dog.

As for the the Fourth Estate, in 1839 Edward Bulwer-Lytton declared that ”the pen is mightier than the sword.” We shall see. The 4th Estate is under an overt brutal full-frontal attack in America and other countries, and I, for one, am here to defend and help fight for the cause of freedom of speech and our First Amendment liberties.

The court of public opinion may have to be the final judge against the rise of the 4th Reich’s fascist authoritarian rampage of chaos and anarchy that could be the most serious issue to threaten the concept of a self-governing democracy and our inalienable rights and freedoms since the American Revolution. But thankfully, at least in those days, we had a few leaders with a common sense of values, and especially, a President, on our side. ~llaw

A Message to Mary Magdalene, our Lost Goddess

Mary, John, and Jesus (from Da Vinci’s ‘The Last Supper’)

Mary, I’m not sure why I love you
Or why my heart yearns so intensely
Nor what created our strange milieu
Or my soul-indulgent fantasy

But my mind is filled with thoughts of you
That consume my nights and all my days
With such hopes and dreams that shan’t come true
Since we live our lives in disparate ways

What might have been is all that I have
To comfort me in my sad despair
When with my Muse I find words to salve
My heart for mending with Wisdom’s care

Your bright eyes reveal your inner light
Illuminate your divinity
You are our lost Goddess in plain sight
Sent from Pleroma’s infinity

You are Mary of old Magdalen
Reborn through divine androgyny
Sent to awaken the souls of men
To errant ways of misogyny

Old Christian clerics rewrote the Books
Turned the secular world upside down
In order to reverse the spiritual looks
From Sophia’s smile to Yahweh’s frown

Priests stole the Texts of the Gnostic times
Perverted the role of the priestess
From goddess of love to harlot’s crimes
And scribed the myths of that god they bless

They burned those Texts and switched the places
Of women and men and life and death
They moved the holy dwelling spaces
To far distant realms beyond our breath

Those priests hid the Truths once known so well
While Yahweh with hubristic grandeur
Led the world into the depths of hell
His archons draped in unctuous splendor

Eve was impugned for Adam’s weakness
Beguiling him of the ways of life
By eating from the Tree of Gnosis
And Yahweh cursed them to lives of strife

When Jesus was sent to right the world
Bursting with our sins and corruption
He found the Truths and tried to herald
That Yahweh’s way was blind deception

Christ was forsaken and left to die
While Magdalene with love’s treasure trove
Grieved at his feet knowing the lie
That the clerics with their archons wove

They tore Hypatia the lovely mind
To pieces in the Egyptian streets
Because she told of the truth behind
The lies of the Coptic Christian priests

Our Joan of Arc the Maid of Orleans
Burned at the stake by ecclesiasts
For heresy though yet in her teens
Made a martyr for their priestly castes

Mary, I am called to help you learn
And instruct you of your destiny
To inform the World of your return
And of your gifts for humanity

Now for us all with your heart laid bare
Our Lost Goddess has arrived once more
To right the wrongs for the ones who care
To conclude this Patriarchal War

~  from your loving John, for just one more of those ten thousand lifetimes during which I shall wait for you

. . . a poem of hope by Lloyd Albert  Williams

First Women in HIstory Admitted to Acclaimed Deep Springs College

Deep Springs College 2018 freshman class includes first women in school history. 10 women and 5 men are admitted to first co-ed class.

For the first time in its 101 year history, Deep Springs college, a highly regarded, but remote and isolated junior college in eastern California, about 40 miles southeast of Bishop near the Nevada border,  has enrolled its first female students. Ten women and five men make up the new class of 2018. The  two-year school’s normal total enrollment is between 25 and 30 students. The large  number of incoming women was to provide at least a 1/3 voice in the student body, who have a significant role in the administration of the college, including student activities and discipline.

This is a great step for gender equality at a school that has spent the past seven years in litigation over whether or not women should be admitted, not to mention pressure from institutions and individuals close to the college for several years before that, including the Telluride Association, which granted (with low interest) the school $1.8 million in 1988 to remodel the main campus building, but with the covenant that it would have to repay the gift as a loan if women were not admitted by 2019. The school managed to beat the deadline by a year. Deep Springs College has had its fair share of problems over its long history, despite its shining reputation as one of the best collegiate prep colleges in the nation, as attested by its remarkable placement of graduates in the most acclaimed Ivy league schools such as Harvard, Yale and Brown, as well as Oxford, Stanford, Cal Tech, MIT, the University of Chicago, and many others, even though it is, by design, a school that is a cattle and hay ranch, and a dairy farm that provides a free education for its students for their hard labor in the pastures, fields and dairy barn.

In a 2006 article, the New Yorker had this to say, in addition to  apparent homosexuality problems, that “Every major change at Deep Springs has been opposed by the students,” said Christopher Breiseth, former college president. Deep Springs’ s all-male self-enclosure allows its students to feel wildly, hedonically free. The shock of returning to the world of social norms can be profound. In 1994, the college voted against coeducation, but the controversial subject has created a fissure in the school’s relationship with the Telluride Association, where women have been members for 45 years.”

Perhaps the reticent and grudgingly awaited arrival of women students at Deep Springs this summer will provide a new cooperative attitude between the school’s board and the student body and instructors, raising the already sterling reputation of the school to the stratosphere of highly regarded and most reputable of America’s institutions  of higher education.  ~llaw

The Immanent Takeover of America

This, the immanent takeover of America by subversion, is precisely what I have been whining about for more than three years, and my concern has only grown since then. The validity of the upcoming mid-term election scares the hell out of me, and even if the Dems gain control of the house, it may be just a Trojan Horse. The seeds of absolute fascism have been well-planted and are being nurtured with overt aplomb while we watch with our eyes wide open. ~llaw

John McCain’s Final Message to Trump

“We weaken our greatness when we confuse our patriotism with tribal rivalries that have sown resentment and hatred and violence in all the corners of the globe. We weaken it when we hide behind walls, rather than tear them down, when we doubt the power of our ideals.”

Although there was more to his farewell statement, this part  seems to be intended solely for Trump without mentioning his name, but Trump will probably say that McCain’s statement was not directed at him because he is the one bringing the people together. But, regardless, he will ignore the message. ~llaw


Cathedral Rock near Senator McCain’s ranch in Sedona, Arizona

Senator McCain was a brave military officer and just as brave as a United States Senator, one of few during his career where he served our country for thirty-six years. He not only had the courage to take on his GOP contemporaries, but also often reach across the aisle to work with Democrats on important critical legislation. America could use more men like John McCain. ~llaw

Singing in the Rain? In the Desert?

I feel like singing in the rain tomorrow, but since it won’t rain,
I’ll just have to sing in the sunshine!

Could it be that Mueller is After Them All?