Writing allows us to more precisely and eloquently express ourselves, humorously or seriously, with neutrality or prejudice, happily or angrily, or even indifferently or passionately concerning those categories of issues we like and love, or disdain and hate, The latter includes journalistic opinions concerning and considering all the current administration’s political high crimes and misdemeanors such as cronyism, conspiracies, corruption, collusion, covert crime, and perhaps treason, placing America and the world in a dangerous and desperate place that threatens our questionable culture and social fabric as people —presumably civilized human beings.
Then, too, there is Gaia’s world for us to protect and advocate for, because Mother Earth is life’s common home at a time when we humans are ravaging Her once pristine habitat to the point that we, our children, and our fauna and flora friends may soon no longer be able to survive on this human-polluted planet — and there is nowhere else to go. There are already huge ocean dead zones along the continental coastlines, particularly along America’s eastern and southern coasts and along the northern Mediterranean coast, where no sea life can survive, and obviously, environmental death is rapidly coming ashore. We all have an obligation to protect the natural environment that was gifted to us so long ago in the latter stages of creation. Yet we, the self-proclaimed intellectual ones, are demeaning, damaging, despoiling, and even destroying the only home we have. We call it progress, but it is really just mankind’s parasitic gluttony and greed. Extinction is not a pretty word, and it is sad that we continue to forever fail to learn from our mistakes of the past. When we become too much for Mother Earth to be comfortable with, She will shake off our parasitic pandemic like water off a dog.
As for the the Fourth Estate, in 1839 Edward Bulwer-Lytton declared that ”the pen is mightier than the sword.” We shall see. The 4th Estate is under an overt brutal full-frontal attack in America and other countries, and I, for one, am here to defend and help fight for the cause of freedom of speech and our First Amendment liberties.
The court of public opinion may have to be the final judge against the rise of the 4th Reich’s fascist authoritarian rampage of chaos and anarchy that could be the most serious issue to threaten the concept of a self-governing democracy and our inalienable rights and freedoms since the American Revolution. But thankfully, at least in those days, we had a few leaders with a common sense of values, and especially, a President, on our side. ~llaw