LAW’s ‘All Things Nuclear’ #444 (11/08/2023)
“End Nuclear Insanity Before Nuclear Insanity Ends Humanity”

NOV 8, 2023
One more evening and new (although most of the old are new too) especially to new readers who never saw or read those that were only available to Facebook faithful. So, as I’ve mentioned before, I will occasionally pick an older Post to points that have been made over the last year-plus that are important to the future of all life on planet Earth. But I have added my feelings about a Forbes article today . . .
This Post was short and intense – letting the images do the inferred “talking”. I well know those long roads to the uranium mines in Wyoming and other western states. I began my career in the uranium and nuclear industry at a mine called the Lucky Mc Mine in central Wyoming in the 1960s as an accountant for the San Francisco based company. I remained in the company’s uranium and other enterprises into the early 1980s. The 3-Mile Island nuclear accident prompted me to ‘escape’ from the nuclear business, realizing that the ‘stuff’ we were selling all over the world was immanently dangerous.
Over the years I have learned just how lethal “All Things Nuclear” are, and yet I see ridiculous stories in tonight’s media news from Forbes, with propaganda direct from the industry that headlines with How Policy Saved America’s Nuclear Power Plants, and leads on with this line. “Federal and state policy kept America’s nuclear power plants online to preserve clean energy supplies and prevent emissions increases and . . . I have to admit I laughed derisively at the opening to this article (and of course I will not read it because it is pure industry propaganda from the industry. Nuclear power plants do not produced ‘clean’ energy, and they are proud owners of the dirtiest and most toxic waste on the planet that they know what to do with except to dump it in the ocean. Oh, yes, it is ‘treated’, but what will happen when the ‘treatment’ wears off? And we haven’t even mentioned the words “meltdown” or “nuclear war” yet. ~llaw
Shared with the Public on June 8th, 2023 . . .
Uranium and its products of nuclear weapons and nuclear power is the road to Nowhere – a desolate world that looks something like this lonely road to the first step and the last step to desolation and annihilation.
Stop nuclear insanity before nuclear insanity stops humanity! ~llaw

All reactions:
14 You, Michelle UluOla, Deborah Hart Yemm and 11 others
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A current Digest of major nuclear media headlines with automated inks is listed below by nuclear Category. There are no Yellowstone Caldera stories available in this Post. The latest Sky News coverage of the Russia/Ukraine war is available at the end of the other categorized Posts.
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All Things Nuclear
Science is Everywhere camps at the National Museum of Nuclear Science and History – YouTube
13 Things from the 1970s, Kids Today Will Never Understand! … all of us’ I See the full speech. MSNBC New 1M views · 6:10 · Go to channel · A Recipe …
Feds come to Kemmerer to explain the permitting process for proposed nuclear plant
Wyoming Public Media
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is an independent federal agency that oversees all things nuclear, like the TerraPower project near Kemmerer.
Holtec plans to build new nuclear reactors at its energy plants — but not at Pilgrim, for now
All Things Considered · Podcasts …more programs · The Point · News Roundup … Holtec and other supporters contend that nuclear energy can be safe and …
Nuclear Power
How Policy Saved America’s Nuclear Power Plants – Forbes
Federal and state policy kept America’s nuclear power plants online to preserve clean energy supplies and prevent emissions increases as …
Should Texas Build More Nuclear Power Plants?
Texas Monthly
Even if nuclear takes off, it will be years before it catches up to the contributions of natural gas, or even wind power, to the state’s energy mix. “ …
Ukraine war live updates: Russia claims Kyiv attacked 3 nuclear power plants – CNBC
Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev claimed Wednesday that Ukraine tried to attack three nuclear power plants.
Nuclear War
Kremlin says nuclear arms dialogue with US is necessary but not ready to be lectured
After fears of a nuclear war were triggered by the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, the United States and the Soviet Union sought to slow the arms race with …
Ukraine war live updates: Russia claims Kyiv attacked 3 nuclear power plants – CNBC
Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev claimed Wednesday that Ukraine tried to attack three nuclear power plants.
Why a Russian nuclear expert thinks the Doomsday Clock should move away from midnight
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 brought the nuclear risk to an entirely new level. From the very first day of the war, Russia …
Nuclear Power Emergencies
Indian Point nuclear plant to conduct emergency siren test – News 12 – Westchester
News 12 – Westchester
The Indian Point nuclear power plant will be conducting a test of its emergency siren system this evening. All 172 sirens are scheduled to emit at …
My experience of the nuclear industry so far – IMechE
… energy mix, particularly considering the current climate emergency. I strongly believe that nuclear power will be needed to power tomorrow, along …
Nuclear War Threats
ARTHUR CYR: The Continuing Threat of Nuclear Weapons | Opinion |
Jackson Progress-Argus
Military threats are not only external. In early 1961, President Eisenhower closed his Farewell Address by warning of the dangers of our massive arms …
Why a Russian nuclear expert thinks the Doomsday Clock should move away from midnight
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
… nuclear threats that has been reaffirmed this year, a Russia nuclear expert argues … nuclear war cannot be won therefore must not be fought. But …
Preventing AI Nuclear Armageddon by Melissa Parke – Project Syndicate
Project Syndicate
… nuclear threats. And UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak did not mention the acute threat posed by nuclear-weapons-related AI applications at all, even …
The latest Sky News coverage of the Russia/Ukraine war”:
Key points
- EU officially recommends launch of Ukraine membership talks when ‘outstanding conditions met’ View post
- Adam Parsons analysis: Ukraine moves closer to EU embrace – but still faces many hurdles View post
- How Ukrainian forces could ‘create problems’ for Russia over winter, according to military analyst Michael Clarke View post
- Ukraine spy agency behind car bombing that killed Russian-backed politician View post
- Russian milblogger issues warning over Moscow’s prospects in war View post
- Philip Ingram analysis:Who is winning the war? View post
- Your questions answered:How bad are sanctions making life for ordinary Russians? View post