Democrats Shooting Themselves in Foot Over Trump Impeachment

The House Democrats are being far too polite, patient and subservient toward Trump’s, Barr’s, and McConnell’s gaslighting and stonewalling over the Mueller Report and the White House’s blanket refusal to honor subpoenas, court orders, our Constitution, and the “Rule of Law”, which makes the Dems look tentative and unsure of their Constitutional mandate to defend America against autocratic tyrants like TraitorTrump and his imperialist master Putin.

You and I may understand the Democrat’s caution and patience, but the general public and voter looks at their procrastination and apparent lack of anger or urgency, including hesitant use of their new-found power from the 2018 election’s political mandate to rapidly ameliorate a bad situation, as essentially offering credence to Trump’s claim of a ‘witchhunt’.

Then too, every day lost by following this courteous protocol and court procedures that would be proper during normal times with a normal president is critical in dealing with this dangerous criminal Trumpian organization that, for now at least, serves as anoter propaganda weapon for Trump and his mob, including Fox News and their right-wing conspiratorial affiliates, Russian cyber attacks, and the complicit GOP.

The mainstream media is only just now beginning to realize that these are not normal times, and they, too, will soon react negatively, adding more fire to the argument against the Dem’s perceived lack of concern and aggression to diligently expedite official impeachment investigations, charges, and proceedings, making it even more difficult, if not impossible to sway enough GOP senators to vote to impeach Trump.

Congressional Democrats cannot continue to bow to Barr’s and Trump’s feigned authority any longer or our government “by and for the people” will soon be nothing more than a sad and distant memory. ~llaw

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