The difficult problem of removing Trump, et al, from the White House presently lies solely on the hunched shoulders of our elected representatives in congress. Until they are somehow persuaded to listen to the people, there is little chance of removing Trump from office unless Special Counsel Mueller and the judicial system indict him and find him guilty of his many atrocious felonies, and sentence him to prison.
The second possibility of booting Trump from office via political impeachment won’t work because the Republicans will not vote to impeach him and there are not enough Democrats to fill the Republican void. Also, there is no guarantee that impeaching Trump will result in removing him from office.
The third possibility is that Trump will resign, and that may well happen very soon. The pressure on him (that he has brought solely upon himself despite his constant whining and tweeting otherwise) is closing in around him, his foolhardy children and other sycophants, and those facts may well do him in. The incoming Democratic House of Representatives will pile subpoenas upon subpoenas of investigative hearings upon investigating hearings on him, as well as the whole complicit rest of them, until Trump simply cannot lie his way out of his corner any longer, bringing to bear immense public pressure, a burden that even Trump, with his delusional egomaniacal mind, cannot cope with any longer.
Accordingly, in my opinion. a combination of Mueller justice, Democratic politics, and public pressure will prevail in ousting Trump, by resignation, from the presidency sometime in the first half of 2019, and Trump may very well still wind up in prison where he no doubt belongs. ~llaw (12/19/18)