”End Nuclear Insanity Before Nuclear Insanity Ends Humanity”

DEC 30, 2023
I believe that today was the first day in the 496 consecutive nights I have been posting the world’s news that there was not a single media story of useable merit in the “Nuclear War Threats” category. I will take this for what it is — nothing! But still an entire day without chest-pounding fear-tactic threats full of obvious lies from not one single nuclear-empowered nation in the entire world? llolloll!
That’s hard to believe — especially when there remains only tonight and tomorrow night to get that important “last word” in before we wake up to a brand new year of “I told you so’s”. We can use tomorrow night’s “Nuclear War Threats” final day of 2023 to see what countries are the most ‘diligent’ about threatening us with their phony drum-beating final tribal message to all of us to “prove” that they, by god, are serious.
This would be a fun betting game for those of us who like to make a friendly bet now and then. For my money, I’ll take North Korea. Who’s your pick? ~llaw
There are 5 categories (plus a bonus category at the end for news about the Yellowstone caldera and others that also play an important role in humanity’s lives) as do ‘all things nuclear’ for you to pick from, usually with up to 3 linked most important media stories in each category, but sometimes fewer and occasionally even none. The Categories are listed below in their usual appearing order:
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- All Things Nuclear
- Nuclear Power
- Nuclear War
- Nuclear Power Emergencies
- Nuclear War Threats
- Yellowstone Caldera(There are 2 Yellowstone Caldera bonus story available in tonight’s Post.)
Whenever there is an underlined link to a Category media news story, if you press or click on the link provided, you no longer have to cut and paste to your web browser, since this Post’s link will take you directly to the article in your browser.
A current Digest of major nuclear media headlines with automated links is listed below by nuclear Category (per above). There are two Yellowstone Caldera bonus story available at the end of this Post. If a category heading does not appear, it means there was no news reported from this category today.
(Just a reminder: When linked, the access to the media story will be underlined. If there is no link to a media story of interest you can still copy and paste the headline and lead line into your browser to find the article you are seeking. Hopefully this will never happen.)
All Things Nuclear
Air Force said its nuclear missile silos were safe, but dangers lurked
Air Force Times
The AP is solely responsible for all content. About Tara Copp, AP. Tara Copp is a Pentagon correspondent for the Associated Press. She was previously …
The Air Force Said its Nuclear Missile Capsules Were Safe. But Toxins Lurked, Documents Show
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North Korea says it is preparing for war with the U.S. – KUNR
So everything dealing with North Korea’s nuclear program going forward is going to be that much harder. And the real challenge here is, how do you …
Nuclear Power
South Carolina nuclear plant’s cracked pipes get downgraded warning from officials
ABC News
… nuclear power safety at the Union of Concerned Scientists. The changes from Dominion Energy seem to be “pencil-sharpening exercises that make a …
South Carolina nuclear plant’s warning from nuclear officials – The Intermountain
The Intermountain
NRC Region II Administrator Laura Dudes said in a statement. The plant runs pressurized water heated by uranium fuel through a steam generator. A …
Warning downgraded for S.C. nuclear plant’s cracked pipes – WRDW.com
The plant runs …
Nuclear War
North Korea says it is preparing for war with the U.S. | 90.5 WESA
90.5 WESA
The increase in, you know, nuclear consultation – the things that are going on with that, the North Koreans consider to be practicing war and that …
To counter China, US revamps second world war-era Pacific airfield that launched nuclear …
South China Morning Post
To counter China, US revamps second world war-era Pacific airfield that launched nuclear bombings of Japan. Beijing’s growing influence in the …
Hundreds of Air Force nuclear missile workers have cancer, documents show
LiveNOW from FOX
Survival expert shares tips on how to prepare and survive a nuclear attack. There has been an uptick in fear about a possible nuclear war with …
Nuclear Power Emergencies
South Carolina nuclear plant’s warning from nuclear officials – The Intermountain
The Intermountain
… emergency fuel line at a South Carolina nuclear plant northwest of the state capital. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission downgraded its …
North Dakota Governor Declares Emergency for Ice Storm That Left Thousands Without Power | NTD
NTD News
BISMARCK, N.D.—North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum on Friday declared a statewide emergency in response to an ice storm that felled power lines, …
North Dakota governor declares emergency for ice storm that left thousands without power
Caledonian Record
North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum has declared a statewide emergency because of an ice storm that felled power poles and lines, leaving more than …
Yellowstone Caldera
Yellowstone River streamflow gage one of oldest in the United States – Billings Gazette
Billings Gazette
Yellowstone Caldera Chronicles is a weekly column written by scientists and collaborators of the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory. This week’s …
Joe Soucheray: Are we headed for another ‘Year Without Winter’? It’s too soon to tell
Pioneer Press
The Yellowstone caldera blowing up would result in a climate crisis, but that wouldn’t be man-made now, would it? According to the Minnesota …