“End Nuclear Insanity Before Nuclear Insanity Ends Humanity”

About 1983’s movie “The Day After” and how a nuclear war would affect the average public citizen from their normal lives before, some about their lives during, and a little about their lives after. As the filmmakers said at the end of the movie, they felt their depiction of nuclear war was likely less harrowing, less difficult, less problematic, less destructive, and less painful in all-life threatening ways than portrayed in the film — indicating that the real thing would be even more horrible to bear than shown. I would agree, but still it was horrendous enough to force everyday citizens to seriously consider what would happen in an actual nuclear war.
By today’s potential WWIII standards, and considering the number and power of today’s weapons of mass destruction, and instead of two countries involved as portrayed in the movie, there could be eight primary countries as well as their allied countries facing the worst of war, too.
And then there are today’s ‘sitting duck’ nuclear power plants spread around the globe that these days are also considered by major countries and their political and military leaders to be an attacked country’s gift to help destroy themselves — what I call a ‘two-fer-one’ weapon of mass destruction. The Russia/Ukraine war has shown exactly how that could happen, and since that war remains ongoing, it could still actually happen because Ukraine has four huge and powerful nuclear plants with 15 nuclear reactors, ranking that country 7th in the world in commercial nuclear power. Of course the USA is far and away the country with the most reactors and plants.
Should Russia nuke all four of the Ukraine plants (or even one) WWIII would begin immediately. This scenario clearly tells us how all nuclear power plants just like ‘all other things nuclear’, including all uranium fuel, must be removed from existence on this planet in order for humans and other life to survive . . . In an all-out nuclear war, their are no survivors, much less a winning country.
So, if you did not watch that film last night and still would like to get a watered-down version of the reality of nuclear war and what it does to human society, I have added the You Tube link you can copy for your convenience again tonight, but don’t forget today’s number one categorized world news, as always, is on down this Post for you to read and personally selected articles of interest . . . ~llaw
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A current Digest of major nuclear media headlines with automated links is listed below by nuclear Category. There are no Yellowstone Caldera bonus stories available in this Post. If a category heading does not appear, it means there was no news reported from this category today.
(Just a reminder: When linked, the access to the media story will be underlined. If there is no link to a media story of interest you can still copy and paste the headline and lead line into your browser to find the article you are seeking. Hopefully this will never happen.)
All Things Nuclear
Portland nuclear power startup NuScale hit with investor lawsuit – OPB
Oregon Public Broadcasting
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What Would It Mean to ‘Absorb’ a Nuclear Attack? – Scientific American
Scientific American
… things, the consequences of nuclear war. Weber: Frank served as … By clicking “Accept All Cookies”, you agree to the storing of cookies on your …
IAEA head says the barring of several nuclear inspectors by Iran is a ‘serious blow’ to monitoring
Fox 59
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Nuclear Power
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Bruce Power is to launch a Request for Information to evaluate potential new nuclear technologies as part of its preliminary engagement and …
Going nuclear: How Asia is leading the zero-emission power push – Bangkok Post
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BEIJING – Nuclear power is making a global comeback as governments plan for long-term energy security amid inflated fossil fuel prices and growing …
Nuclear War
Hamas-Israel war: In Israel, inadvertent confirmation of its nuclear arsenal – WION
… nuclear strike in the war against Hamas. Heritage Minister Amihay Eliyahu, a member of a far-right party in the government coalition, was …
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While climate change tops headlines, insufficient attention is paid to the fallout from nuclear war. Here is why both should be addressed.
Second depth gauge saved UK Vanguard nuclear sub diving dangerously low, defense minister says
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That figure rises to over £820 million ($1 billion) when other supporting nuclear … First anniversary of the Russia – Ukraine war in Taipei · An Asia …
Nuclear Power Emergencies
Biden Declares Emergency over Lead in Water in U.S. Virgin Islands | Manufacturing.net
… nuclear power plant, damaged by a massive March 11, 2011, · Safety · 3rd Release of Treated Water from Damaged Fukushima Nuclear Plant Ends Safely.
Nuclear War Threats
The ever-present threat of a nuclear war – MSN
The ever-present threat of a nuclear war. Zeleb.es. Posted … nuclear threats followed, the world started talking about the probability of nuclear war.
Which will happen first continued: The threat of nuclear war – The Sun Nigeria
The Sun Nigeria
Which will happen first continued: The threat of nuclear war. 23rd … threats or territorial ambitions. Nuclear-capable nations are now spread …
Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, November 22, 2023 | Critical Threats
Critical Threats
… threats to the beginning of Putin’s still unannounced presidential campaign. … war. Russian milbloggers have recently begun to complain about the …
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